Extra Moisturizing Shampoo Advice/Recommendations?

Well, the time has come. Clyde is finally blowing his puppy coat and he's in that awkward in between stage where he's half soft puppy fur and half big guy fur. He's a very messy little guy and gets a bath about once a week but I'm hoping that will reduce as the weather gets better and less wet and muddy! I had been using a soapless shampoo on just the dirty parts but I'm finding that with his changing coat, it doesn't seem to be as effective. I've also tried dry shampoos and powders but it seems like they just kind of "thicken" up the fur if that makes sense. He smells better but he still feels dirty even though I brush it out thouroughly. It hasn't been a problem yet, but I'm very concerned about overbathing and drying out his skin. Both me and our other dog have eczema so we know what it's like to have dry, irritated skin!

I've looked through all the old posts and found some recommendations but I'm wondering if anyone has found anything especially moisturizing that will work well for frequent bathing of Clyde's new, incoming coat but mainly, keep from drying out his skin-- and mine as I bathe him! I guess I'm looking for the best of both worlds. I see a lot of people talking about Mane and Tail-- how is that on the skin? I want him to be clean but I don't want him itchy so this has been a huge dilemma for me!
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I have been using Mane and Tail for a while now, both the shampoo and
the conditioner. Tucker isn't as sensitive as some, but it really has been
working well for us. I use a fairly small amount and premix it with water, and either spray it on - as Carl posted recently - or dip it on with a little
tupperware cup. I have found that using less shampoo and more water
to lather up makes a big difference in the dry skin. Of course rinse rinse rinse, and when that is done rinse! You can't over rinse in my book. I follow with dilute conditioner poured over and rinsed out. Mane and Tail is one that I put a teaspoon or so in my sprayer and fill with clean water to
top with as I am brushing out his drying coat. If you don't need it though
you can use plain water on a dry coat. Tucker tends to have dryish fur
so I always use something when brushing or combing out. I have used
baby shampoo -which I thought dried his fur a little, and I have used
pantene -which was great, but I felt he got dirtier quicker, and I have used Bio (I think?)- someone gave me from a salon, and that was a good one too. I always dilute the shampoo though. I figure I am not really
trying to wash the skin, just the fur. I don't know if that makes sense.
I had a Samoyed with very sensative skin and I washed her at least every month. I started using an oatmeal shampoo on her and after I switched she was much better.
Check Carl's posts - he is a genius. I am sure I read something from him
on bathing.
Sorry I don't have more to offer!

(in PA)
I get something at Petsmart(of course I can't remember the name) that is a type of conditioner, comes in a plastic spray bottle and is blue. I got it at the petsmart in Shelby Twp so maybe they have it at yours. I think it was pearl something. When(if) my memory returns I can give you the name.
I almost forgot. There is a place called K9 Connection in Warren(Mound & Old Chicago Rd) that has all sorts of stuff. The owners name is Claude and he and his wife can be very helpful. If your Petsmart as a groomer you can ask them what they recommend.
Someone else at work just recommended that place to me too. I'll definitely check it out. I'm at a point now where I'm thinking about grooming him myself-- permanently-- so that's why I hadn't been back to the groomer in awhile. I'm getting pretty efficient, Clyde's used to me and being groomed at home and after some initial investments, it should save some money. I'm still trying to decide though since, I have to admit, it's like getting a free day when I drop the dogs at the groomer!

Yes, I saw Carl's post and tried that today-- you're right, it helped the lather and we didn't need to use as much shampoo. Is there any good reason why I shouldn't use human products? It seems some people use them regularly but does it have a dulling effect on the fur or anything?
My suggestion would be Cowboy Magic.... lol... that stuff can work miracles.
If possible, bathing him less will help reduce matting during this phase. The cowboy magic claims to reduce the amount of dirt that builds back up by repelling it, and I have to say I believe that claim.
Brushing every day, to the skin, and picking out any mats as they begin will help a lot too.
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