
everyone has always mentioned how often then pluck the hairs from the ears and I have been pretty good in that department, but this weekend really surprised me. Bella and I went to a family picnic and she was relaxing while everyone was out on the boat. I checked her ears and decided to pluck a little. I usually just use my fingers but have used tweezers. I didn't have any powder, but figured I could pull what I could. Well the first ear was uneventful and moved on to the other. It didn't look to bad or any different however on the second tug I pulled out this loooong gross wax clump of hair. 8O It must have been about 2 inches long :!: At first I had no idea what the thing was. I should have taken a pic but I was too grossed out. Has this happened to anyone else??? I have never been able to get all the hair out of the canal even using powder, cleaner and tweezers. Should I be able to get all that out?
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Isn't it amazing how much gunk gets in those ears? Asterisk has far waxier ears than Wendel. I clean her ears once a week, sometimes twice and it never ceases to shock me how much build up she gets.

If the hair is really hard to grasp, you may want to use ear cleaner to cut the wax on the hair. Sometimes it takes multiple attempts for me to get all the hair out of the canal. I'll make a few attempts and then I'll stop and wait till the next day or two.
huh? I've never pulled a wax plug out nor had a vet say anything about dirty wax buildup 8) Dirt, yes, plenty of ground rolling around here. Like people, I guess there are dogs who are just waxier than others.

Looking at a diagram at the vet's office, the ear canal in dogs .....after the distance big turn is surprisingly long. No wonder the plug was memorable.....it's a "long" way to the ear drum.
Yes, I've gotten a considerable chunk out of Clyde's ear like that. I live for those moments.
Yes once in one of Tiggy's ears.
I couldnt figure out where it came from. I hadnt missed cleaning or plucking her ears so it wasnt a longer interval between ear cleans than usual and why it was only one ear I cant fathom. It was a bit gross but I was kinda glad too. Better out than in for this case.
Hmm NO I've never had a huge chunk, but then I don't pluck as much as I should. Might have a go this week Ru HATES it.
Yesterday was cleanup day for some of the dogs. Trimmed 4 of the dog's toenails. I had been waiting, as I couldn't find the arm to my old grooming table.
Now that LeAnne and family are back in thier own place (but just 5 miles away in town), she has her fabulous PINK grooming table back, and I'm using the big black one. The black one has a larger surface area, but it also is the shorter one - so good for me! I had been putting off my assembly line nail trimming, as I couldn't find my arm for that table. One time I knew it was outside - as Todd had used it to hang the hummingbird feeder from it....... :x
I eventually found it upstairs in the storage room...thank goodness!
So Chewie got his nails trimmed, face trimmed up a bit (getting a bit goatish in the beard), toes reshaped and EARS PLUCKED. I hate that job - it is my squeemish thing! :oops: Plucked about half the hairs - didn't want to overdo it. The hairs were greasy, but nothing too disgusting. Then before class I bathed his whites at the Paw. :D :D Nice clean boy now :clappurple:
It must have been about 2 inches long :!: At first I had no idea what the thing was. I should have taken a pic but I was too grossed out. Has this happened to anyone else???

Oh, yeah... and I've got a picture! 8) :lol: :lol:
It was about that long but even a little chunkier and fat. Next time it happens I'll take a pic. I feel better now knowing that others have had this happen. I thought I was being a bad mom and not digging deeper into her ear canals. It makes me nervous to go any further than what I can reach with my fingers. I don't want to hurt her or turn her off to letting me do her ear cleaning.
ButtersStotch wrote:
Yes, I've gotten a considerable chunk out of Clyde's ear like that. I live for those moments.

its like peeling burned skin or popping a zit..im in on it too!
6Girls wrote:
It must have been about 2 inches long :!: At first I had no idea what the thing was. I should have taken a pic but I was too grossed out. Has this happened to anyone else???

Oh, yeah... and I've got a picture! 8) :lol: :lol:

I love you, Jaci.
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