bully male

Help! I am a new OES owner. My dog Charlie is one year and I have raised him from a puppy. About 6 months ago we adopted a male lab(also a year). They got alone great at first. The lab is the sweetest he can be and will not fight back, unless he feels like playing. Our OES keeps picking on him, he plays hard and attacks him with out notice. We love our OES, he has a wonderful personality and is a joy to be around. But today he crossed the line in my book. He attacked our lab, who was playing with a shoe and our OES ripped into his leg, bit down and bit on both sides almost to the bone. He hurt our lab pretty bad. I banished our OES to the porch for a hour and than let him back inside. I can't seem to stop his aggressive tendencies. He is fixed....(2 weeks ago) and our lab is fixed. They get along good most of the time, but our lab won't run and play with him anymore because he is very fearful of Charlie, the larger Charlie grows the less the lab will play with him. We don't know what to do because we love our dogs and have a hard time seeing one hurt by the other. I know it is a male domanance thing, but our lab is always submissive. Do you think that Charlie can't handle being in a house with another male, even a submissive male? We want to make the best decision on what to do and how to handle the situation. He just seems to be getting more pertective and aggressive. We want what is best for both dogs. What can we do?
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Sounds like you have a tough situation on your hands and wish I could come up with the right answer. This is my suggestion, I would contact a dog trainer and see if they can make a home visit. The money you spend now will outweigh any future vet bills and heartbreak.

To my knowledge, although one dog emerges as the top dog..whether there is two or several, but for the dominant one to hurt the other(s) as you described is unusual in my opinion. In the wild it is extremely rare for animals to fight to the death or hurt one another severely as they only want to establish their dominance.Once done they will stop the attack and the submissive one will always adhere to the dominant one. (even in the wild in wolf packs if the leader is deemed to be too mean, the other wolves will oust him as leader)

Worrisome is if your dog shows this type of aggression with other dogs. In some areas dogs are put down if they even bite another person or animal just one time. I know when I first got "Shaggy" (she was a pound dog) she showed a lot of aggression towards little dogs, taking her to doggie obedience and learning some helpful hints really helped. You may have to emerge as the "leader" of the pack and teach your dominant dog that is not tolerated. Again the trainer in my school showed me how to do this and it worked wonders.

I wish you the best of luck and hopefully other members may come up with other ideas.
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