Dog Park Etiquette: What Would You Do?

When we go to the dog park Henry loves to chase other dogs. He will get another dog going, chase it, and never want to stop. Often the other dog will stop running and in an effort to get him going again Henry will bark in the other dog's ear. Sometimes the other dog seems to be play teasing: bowing down on its front legs, tail wagging, ears forward. The other dog will run a bit, stop and repeat the teasing play. The other dogs are not frightened or intimidated by Henry. Indeed after separating the dogs to calm the barking, the other dogs come running back to resume the play.

Here's the problem: on 2 occasions the owners were very unhappy about Henry's barking. Now I know that a sheepdog bark is enough to drive you insane, but this was a dog park and Henry is not the only dog that barks. In both cases they left the park due to tHenry's barking. The one yesterday said he did not want his dog to learn to play that way (his dog never made a sound.)

Should I ignore the owners who have happy dogs but are annoyed by Henry or should Henry and I be the ones leaving the park? Separating the dogs doesn't work, either Henry or the other dog go back to playing and Henry starts barking again.

What would you do?
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Poor Henry :( He's just trying to have fun :D Those other people :evil: belong on an island. We don't live near a dog park but if we did I would expect to hear....barking. I wonder if when their children were small they objected to them being noisy and having fun. I don't have any advice but I do think you and Henry have evey right to be there.

To Henry-those people are just jealous because everyone knows sheepie boys are so handsome :D
That is a very good question. I think I would just ignore them. Dogs bark. It is a park for dogs. Now some dogs bark is a warning to back off but at the park you can always tell the barks thant aren't play and the dogs that are aggressive.

Lucy does a similar thing. However, instead of barking she mouths them. She doesn't do it hard but it looks really bad to some owners and she always seems to like the little dogs. If they aren't real familiar with animal behavior it looks bad. I am trying to teach her "no mouth" but it doesn't always work. It is her herding instinct that is coming out. The other thing she does is when two dogs get into a fight she will get in the middle and break it up. That also looks bad to someone who isn't really paying close attention. What do you do?
It's a DOG PARK! It's where dogs go to play for crying out loud. Those other people should not take their dogs there if they don't want their dogs to socialize like dogs. Like people, all dog personalities are different. Henry isn't going to scar some other dog by barking at him a little bit. Clyde does the same thing to our other dog and she has never picked the same habit up.

Is it just the one owner that has the problem? You do have every right to be there because, you're right, there's no way you have the only barking dog!
I agree, it is a dog park. Where ALL dogs are allowed to run around and play. As long as there isn't any bad behavior (agressive) the dogs should be able to be what they are. They can figure it out without any humans! Is it possible to not go when the "non-dog" people are there? Can dogs really teach other dogs to bark? Never really thought about this...I thought is was in the breed.
Personally, I would just ignore them...I think they need training :P !
Butter,you should post some Clyde pictures he's so cute. Are there any dog parks near you?
They should all meet my Mollie. She can bark non-stop at the dog behind our house. She is a rescue OES from Arkansas. Now, when I take her for walks and other dogs are barking at her you don't hear a peep out of her. She only does this behavior in her own yard.

Does Henry bark on his home turf? I have a new OES puppy 15 weeks old and Mollie and the puppy play and they both mouth each other. The puppy knows when she has had enough playing around. I assume all dogs know when another dog is serious or just playing around.

I wouldn't worry about the other owners. If they can't stand the bark they need to stay out of the park. :D

Are you attending the picnic in Philly? I'm looking forward to meeting everyone. I only hope that Mollie doesn't bark in the hotel room! She really doesn't bark in the house, so I'm hoping that she won't in the hotel room.
Daisy is a barker but only when she's home downstate. There she'll bark at anyone who has the nerve to drive down our street. When she's up north she's very quiet, she'll lay in the yard and watch the deer eat and not make a sound. The funny thing is the deer watch her and don't run off.
The only thing that makes her stop is when my husband tells her he's going to call the FBI. Why that shuts her up is beyond me.
bestdogsx4 wrote:
Daisy is a barker but only when she's home downstate. There she'll bark at anyone who has the nerve to drive down our street. When she's up north she's very quiet, she'll lay in the yard and watch the deer eat and not make a sound. The funny thing is the deer watch her and don't run off.
The only thing that makes her stop is when my husband tells her he's going to call the FBI. Why that shuts her up is beyond me.

