CH Pep'rcriket's As Time Goes By (Sasha)

It's been a year since my "Girl Puppy" crossed the bridge. On Thursday; she didn't want her dinner, Friday was the same thing. Saturday morning, she was at her Vet in Illinois to have blood drawn. Saturday night she was at an emergerency clinic where they found her white blood cells were destroying her red cells as fast as her body could make them. First thing on Sunday, she was at a specialty clinic for tranfusions. Monday she was transferred to another specialty clinic connected with a large laboratory. Tuesday evening, she had a stroke and Tuesday night she went into cardiac arrest. In four short days, my best friend was gone, a victim of "Auto Immune" .
Sasha was special from the time she fell out of her mother onto the kichen floor. The first puppy born in our house. The only girl in a litter of six. She ran that litter and was alpha bitch to every litter after that.
She was an excellent show dog, winning her class at the OESCA National Specialty in Cleveland, winning group placements from the classes, and becoming a Champion two months after winning her first point.
When my ex and I broke up; Sasha went with me, and along with my own little girl CH Lambluv Dymonblu Twice as Nice (Ashley) we went everywhere together. After Ashley crossed the Rainbow Bridge, Sasha and I became inseperable. She went to work with me, rode around in the company truck all day and when I started dating again, Sasha would be in the Jeep when I picked up my date. If the woman made a face at Sasha; I would not ask her out again.
When Sasha crossed the bridge, I was devastated. I've had Sheepies since 1982. When my ex and I were together, there were always at least five of them around the house. Now there were none.
Luckily, Jeanne Kelly (Fur Oaks) came to my rescue and hooked me up with Johnny (CH Fur Oaks SGT Pep'mint) Johnny is now my constant companion, and my G/F loves him too!
Sasha , I hope you will be waiting for me at the bridge along with Ashley, and Amy, and Torry, and your brother Sam. I hope you're having fun playing with everyone. Wait for me Girl Puppy.
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No matter the age , no matter the illness, no matter the length of time they were with us we would all like one more day. The only solace is that although time goes by our precious memories remain constant. I'm sorry about Sasha, she sounds like quite an accomplished and very loved girl. She was lucky to have such a loving Dad.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I just noticed your post and the one in Nana Martha's memory and realized that it was a year ago that I lost my Shaggy. It startled me as I had thought it was only a few months ago. Already a year? You must also feel like that with Sasha's parting. She sounded like a wonderful girl and so very special. I'd like to think the Rainbow Bridge has a special place for sheepies. How proud you must have been regarding all her accomplishments and still are! She was special.

It came through in your post how much you miss her and the previous ones too. You were a good dad and she was much loved in your home that's so apparent to see.

I'm glad you opened up your home and heart to Johnny, it eases the pain somewhat and your girl would be proud of you for helping on of her own.

I know how our animals can steal our hearts. I remember 20 years ago my husband losing his OES when he was only 20 years old. That was only one of the few times I have ever seen him cry. It was his childhood dog than he owned for 13 years. Now we have our own OES and her name is Jules. She is 14 months old. Jules was lost when she was 7 months old and we were mad people trying to find her. My neighbor even said to me " I feel like we have lost a neighborhood child". We found her and now I don't know how life could be without her. Memories are wonderful and Sasha was beautiful. I am glad you have a wonderful new companion.
Hi Jeeperz,

It's been over four years since I lost our first girl Meg'n to an auto-immune reaction to rumadyl or rimadyl at 9 years old. I don't believe I'll truely ever be over it. I have 5 of her offspring, 4 generations of her in my home but it's still not ther same. We lost her daughter Sarah at 8 two years ago. Just woke up one morning and she was gone without any warning. She seemed to be healthy as a horse! We still have her son Noodles at 10.

I was wondering if you have any idea what caused the Auto-Immune reaction?

I was at the OES Specialty in Cleveland with Margret Gorden. I watched all of the claases so I know I saw Sasha. I was enetered with my Noodles & Sarah as puppies and had them there but didn't put them in.

