Miceky's turn

Well today has been a sad day for me today.1st it is Mickey's day to be fixed :roll: The vet this morning made me VERY nervous,me and my best friend took him this morning as schduled and we walk in w/ Mickey doodles and the vet tech was like WOW!!!He is a big boy,we dont have a kennel big enough for him,we only have 3big kennels and they are full.So here im standing thinking UHMMMMMMM.....I told you he is an 11month old OES so yeah he is big :roll: .So then the vet tech comes out of a room telling me she is going to stick him w/ this shot under his skin w/o telling me what the heck this shot was for.She says can you grab him so he doesnt move so I can give this to him.I said WAIT!!What is this for?(having other dogs fixed and never having a shot as soon as we walk in)she told me it was too relax him before his procedure.UHMMMMMMMM.......Again Im thinking Ive never been through this before.Well she says we dont have any more kennels for him so we will be leaving him in a room til a kennel opens for him.Feeling stupid right now I say so why does he need to relax if he is going into a room?I mean Mickey wasnt acting crazy or anything,and at this point I NEED a shot to relax!!LOL!!So I hold Mickey and the tech says here come in here and leave him in here he will be alright.LEAVE him!!!Heck NO im not leaving my doodles alone in this room after giving him something to relax8O So I sat down on the floor and watched him pace around then he'd come over and sit next to me panting really hard,and IM thinking what have I done?Being a nurse im watching his breathing,Im feeling for a pulse,and Im making sure he knows mommy is right there I wasnt going to leave him alone in a place he knows NOTHING about!!So about 30mins later he was soooooooo relaxed and Im still rubbing him all over and talking to him cuz Im feeling like such an aweful mommy at this point.My best friend was Tanya he will be ok,he is relaxed now,so lets go and let them do his surgery.Im crying by now,cuz this isnt my doodles!!He doesnt get up when i do,he isnt acting silly like he ALWAYS does,and he isnt licking me :cry: So not wanting to leave at all,I do finally say I love doodle butt!!Mommy will be back when you wake up.MAN!!I was so upset,so I called the vet office right at noon,and the old lady who answered acted like she was high or something.I said Im calling to find out how my Mickey is doing,she said ok let me go see I just got here.She comes back and says "Well Im not sure how he is doing he hasnt gotten up yet,and he isnt responding to anyone"OMG!!!!!!!!!!I fraked out,I said you put a vet on this phone ASAP!!! :evil: So the vet that did the surgery came on and said Mickey is doing fine,they had to remove a testicle from his belly since 1 didnt drop :oops: I said What the HECK<<didnt use that word tho..is wrong w/ that woman who answered the phone.So Ill be there right at 3pm to get my doodles.
Ok so then on top of this my best friend Tina flew out today to go to New Hampshire due to a cousin dying in an snowmobil accident.She wont be back til Monday,so I have just been a wreck all day.Once I get my doodles home Ill post how he is doing.i just want to get him home so i can take care of him.
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Oh my gosh. I'm so sorry that happened to you. Have you dealt with this vet before? The woman on the phone alone would be enough for me to go elsewhere. What the heck was wrong with her? You never tell people something like that! Even if something was wrong, she should've just transferred you to the vet. To say "He's not responding to anyone"?! I can't tell you how mad it makes me to hear that they treated you and Mickey like that. I hate when people are so inconsiderate and insensitive.

My Clyde just got neutered last Friday. Not only do they treat him like a king when he goes in there, the vet called me before the surgery to explain how everything would go (again, since we had already sat down that morning for half an hour), immediately after the surgery to tell me how everything went and later in the afternoon just to let me know how he was. They kept him overnight and called me later the next day after I picked him up to check on him and then they called again yesterday. I should also mention that his neuter was completely routine! They just care that much.

