When are they ready for house-training?

I have a Rescue OES and Max, whom I have had since a puppy. Max never had to be house trained - I got very lucky. My question is when are we sure they are house trained before leaving them to roam? I got the rescue last Saturday, and he did pee and poo in my living room that day. That night he slept in my room with Max, and no mistakes..Sunday none, but we were in and out all day. Sunday nite he spent in the Bathroom, once again no mistakes, took him out first thing and he went. When I went to work on Monday, he went backto the bathroom for 8+ hours, no mistakes, and right outside he went when I got home. Monday nite he slept in the bedroom again and last night too, and during the days, in the bathroom, and during those times no mistakes. I want to be able to leave him with Max inside the house, but am afraid of doing it too soon. Should I continue with what I'm doing all week and try leaving him free next week? Will the training become nonexistant?
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Sounds like they are doing great, but I would stick with it a little longer to make sure, good habits established now are the best ally you can have! A dog that doesn't have opportunities to make mistakes is a happier dog too, no scolding, and they are earning your approval right away which helps with bonding.
You don't mention the age, but I believe you can can estimate the number of months and compare to hours. So if this a 2 mth pup, you can't let them go for more than 2 hours without letting them out...this being the max time.

It helps that you have the older dog, they younger ones catch on alot quicker. It does sound like you are on the road to success, just realize that if they find any smell on the carpets, it's a good chance they will think this is an okay spot. If you are worried keep them in the kitchen all day with lots of chew things...big bones, hide a treat, kongs etc.

Best of luck with your new OES.
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He's not a puppy, but he is young. 1 year and 18 months we think. He was doing great until this morning, he peed right in front of me in the living room!! And I thought we were progressing so well!
Does he have a signal that he gives you to let him out? I know with Clyde, his signal is to sit by the back door. Sounds great but if I'm upstairs, I miss it since you can't exactly hear him sitting! When he gets tired of waiting, he'll just go. As he's gotten older it's almost never now and it's always by the back door but when he was younger, he'd run back into the living room and relieve himself right in front of us, as if to say, see, I had to go! Is it possible that you're missing his signal?
This morning all I did was get out of bed, put on a sweatshirt, open up the bedroom door and we all headed the kitchen to go out, but he stopped on the way and peed. Before I got up neither dog was moving in the room, so I don't think he is givign me a signal, at least not yet, but I'll keep looking. I know when Max has to go, he stands next to the door yes.
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