:lol: :lol: :lol:
Ok - now that I'm done laughing! :D

I would say that if they are so upset by your dog barking - then they have every right to leave. Just because your dog barks doesn't mean you have to leave!

I could understand if your dog was aggressive and hurting/biting the other dogs - then yes - maybe you should leave. But he's just barking! It's no big deal! :lol: Dogs bark!

P.S. OES are so funny at dog parks! :lol: I love watching them herd the other dogs. :lol:
What is wrong with people. It's a dog park and Henry is playing.
He is not hurting any of the dogs and the other dogs seem to be having fun. I would ignore it. If the other people don't like it they can leave.
Henry is doing nothing wrong. Don't these people see that their dogs are having fun. Some people are so uptight.
I would also tell the annoyed people that some dog breeds bark more than others, it's part of their instinct. Those people need to chill. As long as Henry isn't acting aggressive or trying to dominantly hump another dog then he's fine. I feel bad for those people's dogs, what a fun (not) life they must be leading....
I don't know how my girl Dancer would be in a situation like that. I've taken her right into malls, into pet supply stores, through busy parking lots and parks on walks, and right down the main street when our town holds a farmers market every Saturday in the warm months. She's fine in all those situations, but she barks like crazy when someone comes to the house, or walks by it even. :roll: It drives most people nuts, so we don't have guests stop by often
When someone comes over, Sky will woof once or twice, basically a greeting. Dancer just keeps going. It's not an aggressive bark at all, it is happy and excited, she just wants to say hello it seems, but she just gets so excited about it! It took forever to teach her not to try to jump into guests arms... :roll: But I have not been able to curb her barking at people who stop by, or even walk by.
She does it to everyone. Even me, when I come home from work, but I tell her to hush and she quiets immediately. I can tell her to hush at someone else, and she doesn't even seem to hear me. When Joy and Diane came over, Dancer barked at them for over an hour. Then, when they were getting ready to leave, she stopped, and wanted to cuddle with them. Jumped right up on the couch to snuggle right into their laps. Crazy pup. LOL
If it were a ton of barking, nonstop barking, I'd tell the dog to be quiet, but dogs bark!! They're vocal just like humans.
Hi Henry's Mom,

Yikes can I relate to this post. Some of you may remember that an offleash dog park exist three blocks from my home and that from the age of 11 wks (when Merlin had all his shots) I went daily. Rain or shine I was there twice a day for an entire year and the city even made me Stewart of the dog park. It also meant Merlin, then eventually Panda were well behaved social dogs. I'd sometimes be there several times a day with either Merlin or Panda. At first bringing them both at the same time, but eventually seperately so I could watch them better.

I rarely go anymore and although I miss it, I had never experienced anything like it before. I loved it, but found that other owners whom didn't or weren't knowledgable regarding with dog behavior would gripe about the stupiest things. One of them was the barking that Merlin would do with other dogs.

In a nutshell, I asked my trainer, he's the one I've spoken to in the past that has trained dogs for the movie industry for years. Here's what he said, In doggie language, it means "Come chase me!!!!!" "Come play with me!!!' atleast to a herder like a sheepie it does. He's initiating the play.It's not agressive nor anything to worry about and although it does bother some dogs, it's the way they play. You may find telling other dog owners in advance this fact which I found made people more understanding.