If it makes you feel any better, I'll bet he'll come through with flying colors. I'm not sure Clyde even knows anything happened to him! He came home and started being a crazy dog like he never missed a beat so I had to keep calming him down so he wouldn't hurt himself
Hi Tanya,

Wow, do I know how you feel. I am sorry that you have had such an ordeal with Mickey. It would make me a nervous wreck too. They put Jack in a crate, he was so big that he couldn't stand, sit, or turn around in it. I felt like an awful Mom just dropping off my babies and leaving. It took a full 7 days to get mine up and playing again. The speutering seemed to take all of the energy out of them, but they are getting back to their bouncy, goofy selves.....LOL
I will keep Mickey in my thoughts and prayers. You will have him home with you very soon and he will love being back home with his family.

Stormi and co.
Oh Tanya-!!! Big hugs!!! Poor you, poor Mickey! What an ordeal! Still, I'm glad he pulled through surgery just fine. Take a few deep breaths, and maybe have a nice, calming cup of tea. I'm sending you all our love! Give Mickey a big hug from me when you get him home!

Karen :)
Poor little Mickey! Give him extra hugs and kisses when you get him back!
Oh my....talk about a veterinary practice with terrible "bedside manners"!!! The fact that you can even write a coherent post at this time is impressive.

Hopefully Mickey is home by now and recovering. We are all wishing him the best.

By the way - you may want to let the doctor know how you were treated by the receptionist. That type of telephone response could make many people decide to find a different veterinarian.

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia & Sharkey
I just read everyones sweet responces,and Im happy to say my Mickey doodles is home.However he is NOT himself at all.When i got him from the vet he was in a kennel,and when the tech came in I said let me see his insissions,and they are red!!he had been licking himself right there at the office.So I said why not put a collar on him to prevent this?So she got me a collar and I just wanted to get him home ASAP.I walked around a bit in the yard to see if he had to go potty but all he wanted to do was lay down,so I literally carried him inside,and now he is sleeping on our porch.Poor baby is so out of it.Its been a couple of yrs since Jagger got fixed so its hard to remember what state jagger was in,but I dont think he was this out of it.I took his collar off and he seems a bit happier,but VERY out of it.Im a bit worried,but will give him til tomrrow morning.
As far as the vet,Im not taking him there again!!I was in no way impressed w/ them,the tech was wonderful I should say,but the whole atmosphere was very unprofessional.Ill be extremely mad IF something goes wrong w/ him,due to their lack of knowledge.I also know however w/ a big dog they get more meds so im sure he is very drugged up.Between the shot they gave him this morning,then being put out for his surgery,then pain meds he is one drugged up baby.They found his other testicle w/ no problems so im happy they didnt have to go digging around for it.
Also my best friend Tina called me and she was 1/2 way to her destination,she was in Michigan waiting for her other flight to New Hampshire,so im glad her and her family were safe.What a day.I knew if I was to post my thoughts and feelings you guys would come through and make me feel better.
Stormi how are your babies feeling now?are they back to their silly selfs?Thanks so much everyone for your love and support it means alot to me. :D
I am so glad that he is back home with you. Mickey sounds like he is as out of it as Jack and Annabelle were. I can say that it was harder on Annabelle, she seemed a lot more sore and slow. They both slept for about 3 days without moving around or eating very much. Jack started moving around a little more on the 4th day and now on the 8th day after surgery they are both back to their bouncy selves. Annabelle seemed to stay more tired and more laid back up until yesterday. I think it must be a lot harder on the female than it is the male.
We go soon to get her stiches removed, but Jack's will disolve.

Don't worry, just keep an eye on the licking and try to keep it dry. He will be back up and bouncing in no time. :wink:

Stormi and co.
Sorry to hear you are having such a bad day.
Hi Tanya,

What an awful experience for you. Poor little Mickey doodles! I don't blame you for being upset as I felt the same way with the vet whom saw MamaKat when I tried to bargin shop. Like you, I was so put off by his bedside manner it didn't put me at ease. I wanted the vet in charge of surgery to be compassionate and not see her as a "thing" but that she was important. Just like you probably felt with Mickey ...egads! I would have stayed in the room too - what an ordeal for you!

I'm glad he's now Mickey is now back home with his mama. You both get some much needed rest.

