Stitches, Staples and Root Canals- Oh My!!

You know the ole saying "When it rains it pours". Been experiencing that the last 2 days in my household.

My son underwent surgery yesterday and between dropping him off at the hospital and staying with him until the last min. I raced home, grabbed Merlin and drove to the vet's office across town to have his staples removed (some of you may remember he had a gash on his side). I was actually a few days behind doing this - bad mom. I was also a bad mom for leaving my son at the hospital during his surgery - no matter that he's a teen and wouldn't have noticed my absence during his surgery. Take Merlin home and then raced back to the hospital.

I also had to pick up MamaKat's medication in preperation for her dental surgery on March 16th. Urg! too much to do and only one of me.

Today was my turn....root canal...oh happy happy joy joy. On a positive note this gave me a chance to close my eyes and sit still for 1 and 1/2 hours in a chair. Granted the chair was a dental office but I did get to wear cool looking sun glasses and when the chair was tilted back I could pretend I was lounging by a pool. 8) The drill noises interfered occasionally with my thoughts...still 1 and 1/2 hours of doing nothing!!!

My kitchen shelf currently looks like a pharmacy - with so many pills I have to be careful not to take MamaKats pills and take them myself , or give Merlins to my son...then again better watch out I don't give mine to get the idea.

I suspect I was feeling sympathy pains for MamaKat too, as poor ole girl is going to have her fangs extracted and two other teeth pulled in another week or so. I should have read up more in the Mothers Handbook on feeling quilty or should offer to be cloned. :?

I do have a question however, for those that have experienced dental extractions with pets. Her canines are absessed and I was suprised that she was not placed on antibiotics only other meds to boost her iron as the blood test showed she was low. Could the reason be that she will be sedated? Unlike people that have to have antibiotics first before dental work if there is infection? I should have asked my vet but was too rushed.

Thanks in advance!

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Wow! It sounds like you are having a time. Hang in there, it sounds like it can only get better!

As far as the extractions, my last dog, Sara, had some teeth pulled. Our cat, Ms. Kitty also had an abcess tooth removed. Both had to be sedated and neither had antibiotics. They both did fine. I thought they just sedated them so that it is easier to do the work. They had to sedate them just for cleanings also. I always had the bloodwork done for liver and kidney functions. It was always a nervous day, knowing things may not always go right, but it always worked out.

Hopefully, that helps some.

Have a nice night,

Wow Marianne, you sound like me, I didn't think anyone else would be thrilled with an hour and a half in a dental chair if only for the chance to sit still for a few minutes! LOL (Hmmmm do I have any cavities??)
Anyway, it sounds like you have your hands full!
When my old boy Oliver went in to have an abcessed tooth removed he wasn't put on antibiotics either, I have no idea why, it makes sense to me that they would.
Try to get some rest! You have to take care of you too :)
Wow..busy day! I have no advice, but I hope everyone is recovered 100% soon!
Wow, Marianne, you're making me tired just thinking about all you had to do!!

Hope all is well - that your son is home and on the mend, that Merlin doesn't go after his incision site, and that MamaKat pulls through next week's extractions like a champ.

One of my favorite sayings when the whole world seems to be closing in on me - this, too, shall pass.

You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Hi Marianne:

It sounds like you had one busy day. Anyway, when our Oriental Shorthair cat had her abcessed tooth removed, she was put on antibiotics before and after surgery. I'm not sure if this was due to the state of abcess or what (sorry, it was a couple of years ago and those brain cells have departed). She actually had 4 teeth pulled at that time. I would give the vet a call...just to be sure.

By the way - even without those teeth, she was still able to put the food away (both hard food and soft food) without any problem.

Good luck
Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia and Sharkey
Thanks everyone for the support and suggestions!!

I actually feel great today despite having felt like someone socked me in the jaw yesterday. Merlin is doing good too and my son played it up...Mom...please can you get movies...gingerale...blanket...Mom..can you pass me the remote... 8O

I went back to work today to feel rested!

Thanks again everyone and I'll call the vet tomorrow just to make sure.

I should mention that after much thought I decided to go with my own vet even tho it was twice the cost to have MamaKat's surgery. She wasn't the one that even did the blood test but after confirming the results with the lab she spent 1/2 on the phone explaining what the results meant. Unlike the other vet that just left a message on my machine telling me to book for surgery with the girl at the desk.

She also spent another 1/2 hour with me going over every single procedure she would be doing during the surgery. The canines (fangs) it turns out have such a large root system (almost twice as long as the teeth themselves) that possible infection is very high as the roots may extend in the sinus cavity. It's the reason for need of the gum flaps (where skin is needed to cover the hole). Gum flaps aren't required for the two other teeth involved. Removal of fangs is what makes this procedure so costly unlike extraction of the other teeth. It came right down to listening to my gut feelings and after discussion with the vet regarding cost they have allowed me to pay some up front and then pay the balance on an installement plan. That's doable.

I would never live with myself if I felt I was cutting corners at her expense. This poor previously deemed "unadoptable" cat from the Humane Society has shown her gratitude over and over again. Good thing I even experienced a fraction of what this poor girl has lived with for so long and I feel good she's finally getting it done.

So we're all happy and once her surgery is done she may not be so nasty to the dogs whom really fear this grumpy girl. :O)

Hi Marianne! Its beena while and i see you are still as busy as can be! Don't worry, the surgery will go well and everything will be ok! Thankfully, all storms pass and leave beautiful blue skies. I hope your son is recovering well, children have a nack for making parents feel guilty and do their bidding when they are not feelign well! How did your pup get the cut on his side? You are all in my prayers and wish all furry and not so furry friends fast recovery!
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