Hudson's day just got worse and worse

So, as I shared earlier Hudson broke his nail, and it had to be removed. Now a staph infection has set in, and that took a lot of cleaning up and a change of antibiotics. He screamed through the whole thing. I still feel sick thinking about it.

The antibiotics are not making his tummy happy...but he's just got to tough it through right now. It's important he take something strong and that targets staph. He's not vomiting or anything...just out of sorts, and I'm sure his foot is still bugging him, although he is now walking on it normally again.

We're still working on our roof. He hates the noises overhead and hides in his crate when we're working...which is actually great, because crated dogs are safer anyway with all the people coming in and out of the house. He's happy to be in there, and doesn't bark all day like Rudy does. He's never happy to be crated.

So, at lunch we all came in to eat. (We had ten friends and relatives helping without pay...the least I can do is feed them well.) Hudson would not go out the back door. There were too many noises out there earlier. I guess Gordon and I missed the signs as he was hanging at the front door.

Right in front of everyone...all his friends and family...Hudson finally couldn't hold it and peed and peed and peed. One person started to scold him, but we all jumped in and stopped him. We knew it wasn't Hudson's fault. He hasn't peed in the house in at least a year and a half...maybe more.

Poor guy was so ashamed he skulked back to his crate and wouldn't even come out to see our guests when they called him so we all sat down and ate and gave him space. Eventually he did come out to see what we were all eating, and hid under the table. He got rubbed by everyone's feet, so at least there's that...but did NOT come out of hiding otherwise.

Everyone has left. There's a thunderstorm starting. He's finally resting in the TV room with us. What a bad few days that poor dog has had!
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Awww Hudson, you've had such a hard week.. I think you deserve a day at the "spa"
Awwww poor guy! Good that he has people who understand him. I hope the next few days are better. :ghug:
Even a dog has a bad day. Poor Hudson.
Aww bless him. He does need a spa day haha, what does a guy have to do to get some peace around here?!
Poor baby! Hope his paw heals quickly and that your roof gets done soon!
Oh poor Hudson. Give him a gentle quiet hug and say Summer hopes his paw gets better soon, and humans stop making too much noise. Summer says if you cant have an accidental wee when you are poorly when can you. Kisses xx
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