We'd like to introduce ourselves.....

Tasker and I would like to introduce ourselves. Tasker is an 8 year old OES who is my "best buddy" and "friend". We've been together (through thick and thin) since he was 6 weeks old. He is my first OES and the most amazing animal I have ever come to love. I found this site quite by accident some time ago and have read with interest the many postings here. Tasker and I are going through "empty nest syndrome", his sister, my youngest skinkid, has grown up and gone off to college. We have decide that we need another furbaby in our family. After discussing it at great length Tasker and I have decided on a smaller breed of dog. Tasker is 90 lbs of fur and love but one big dog is enough for me to handle. We have visited others with small dogs and even had a small puppy visit us over the holidays for a couple of weeks. Tasker is truly a gentle giant and got along very well with the little tyke. He is decidedly "non alpha" and a very laid back unexcitable fella. I am interested in any advice on introducing a second furkid into the house as well as any advance warnings of problems I might encounter. "Arrival" date is 4/30 and I want to make sure that Tasker and Ty (the new puppies name) both feel loved a welcomed!! Thanks.
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Welcome to the forum, Tasker's Mom! I love your avatar! Tasker is so adorable!

My Drez is an only dog, so I can't offer any advice there. But I know what it feels like to be an "empty nester." My son graduated college last May and is now on his own in DC, and my daughter left for college in the fall. I'm expecting them both home today for Easter, and I can't wait. Still not sure I like this empty nest thing.

Looking forward to seeing pictures of Tasker!


I'm Marianne and mom to two uprights and 7 furballs - two are sheepies.
Welcome to the forum and thanks for your introduction. Feel free to comment or ask a question any time you'll find this place really friendly.

Hi Again!

You must have little Ty home now and I can't wait to hear stories and see his photos. Same goes for Tasker. How does Tasker like his new little brother? I know your life must be busy right now ..oh but what fun a puppy is!

Marianne and the boys
"Arrival" day is April 30th so we still have 2 weeks to go. I haven't been this excited since I was expecting my skin kids and they are full grown! I've been spending alot of time talking to Tasker about being a "big brother" :lol: and we also have had several friends drop by with small dogs so that I can watch him interact with a dog that is only as big as his right toe!!! So far so good, he is (as always) kind and gentle with the pups. Will of course never leave them unattended til Ty is bigger but I think we are headed in the right direction.

I do have an amusing story. Just like having a baby there is lots to do in "preparation" for a puppy. I've been buying "puppy things and getting a new crate, pen, toys etc. Not wanting Tasker to be jealous I've tried to buy him some new things too, chewies,toys and such. I bought a bed for the new pup and realized that Tasker has never had a real "bed" (he slept with me til he got too big then moved to the floor by the bed). So I bought a HUGE Tasker size bed. Tasker's Dad laughed and said after 8 years of sleeping on the floor that Tasker wouldn't know what to do with a bed. WELL HA! He was wrong. The frst night I put the bed on the floor in the bedroom and when it was bedtime told Tasker it was time for bed...... he literally LEAPPED into bed did what we now call the "bed dance", settled down for the night and has slept there every night since. It's really quite cute. He does the bed dance every night and LOVES his bed. During the day he will gather up his toys and deposit them in his bed. One night early on I made the mistake of taking his toys out of his bed at bed time. You shoulda seen the look he gave me!!!!! He then carefully picked them up and put them BACK in the bed before he settled down for the night.

Tasker knows something is up, he just isn't quite sure what!! Everything is set and ready. I took him to the vet last week just to make sure he was up to date on everything and healthy. I've already put the new pups crate next to his and the new bowls out so he can get accustomed to them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that we can adjust to the new addition without too much jealousy!!
What an exciting time!! What breed is your soon-to-be-home puppy?

I know what you mean about a bed dance. Even now being gimpy, Drez still does her bed dance every night. Steps in it, turns around and around and around, much like a cat circles it's bed, before she "harrumphs!" and settles in for the night. Too cute to watch, even at 11 years old!!

Good thing you got him the bed now, so that he feels like he has a place that's all his own when Ty comes home.

Keep us posted, and good luck! :lol:

:? not sure I should admit it here...... but my new pup is a maltese!!!! I figure this way I'll have a BIG ball of fur and a LITTLE ball of fur!!!! When I got the hankering for a new baby (mid-life "empty nest" crisis- my son is getting married in July and my daughter is in her third year of college) I considered another sheepie but decided that ONE 100 lb ball of fur was enough and started considering smaller dogs. Over the holidays my daughter brought her 7 wk old jak russell pup with her and Tasker was wonderful with him. So I started to consider REALLY small breeds. Maltese have always been my SECOND :lol: favorite dog so I thought what the heck!! After much discussion with Tasker he decided that it would be fun to be a REALLY BIG brorther :D , so the decision was made. Although it appears that with all the reading I've been doing there are many similarities in the breeds personality wise. Plus I already have LOTS of expperience dealing with a long coated dog.

Yikes silly me, I misread the post and thought your new pups arrival was March 30th - I should get more sleep I'm thinking. :oops:
Most of us on here have numerous pets and yes we talk about them as well as they are our Sheepies brothers and sisters. I have three dogs (2 are Sheepies) and 4 cats and 2 upright boys. Makes for a busy household and heh heh lack of much needed sleep. :O)

Make sure you post pics of your new arrival!

Marianne and the boys
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