I always explained that different breeds play differently, GermanShepards and Huskys do the throat grabbing thing, Boxers love to jump up on their opponents and paw (much like boxing) and Sheepies love to herd and round things up...and bark..come play with me, chase me or run and I'll chase you!!! Some people may think it's awful looking when a dog, like a GS does the throat grabbing thing but you can tell by the sounds if it's play or if it's agressive.

Barking if someone comes over to your home is a completley different thing...means...hey pack, family, ..come see...someone is here...I don't know them...come check it out.

I had one very strange fellow whom has been harrassing me to the point where I filed a police report as a result of our interaction at the dog park. I noticed him instantly when he first appeared at the park. Standing way off by himself he would literally bend down and cover his dog and shoo other dogs away. His dog was very timid and had the tail tucked between her legs. This concerned me but I never approached him as I felt in time he may come over to where the majority of us were and I could start a conversation with him. That never happened, although myself and others would wonder why he even came to an offleash dog park.

By chance, I was by myself one day and Merlin looked around for his buddies. Not seeing them he started running over to the "strange guy". The guy says.."Hey get your filthy disgusting dirty dog away from mine". I burst out laughing thinking he was joking and then realized with astonishment by the look on his face, he wasn't. Egads!!! I just shook my head and walked away, deciding to ignore his stupidity. That was the start of our interactions.

Several weeks later I saw him again at the park, this time with Merlin and a little girl and her 12 wk old puppy. Merlin and the pup were happily playing when "strange guy", comes over. Says, "Hey you want to call your dog?" Increduously, he wanted his dog to play with the pup. I responded by trying to educate him on doggie play and what's considered the norm at dog parks. You can't really pick and choose your dogs friends. I thought I was being polite and trying to be informative. Instead he starts yelling about my agressive dog...yada yada yada. I again tried to tell him what I just wrote to Henry's mom concerning different dogs play. In the meantime his Husky cross is sitting on top on the pup...grabbing it's throat. I even said, see what your dog is doing, to others it may look agressive but I know your dog is playing..that's what Huskies do when they play...My dog is a Sheepie and herds ..neither are agressive. He became angry so that it scared the little girl and she picked up her dog and went home. I then sat on the bench and didn't say anything else to him but made it clear I wasn't leaving.

Again, a few weeks now his behavior was so noticable that everyone at the dog park would comment about this person standing so far from everyone and only allowing his dog to play with puppies. I never commented on our interactions as I felt it was between him and I. I just always watched Merlin to make sure he didn't approach him. Sure enough, one day we were leaving and we pass him and he kicks at Merlin!!! It took all my reserve not to let out a slew of cuss words..I was that angry!! Instead I tried to remain calm as possible as sometimes that's makes the person even look more ridiculous..and said "If you do that again , I will call the police on you." I then left the park.

The next day I wrote down his license number in case anything further occurred. It was still my thought to ignore him. Unfortunately, he sees me doing this and in retaliation calls the Humane Society on me and reports I have vicious dogs. Oh sheesh! (Some of you may remember Shaggy and I did the educational pet talks for the same society for three years, several years ago.)

They have to respond to a call and so the fellow shows up at my house and informs me that a complaint has been filed regarding vicious dogs. Oh groaners! Luckily although I had never met the inspector, he only speaks to me for a mere five mins and said " I put absolutely no merit into what this person said", as I told him I knew exactly who made the report and why. He didn't even want to meet the dogs although I insisted. I call out Merlin whom was the best behaved boy that day and downed immediately when I told him to and sat calmly while I chatted with this inspector. He continuously told me what a well behaved and calm dog I had. Hee Hee...okay when he's alone maybe.

