Pray for me this week! lol

It's only 7 days... one week until I get Momo and I'm about to explode! :lol: I really need to buckle down and get my work done for school (they aren't due until a couple weeks after Momo arrives but I want to be able to spend every moment I can with her). If I get my papers done then I won't have to spend any time in the library! :D

Pray for me to stay focused and not hit any writers block.

I have only theree - one 12 page and two 8 pages.

12 pgs - Art History - Coliseum - have 2 pages done! >_<
8 pgs - Mythology - Cats in Egyptian and European Mythology - have an outline
8 pgs - Cinema - Romance in Action Movies - I've got an outline

If you don't believe in praying keep me in your thoughts. :D

I can't wait to go get Momo! O_o One week! Only one week! ^_^
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Sounds like you've got your work cut out for you! I wish you luck getting it all completed so you can spend every moment possible with your new pup! :)
Good luck getting everything finished! And you will have to spend practically every moment with them. Odin is taking up pretty much 98% of my time!
Lol. My undergrad major was in film. If you want to change your topic, I've got tons of A papers! They may as well do someone some good ;)
I got some of my film paper done - it is surprisingly easy once you get started. Thank God it's not a research paper!

I think I also need to get these out of the way for the stress ahead. My cats are so going to hate me for a while... so be prepaired for my blubbering and sniffling all over the forom.

I swear... I always get so emotional when I get a new pet... then I promise myself: NEVER AGAIN! And here I go... getting a dog. :lol: I honestly can't wait for Momo though.
At least your assignments sound like fun! If you need pics, I have a few of the colisuem in situ from my trip.... Let me know! Deep breaths girl! I feel the same way- I keep thinking about house stuff at work- hmm- house style, correct app, land locations, input apps, flooring types, put together billing files- on and on, all day long! :lol:

Karen :)
Being a parent of one who just finished college in 04, and one who just started in 04, I understand your stress level! :roll: Just keep telling yourself that you're doing this for Momo!!

Good luck!

Thanks for the encuragement! :D I've got a whole other page or two finished last night for my film class.

Listen to the list of films I'm comparing!

Lethal Weapon

:lol: I swear... it's such a weird paper - but I thought it would be fun to compare the different types of romance in each and say what I enjoyed and didn't enjoy about them.

I hope that he doesn't mind me writing this paper informally - because that's what everyone else is doing as well. He told us to write about what we like and why - and it's a bit hard to keep it formal if he puts it that way.
I liked all of those Hellboy was really good considering I wasn't expecting much from it. Spiderman.... it was ok, but not something I would go out of my way to watch again. Lethal Weapon was good, but the fourth one was the best. Not something that happens often with sequels.
My son could probably run the lines from spiderman with you from memory. He is a spiderman-aholic!
I loved Hellboy and I liked both Spiderman and most of the Lethal Weapons. I believe I was thinking about Spiderman 1+2 and Lethal Weapon 2... I need to go back and check.

I think I enjoyed the romance in Hellboy the most though - it seemed a bit more real even though the storyline was pretty "amazing" :lol: aka hard to believe could really happen. But since we are talking about Hitler's army trying to open the gates of hell... why not?! :P

I didn't favor Lethal Weapons... it was a bit too much to swallow. Sorry... but I don't think a girl is going to go to bed with a guy after they have a "who has the biggest and baddest scar contest" It was really funny though.

Spiderman was a bit too mushy I think for an action movie. Peter is always pining away for a girl that dated his friend... and then in the second movie was engaged to his boss' son. It's like: wake up Peter! Mary Jane really isn't a good girl for you! Also - what got me was how suddenly all of his absenses and missed dates were suddenly ok becauase he was Spiderman. It might not have been their intention - but I felt it was almost as if she didn't love Peter for being Peter... but Peter for being Spiderman.

Ack! :lol: I went off on a tangent! I really did love seeing these movies though, I watched Spiderman 2 - like 3 times in the theater even though I bash the romance quite a bit.

I think the line that really stuck out at me out of all of them were Hellboy's last words to Liz before Myers (can't spell his name) gave his ending speach. Here it is without me going back and listening to it (so hopefully it's pretty accurate!)

"Hey, you on the other side. You better give her back. Because if you don’t... because for her... for her I’ll cross over... and then you’ll be sorry."

I think I couldn't stop squealing at that line. :lol:

*sigh* Ok! I'm almost done with my Films paper! Hallelujah! :D
I'm finished with my Film Paper! Whoot! One down - two to go. Maybe I'll take a break for the rest of the day and start up on my Mythology paper tomorrow. *sigh of relief*

I just wanted to let you know I love your new Avatar! Your last one was a big hit with the class and especially one girl who loves Anime. She loves art and drew me a pic to hang on my wall based on the last Avatar. Did you draw it yourself?

Anyway best of luck to you with Momo and your school work!

Marianne and the boys
I wish I did draw my last avatar! :lol: Actually - I probably could very easily! I love drawing anime! ^_^


This is something I did forever ago - when I just got out of high school. 8O Wow - was it that long ago? :lol: I've since been working on some things but I wouldn't feel comfortable posting them here! :lol: Her neck looks so strained hehe.

I'm glad you have a student that is so creative and loves to draw! :D Tell her to keep it up.

I made my current avatar a while back on this avatar doll maker. I thought that the kitty looked so much like Kiley that I couldn't resist... I wonder if they have dogs as well...
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