It just doesn't seem like it was that long ago.

zach wrote:
I was at the OES Specialty in Cleveland with Margret Gorden. I watched all of the claases so I know I saw Sasha. I was enetered with my Noodles & Sarah as puppies and had them there but didn't put them in.

It just doesn't seem like it was that long ago.

Oh my gosh!! Margaret Gordon...I'll bet she's playing with all the Sheepies at the bridge!!
Aug of '96..... seems like it was just last year.

Sasha was in Puppy Bitch 15-18 mo.

Do you remember the storm that went through the polo grounds that year?
zach wrote:
Hi Jeeperz,

I was wondering if you have any idea what caused the Auto-Immune reaction?

I think it was due to hypo-thyroid although I didn't see any symptoms. I talked to Dr. Jean Dodds (Hemopet) several times when Sasha was in the hospital and she consulted with the Vets here in WI. Jean recommended anti-rejection meds for her. Dr. Dodds is of the firm conviction that Auto-Immune is related to the thyroid.
It's so important to have our Sheepie's thyroids tested. I know Johnny's was tested before he came to live with me, but I had it tested again to give his new Vet a baseline for subsequent testing.

Sasha was just a few months older, ours were in 12 to 15 if I remember right. We didn't know much about grooming and Margret told us thewy needed more coat, a lot more lols! Margret had a girl with her but she didn't put her in either. I believe that it was Windfield Calalily but not positive. I have somemwhere. We've shown against Dallas here in the SE and we show with or against the Caplins quite a bit. Very Nice folks!

My wife Diane & I grew up just a few miles from where that show was. I don't remember the storm. Probably because I was in awe with all the wonderful OES there.

We got our 1st OES Meg'n from Margret and we lost her within a couple of days of loosing Margret. That was a horrible week! I hope shes taking care of all of them.

Sounds like you spoil those babies rotten also. Good for you.

Best wishes and my hearts with you and your memories as well!

Hi again jeeperz,

I found the catalog and I forgot that our girl wasn't listed but she was entered and not shown. Our boy Noodles shows up under bred by. Windfield Once Upon a Time. Margret did have Calla Lily and I'm trying to figure out who you are in the catalog. Do you mind?
I know Margaret is in sheepie heaven grooming all the OES she can get her hands on :D Calla Lily is the mother to my Beau and Luke. There were other Windfields in WI, Riverbelle was one of them.
If I remember correctly, Sasha was entered in Puppy bitch 15-18 Months.
Her name was Pep'criket's As Time Goes By. My ex had broken her foot just before we left for Cleveland and another WI breeder took her in the ring. I had a vendor's booth there (Peppercricket Industries). I watched her do her "down & back", thought she didn't move well, and thought that she had blown it. I returned to my booth and later people came by to congratulate me as Sasha had won her class. I was busy working and didn't see her get her ribbon.

You are right bestdogsx4. Margret could groom for days. I didn't realize Lily was Luke's mom as well. She is a pretty girl.

Yep Jeeperz, #208 thanks! Huge show with 18 in that class. A great win! (I guessed right.) Our 2 year old girl Molly took 1st in her class of 6-9 in Washington under TC at the regional in 2003. Not the national under MM. It was fun. Do you still show?
Auto immune is being heavily studied, a lot in part to Dr Dodds opening people's eyes to the issues. Thyroid conditions are hereditary, and unfortunately extremely common in oes. Partly due to inbreeding, and because most don't bother to test before they breed their dogs. It is only 80$ to do a complete thyroid panel, which also gives one more insight as to the complete health of the dog as it checks CBC, liver and kidney function, signs of epilepsy, and so much more. Not only that, but by sending a dogs bloodwork to Dr Dodds it helps her create a huge database of results, which will be crucial to eliminating many health problems in many breeds.
Zach: No, I haven't been in the ring in years. When I had my business, I couldn't even see the dogs in the ring unless my booth was located across from the ring they were showing in. Now I go to shows and just watch.

Willowsprite: I think it's so important that we ALL have our Sheepies tested. If only I had had Sasha tested, perhaps she could have been put on some sort of medication and still be here today.
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