Panic, Fear and Relief all at Once. Missing Dog!

There once was a dog named Lily....
Who decided to give me a heart attack this morning. There are other ways to get me to fully wake up -- but this did the trick better than any.

I got up. Woke the kids up. Lay down on the couch. And promptly dozed right back to sleep. Something about Baloo's barking woke me up so I hollered at the kids for not getting up, and walked towards the back door. This is not very different than any other morning so far actually, Except when I let Boo in the house..... Lily did not follow. Weird.

So I thought 'Oh. She must be down the other side of the deck by the bedroom window.' But NO. Not there. Well then surely she must be by the tree house....Nope. By this point I'm scanning the yard thinking WHY DO I ONLY HAVE ONE DOG??? 8O 8O

Then I see the gate open. Stuck open. WIDE OPEN.

I go into panic mode. Screaming for the boys. Yelling Lily's name over and over. Adam comes flying out the back, Tim goes out the garage door .... I go around to the front door. All of us yelling, whistling as we go.

And there's Lily sitting on the front porch staring at the door.

Patiently waiting for it to open. Mouth open, tongue hanging out. Very pleased with herself for being the only one who was brave enough to climb the front steps and make sure they were safe. If she'd had a tail it would have been wagging a mile a minute!!!

But our front door is safe. We can all relax now.
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It's called "cleaning out the arteries!" :lol: :lol: Didn't you know this was an OES trait? :lol: :lol:
Seriously, happy to hear it all ended well :clappurple:
OMG! I'm glad all has ended well.
Good Girl Lily! She should get an extra treat!

That was scary. Do you know how the gate got opened?
OMG - heart attack!

Thankfully she came back :D
thank goodness she knew to wait at the front door for you. :phew:
I am so glad all turned out well.

We had the same thing happen with our first sheepie. Hid pen area was made up of two fences that connected our house with a detached garage. The small porch (really a simple enclosure) had a two foot by two foot (or so) doggie designed door in it, with a small landing and steps leading down outside. That way, in the winter, I could keep the porch sealed off, and not have to go out to let the dog in and out as needed.

This worked great for most of the year, until one day he decided to jump from that landing, to the side, a good seven or so feet away, clearing the fence in the process. What made that day a special one will forever be a mystery.

My hubby and I were getting ready for work, and I went to get him back in and he was gone. We ran through the house, back and forth, getting clothes and shoes on in a full panic, when I realized that it was "cloudy" in the bottom window of the front door.

Yep. Same ending. Our BRANDON made his break for freedom, walked "all the way" to the front deck, and waited patiently to be let in. In fact there were three diamond shaped windows that ran up and down the door, and he was WATCHING US through the bottom one, as we ran around like idiots inside, throwing on clothes to go look for him.

I stopped, burst out laughing, opened the door, and in he walked, tail wagging (he had a glorious, full tail). He was very pleased with himself.

He was, however, not so pleased when Daddy nailed a large board to the side of the landing that had been such a good jumping off place.

I think our sheepies enjoy scaring us once in a while. Just helps get our blood pumping. They can be very helpful in that way.
Wow, very similiar thing happened to me. We were visiting grandma's for the first time with mady and she has a fenced in backyard. My brother in law had been doing some gardening work and there was a lot of in-out traffic around the house. I had put Mady out back, Mady was out there alone, and my (neurotic :D ) wife asked me if the gate was closed. I said it was for sure, but I went back out just to check, of course the gate was wide opened and no Mady. Cold-sick panic gripped my stomach as I ran out the gate alongside the house--my 5 month baby out in a strange neighbourhood--out to the front of the house just to find Mady sitting patiently on the front doorstep!
I would like to point out that, as usual, your neurotic wife was correct!!

Happy your dog was safe and sound! I can just imagine her looking at all of you with a quizzical look, wondering what all the fuss is about.
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