So...we over did it (infection in her incision)

And by "we" I totally mean Khloe!!!! She has an infection in her incision. My poor baby is back in the crate and on an antibiotic.
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Yeeeeeeeah... it happens. The problem with spays and invasive neuters is the pup almost always acts like nothing happened the day after surgery. :roll: I had a pup that got a fluid filled bump near the incision site, like a hemotoma... it had pink fluid in it (aspirated). It was caused by too much activity.

So... when we have a spay done, she is confined for 10 days with brief walks only outside to potty (always on a leash), then back in the crate. No flights of stairs, no jumping up on furniture. A leash and collar are put on the pup before she leaves the crate and only taken off when put back in the crate. If we're sitting around, she of course can be with us. If she gets too rambunctious, it's back in the crate. After the 10 days, they're gradually allowed to work their way back into normal play. Crates are not a bad thing, just another tool when used properly. Mine all loved their crates but we take them down by 6-7 months of age. Poor babies :lol:

You're baby will get through this too. :D
Not neccessarily from over doing it.
Infection isn't really related to activity. She could have gotten it from laying on the floor, ground, anything like that. Even from the vet's office and been brewing since then. (I'm a nurse, >20 years as a surgical nurse)

However, infection messes with wound healing, so she does need to limit activity now. It (infection) will delay her healing until the infection clears and the incision can start healing.
The infection was not likely caused by overdoing it. She picked up some bacteria somewhere and it made its way into the incision area. It could have been in the carpet, on the couch, or in her crate, or anywhere. She could have picked it up at the vet's office on the way out the door. You never know.

Now she will need to rest and take the drugs, but once they kick in you'll see an almost immediate imporovement.

A few weeks ago our Hudson had a toenail injury, requiring its removal. He was bandaged and on amoxicillin. We kept the bandages dry and clean, returned every three days to have them changed, and he still got a horrible staph infection. The vet figures he picked up the staph at the time of the initial accident or right around then. Bandages were to avoid him picking up any nasty bacteria, but it was already there and flourished. It was horribly infected and nasty. He cleaned it out, changed to a better antibiotic for staph, and within 24 hours Hudson was on the mend. He was back to his old self.

So sorry your girl is feeling poorly. It's so hard when they're under the weather. She'll be fine in no time. Send her a hug from me and some sloppy wet kisses from my sheepie boys.

I hope she is back to her old self soon.
Poor puppy... :(
Whoops! I was going by the title of the thread. :oops: "So...we over did it"
Is she licking the wound or do you have a lampshade for her?

I'd put the girls in tshirts, DH wears tall, and put holes down by the hem thus making a doggie romper. Kept their tongue away from the inscision w/o a lampshade.

As said above, it may not be from activity. Could be contamination at the vet'
Don't feel bad. I had that happen with a bitch I had spayed as well. Took four weeks till she was cleared for normal activitity. We were both going nuts. Hang in there.

Yep, live and learn!
She will be fine and we all make oopsies :oops:
She will be fine!
It happens, no ones fault, just make sure she is not licking the area to inflame it more, if you dont want to use a cone, e-collar etc then pop a t-shirt over her to deny her licky licks of that area, especially if you are not there to watch her.

She'll clear up soon, just keep an eye on her to make sure she is not getting to that area at all, there amazing when alone (can be sneaky 8) ) :lol: they can and do try as it is settling down, the infection, it can become itchy and annoying for them so keep a watch little madam is not having a licky lick fest there while all is settling down now. :wink: Also watch for any redness around any of the sutures and also non are drying up and pulling tight and causing dis-comfort. I had that happen with one of mine, a stich too tight causing inflammation and discomfort so that one had to come out early. So just check her each day to see the incision site and all is looking OK and normal.

Your sweetie will be OK. :D
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