Give Mickey lots of belly rubs from me
Hope everything went fine today!
Hugs from all of us here,
I'm sorry you had to go thru that, just the stress from dealing
with the surgery is enough to drive you nuts!
hi! How's Mickey this am? Still groggy, or feeling a little better? Incisions looking ok?

Karen :)
Don't know how I missed this post yesterday, so I apologize for not responding.

So glad to hear Mickey's home and on the mend. It will take at least a few days for him to get back to somewhat normal, so don't worry about that. Being a nurse, you may know TOO much, if you know what I mean. The more you know, the more you worry! But I'm sure Mickey will bounce back in no time.

As for the vet - I agree with you. I would NEVER go back to that practice, and I would at least definitely tell the vet of the receptionist's response. I would have had a heart attack right on the spot!

Breathe deep, Mommy. Your Mickey Doodles will be just fine. And know that we're all here for you.

Hugs to you and Mickey!

What an awful experience for you and Mickey! I would write a letter to the vet about the woman that answered the phone. The people that answer the phone are representing the Vet after all. Tell them you are not going back there for that reason...
Sorry you had to go through this... I hope Mickey has a speedy recovery...
Hey everyone,well my doodle boy is on the mend!!he was left out of his kennel last night w/ his collar/cone around his neck.He went outside this morning and was spunky (i of course took off his cone)and he even ate some today,so Id say he is bouncing back..YAY!!!Hes a little too bouncing for me tho!!LOL!!Im like come here Mickey lay next to mommy ok now just relax!!!Of course I get my share of lickings!!Im getting ready to scoot out so he is resting in his kennel now.
Yes i know what you mean drezzies mom when your in the medical field and know WAY too much it can be a curse some times.
Thanks Elissa on your well wishes,and big hugs too all.. :clappurple: <<<thats the closest thing to a hug here :D
That's great that he's doing so well.... it is so much easier on boys!! :)
So glad to hear he is better!
I agree willow it is easier on boys and isnt it the truth w/ us uprights?I mean when us women get our tubes tied its a major surgery,recovering time huge!!When I got my tied I did it when I ahd Samantha since she was a c-section.For men it is just a little snip snip,some ice,and boom they are up in 2days!!LOL!!females get it in every direction dont we?hehe!! :lol:
I think mainly the recovery time is longer for females of any species because the surgery is abdominal and for one, muscles are being cut, and for two, a lot of air gets inside the abdominal cavity that shouldn't be there. That is the most painful part in my opinion. I've had 5 abdominal surgeries now, and I must admit, each one has been easier than the last, I'm not sure if it's because my pain tolerance has gotten higher, or if medical science has just evolved each time to find less painful and barbaric ways of doing things. Probably a bit of both.
I forgot to tell you that my Toy Poodle had the same problem as Mickey.
His one tescticle never desended and had to be removed from his tummy.
This caused the whole neutering surgery to double in price. Harley was neutered on the same day as Peanut... No problems with Harley and his recovery was a lot quicker, due to the fact the didn't have to open his tummy for anything. Then there is Pepsi who was running around the evening that he got home after being neutered. It is sometimes recommended that you don't give a very active dog the extra pain shot after the procedure. They won't feel pain therefore will act like themselves...a little dopier..but this could cause stitches to rip. They all recovered within a couple of days.
I hope Mickey is back to himself now.
Wow, what a bad experience! Glad everything is better. I have had some bad, uncaring vets and kept searching. The one I have now is wonderful and cares more about the dogs than the money. He will call occsionally just to see how my guys are doing and I can call him anytime, he always makes himself avaliable. Best of luck finding another vet.
Elissa,yeah Mickey has a nasty incison by his penis where they had to cut to get the hiding testicle,poor baby looks aweful.The vet told me that if we would have left that one in it more than likely would develop into cancer,so once he is healed and his fur grows in he will be A Ok.Scary tho our poor babies go through so much dont they?

i wanted to let everyone know i really appreciate all the good advice given in Mickey's recovery,and for supporting this nervous mommy.You guys are truely the best!!Much love to all of you :D
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