Then Panda's turn. Since the first day I got Panda he's never hesitated to come immediately when called. He races out the door when I opened it and runs around the inspectors truck and waits by the back door. Panda knows that when I open the door fully he runs to my van and waits until I open the cargo area to let him in. I call him back and he immediately races back full speed and sits directly in front of me. Then gives kisses to the inspector. Again, the inspector says what a well behaved dog I had. Whew!! I was more confident with Panda's behavior as with Merlin as Panda never hesitates to come even if I call him just once. That's the prerequisite in most dog parks...Your dog should be under your control and must come when called. Merlin doesn't always do that if engaged in play but we continue to work on it. Another thing that impressed the inspector is both dogs were licenced which only a small percentage of people in the city do, but if you visit an offleash dog park I'd highly recommend it as it shows responsible ownership especially if any problems occur.

The inspector told me that they get many reports of dog fighting at the offleash parks and ironically it's always the loosers of the fight, never the winners...but both dogs are equally responsible. They don't put much merit into these calls unless the dog is repeadly attacking other dogs but two dogs fighting is seen as something that may occur occasionally.

Lastly, after speaking to him for about an hour...we ended up chatting about dog behavior and dogs in general, If felt confident about the meeting. The "strange fellow" must have been really irate to see me back at the park and his retaliation was to leave a nasty note on the fence regarding me and the dogs. I wish I had seen the note as I would now have proof of his harrasment. I was only told about it from someone after the fact and it had already been torn down.

So that's where I stand at the moment...and unfortunatley since that occurred I haven't been to the dog park as often. I'm not afraid of this "weirdo" but am leery of how Panda or Merlin would react if he starts yelling at me. More importantly I'm concerned how Panda would react and it makes me angry that someone whom I don't even know causes me to give up something I really enjoyed. In the meantime I've just been going to way off places like the middle of the woods somewhere to let Panda and Merlin be able to run.

Apologies, for the long ramble ....ahhhh I feel much better now. I kinda went off topic Henry's mom as this post was in regards to you. Sorry! I just see such infantile behavior at the park regarding people and their never see things like it at a children's playground. I once told a group of people that made them burst out laughing when I said, "It's like this..if an eight month old baby you were holding starting pulling your hair, you wouldn't hand him back to the parent and're baby is soooo agressive, you have a problem!!!" Heee Heee :roll: See same thing with puppies and dogs...if only everyone would just be willing to lighten up at the dog park.

Good Luck Henry's mom and I'd continue to go and not worry about what they think. In fact, after writing this post, I've decided to take my own advice and go to the dog park. :O)

Marianne and the boys
i can empathize with all of you, walter is an extreme herder and because of other peoples reactions i dont take him to the dog park anymore. i KNOW he would never bite or sink teeth in another dog, as ive had a chance to observe him many times at the park and at daycare. ive gotten to really know and understand dog behavior from working at the daycare and i can spot an aggressive dog in the first 5 minutes of play.
its funny to see how similar certain breeds/types of dogs play. huskies play like huskies, retrievers play like retrievers, and well herdings dogs are in a category of their own.
but even within all these groups there are dogs that bark their heads off to get another dog to play with them. yes its frustrating, but theyre dogs! thats how dogs play!

i wouldnt get discouraged.. henry sounds like a good boy and it sounds like he really likes to play there and a lot of the dogs like to play with him. its not fair to take him out of that situation just because some dog owners are out of their minds.
OH boy!!some dogs owners eh?Well I can relate also because I used to take Jagger to a dog park,and boy did he love it.Jagger is a very mellow dog,and very shy at times.Well one day i took him to his usual park and this husky kept picking on him,meaning he kept nipping him,humping him,and being very aggressive.Now Jagger was running away,hiding,trying to hide behind me w/ no releif,so finally i asked the woman can you please TRY and keep your dog away from mine,seems your dog is enjoying picking on my boy.Now if jagger would have given it back to him id have no issue,but since jagger is NOT aggresive in any way i felt she needed to make an effort in keeping him away from Jagger.In which she did,she would put him on his leash,and make him sit and be good then take him off the leash and see what would happen.I thanked her making an effort,the next day the same dog was there and he was once again aggressive w/ jagger,the lady tried keeping her dog away from him but it just didnt work,so i finally said forget it i stopped going because i dont think jagger was having any fun due to this dog.i guess my point is if you seriously dont think your dog is having fun then just dont go to the park.i can take mickey because he makes everyone like him!!!LOL!!!if i was you id ask them what would you like me to do to keep my dog from barking?a muzzel is NOT the answer due to he may need to defend himself.if i was the person annoyed by barking id get a life!!!!LOL!!but if we are talking physical issues for me i just stopped,i would hate for jagger to be scared to go to a place that is supposed to be fun.
Hey Marianne,

