Projectile vomiting

This happened a few days ago.

Lee and I had just been getting over the flu (like barely being able to get out of bed) and Edgar got sick and started vomiting on and off the whole day. This wasn't normal Edgar barf, this was projectile vomiting of immense proportions. I have never seen so much vomit come out of a dog :twitch: He wouldn't touch any food all day (which is saying something for him). The next day he wasn't vomiting and was back on his food and his poop was normal so we didn't have to take him in to the vet. I was all ready for a nice big vet bill visit too. :)

After cleaning up vomit on and off all day Lee told me that he never knew dogs were so pukie. Then he wondered if it was an Old English Sheepdog thing. If Edgar doesn't get his food at a certain time every morning he will puke up yellow stomach liquid. If you feed him his dinner too early you will get the same problem really early in the morning. Sometimes it doesn't even matter, both his dinner and breakfast can be right on time, and he will still puke up yellow liquid.

Does anyone else have this problem? Are OES's stomachs more sensitive or do I just have a weird dog?
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Chewie sometimes gets messy poop from eating odd things. But, he NEVER has ever vomited in his whole life! If he ever puked I would be worried...

Hope Edgar is over whatever made him sick :!:
Oscar had this problem too, and my vet thought that his tummy was empty for too long, which caused a build up of bile. The bile upset his tummy further and made him vomit. We solved it by adding an extra feeding, pretty close to bedtime. That was over two years ago and he's never thrown up bile since.

Laurie and Oscar
We give the dogs a cookie right before bedtime. It has made a huge difference in their vomiting.
Zeke pukes up yellow bile occasionally.
I always thought he was getting a stray sheepie hair stuck in his throat thereby stimulating his gag reflex.

I'll have to see if he still does it. If so, I'll recommend a biscuit in between meals.
No projectile vomiting here but a couple of mine will vomit bile if they don't get a treat (kibble or protein) at 8-9pm and another at 1-2pm. They're fed around 5am and 5pm. If we give scheduled treats, we avoid the vomiting all together.

Panda would drink a lot of water due to I think an irritated stomach caused by a urinary acidifier... she'd then end up throwing it up. Wondering if Edgar might have tried to cool the stomach acid with a lot of water and it contributed to the forceful vomiting...

Hoping he's all done with the puking!
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