Now that the ASPCA has cleared your dogs for behavioral issues maybe you should let Panda bite him as I'm sure they will take your word over his. :wink: Sorry to hear that the dog park has become unpleasant. What a bummer.

Lol. I was thinking the same thing. What a nut. Why does he even go there if he spends all his time sheltering his dog? Couldn't he just do that at home? I can't believe he'd try to kick your dog. You shouldn't let him take yours and your dogs' fun away. I know it may sound extreme, but since this guy sounds pretty unstable, have you considered a restraining order?
Again, a few weeks now his behavior was so noticable that everyone at the dog park would comment about this person standing so far from everyone and only allowing his dog to play with puppies. I never commented on our interactions as I felt it was between him and I. I just always watched Merlin to make sure he didn't approach him. Sure enough, one day we were leaving and we pass him and he kicks at Merlin!!! It took all my reserve not to let out a slew of cuss words..I was that angry!! Instead I tried to remain calm as possible as sometimes that's makes the person even look more ridiculous..and said "If you do that again , I will call the police on you." I then left the park.

OMIGOSH!! If anyone tried to kick my dogs, they'd end up with a bloody nose and black eye :evil:. That guy should have had to AT LEAST pay a fine, IMO.
bestdogsx4: I actually just posted a few pictures today-- if it works. I'm using a Mac so there's always a few different steps to take.

Yes, there's actually a dog park about 1/2 mile away from me in Pleasant Ridge. It's at the dead end of a street that butts up to 696. It's very nice-- wide open space, all securely fenced, free baggie dispensers for clean ups, benches, and fire hydrants and parking meters for the dogs to "use." I've just started taking Clyde and he loves it. All the owners are very nice and friendly. People come from all over. I want to take Lucy too but she's never been socialized with other dogs so I want to take her when there aren't as many people there. When Clyde and I got there today there were probably about 25 dogs-- great for him but probably too overwhelming for Lucy.
Hi Everyone,

While tempting, I'd have to decline to allow Panda or Merlin to do anything to him...our city laws are so strict regarding dog bites that there is no second chance for the dog. One bite and they are deemed vicious and put down. :cry: However, I have noticed he seems to be somewhat of a neat freak - hence the dirty disgusting filthy dog comment. He never parks his shiny black truck in the parking lot but prefers to park it 1/2 block away so as it doesn't get dirty. Now if I was really evil I would collect doggie doo and accidently let it fly from my hands one day...nyuck nyuck :twisted: Okay I wouldn't do that either, but it's wonderful to visualize....sheesh I'm becoming evil in my thoughts!

On a more serious note so offleash parks have rules of conduct which are clearly posted. This particular park doesn't as it's run by the Parks Board and not the city so the regulars had to police their own park so to speak. Meaning we bring in our own bags, pick up our own litter and inform new people of the dog rules. Here's a list of what most dog park etiquette is according to other parks in outlining areas. Vancouver has 40!!! While we out in the suberbs only have 2 designated as dog parks.

Dogs must be in owners control at all times. (Meaning your dog must come if you call it.)

All dogs must have updated shots

All dog owners must pick up their dogs waste with either bags provided or bring your own and dispose of them in the designated spot.

Females in heat not allowed.

Intact males are discouraged from attending. (There's different rules regarding this at various parks.) It's thought that it's not the intact males themselves that may be more aggresive but that other dogs are jealous and will continuously pick on that one dog.)

If your dog is aggressive, leash them up and take them home. All dog owners should have a leash available to them.

No food at all is allowed

No young children allowed unless accompanied by a parent

No bike riding, no jogging ( You'd be suprised how many silly people actually just come into this particular park to do this!! However this park I visit doesn't have signs)

Be considerate of other dog owners.

Overall, my experiences previous to the incident with the "strange man" was pretty positive. When I first attended the same group of 15 of us would find ourselves at the park. It became a close group and the dogs had established whom was dominant out of the group and all got along fairly well. Overtime, as it's one of only two parks in the burbs it became so popular that sometimes there's as many as 40 dogs. It became a bit overwhelming. I did bring Panda again after my last post and it was a nice afternoon a bit rainy so that only three dogs were in attendance and was very relaxing. Ironically, Merlin is the one who has been injured twice at the park in the year we attended. I once wrote about a wolf hybrid that attacked him repeatedly at six months even when he gave the belly up sign. He suffered a cut nose and twisted his leg as a result.

The rule of thumb supposedly is if your dog is creating problems you clip a leash on them and give them cool off ...or time out. If they continue it's time to take them home. They do eventually get the message. The down side is some owners are not responsible and will refuse to leave even if their dog is displaying aggression and you have no recourse but to leave. I wish the Parks Board would have the monies to pay someone to keep watch on the dog park but so far this is just a wish. We've already accomplished a lot in the year with better fencing and gates so it's on our wish list.

Marianne and the boys
I go to the dog park all the time so here my take, a few barks are cool and that is just saying come on lets play, but more than a short burst of barking is too much, they can have many short burst zt different times with a proper interval and that OK. When my kids play and one is extra playful sometimes it comes off as aggravating to the other kid, thats sort of like barking for more than 5 or 10 seconds, by 30 seconds to a minute or more and your dog has let his youthful exuberance overcome good manners although it may be playful, it is most likely aggravating, at least to the humans. Now that's different than barking while running during a chase game, any amount of friendly barking then is fine. Our park has a beagle that bellows as he chases it veryu funny.
Just one man's opinion and you know what thats worth.
Have fun Chris
When Remy and I started going she was super quiet, played perfectly...then she went to a farm with alot of other dogs, for 1 week, she came back with a barking for fun attitude or to stop others from playing to rough. If two dogs are playing, she gets in there and has her two cents worth. Now I don't know for sure if she saying hey you forgot about me I wanna play too...or hey you guys are getting a little too rough now break it soon as they stop wrestling she stops barking.

I don't let her carry on, after all it is annoying even to me, sheepie barks are...well LOUD. So we continue on, I find if we meet another dog, she gets to play one on one she is quiet. She also loves to chase any dogs trying to retrieve...they chase a ball, she chases the dog, it's very funny to watch.

So far the only jerks we have are the ones that don't pick up their dogs poo...I HATE that...don't they know that giradia and parvo can be contacted this way. :x
Marianne - a thought just popped into my head - how about you bite him? :twisted: Now - that's evil - but I bet they wouldn't put you down! :lol:

About the OES herding trait - Spencer used to do it to dogs at the DP too. And though I agree this is natural and all - I felt bad sometimes because he would get so intense about playing with 1 particular dog and just hound him by barking. Looking at that situation from the outside I can see how the behavior might be interpreted as aggressive. He never hurt anybody but he just got so excited that he wouldn't stop barking when the other dog stopped running.

Spence has left us now. (Long sad story.) But our new OES, Farley, is just beginning to express himself at the dog park. It will be interesting to see if he develops the same trait. I do love to see them run. He's such a big boy but fast and agile too! Farley was sort of herding a whippet the other day and gosh he looked good out there running and having fun. I love dog parks. I think they're the best thing eva! In fact - I think I have as much fun at them as the dogs do! I hope you get to a point where you can go back Marianne! :)
Marianne, never fear, you're only a 45 hour drive away from me, I'll bring my psycho burcwen to the park and she will bite the snot out of that wierd guy. Once she's done with him, he'll be so intimidated he will never bother your sheepie again!

Hey, if I'm gonna have a neurotic dog, there might as well be some bennefit, right??
Honestly Marianne, don't let that nasty man kep you from the park you and your dogs love! What a jerk. Maybe you should bite him.

I appreciate everyone's thoughts on this. I have been pulling Henry off the other dogs and making him calm down with a little time out. It works poorly but it does work a bit. If the other owners are upset, Henry won't be welcome and he really needs the park.
My dog hates being herded. At times to the point of aggressively reacting to the herder if it continues too long. I just wish herding dog owners would understand and keep their dog away from mine if they can see he is getting upset. Usually they just laugh and say that is what herders do. I hate that! I will keep my dog away from another if there is a problem and I expect the same fron others.
Mr Guest. All dogs do diff things as Marianne stated & I know this sounds a bit harsh & maybe you should not take your dog to the park. Georgi our OESD gets rucked over by a boxer & German Shep & other dogs but she has to learn to stick up for herself when she plays with other dogs & they are about the same age but she will tell them off if they get too rough but a lot of them play together & even the little ones. We started going to classes when she was very young and the best thing is that 99% of the owners are great & that reflects on the dogs
Lily does this with other dogs. Barks and herds. (Generally with labs for some reason) Theres only one other sheepie that goes to the dog park regularly and hes severly overweight and 9-10. (Ive had issues with this owner, ive posted about it before) Not many owners around here are familiar with sheepie behavior.

Lily has been called vicious before. One instance, she was running full speed ahead and looking behind her. (Which she does regularly :roll: ) She slammed into and already timid dog and rolled it. It let out a high pitched noise (not quite a yelp) and lily went into sheepie play rough mode and sat on the other dog. I felt bad because the running hit hurt the dog and the owner left with a limping dog.

She also has a tendancy to grab little dogs and pull them under her arm pit. This is how she has played with her chiweenie bestie since she was a puppy. She also plays like that with my moms little dogs. She did it to a keeshond at the dp and the owner freaked. Natually the little dog growled and bit her, it just excited lily she thought it was playing with her. There is 3 sides to the dp. Small and 2 large dog that they switch off to save the grass. Small dogs are not supposed to be in with the large dogs but they constantly are. The owner screamed nasty names at me til i left. The owner didnt know i had ritz in the car, so i just brought the wolf hybrid out til the owner left. I brought lil back out right after...she was fine playing with and charming all the other owners.
Like everything it's a balancing act unfortunately a lot of owners have a very selfish view point of the world.

For the terminally wimpy owners out there, you are the problem, the dog doesn't go to the park on it's own if it didn't like something it would avoid it.
Dogs bark...especially by other dogs. What do they expect?

Sheepies barks are awfully loud but they are what they are!
I have the very same issue with Betsy. She chases any dog that is chasing a ball and then she herds it into a direction she wants it to run, barking non-stop. Personally, I consider my dog's behavior rude. When she gets über focused in that mode, we leave. I feel like it is the courteous thing to do.

When she is running with a pack and everyone is running and barking, that's fine. But if she is focused on a single dog who was otherwise engaged playing ball, I consider her behavior an interruption. Just as I expect owners of dogs who hump, growl or have other aggressive behavior to keep their dogs under control, I keep my herding dog under control too.

If at least two other people leave when they see your dog heading in, it might be time to consider exercising your dog before she goes to the park, to take the edge off. I will also remove her for barking and spend 20 minutes doing leash work outside the park. Upon successful completion of training, she gets to return to the park for a second chance. Sometimes it works... And sometimes it doesn't!

Good luck!
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