Everyone - keep me and my brother in your thoughts.

I've just told the catforum what's going on - I thought I would ask everyone if they would keep me in their thoughts too. Here are the quotes from me.

My brother went out this week to go meet up with a girl online that he has known for almost four years. Something happened last night - something horrible.

I've just got a plane ticket out there to Pennsylvania today - I'm going to go get him and bring him back.

Please pray for him or keep him in your thoughts - I just don't know what the heck to do at this point but go up there and get him.

My plane leaves at 7 - I've got to leave here at 4 pm (about an hour from now). I'm going to get there at 12:30 am...

Just think about me. I don't know what to do.

I'm not quite sure - but he is a basket case - he is like... babling! He's normally not like this... I'm not sure if I can say what it is or not yet...

I don't even know what to say - I just have to get there and get all the details. I just hope he doesn't do anything to himself.

Aeki Muffinhands wrote:
AddFran wrote:
Aeki Muffinhands wrote:
I'm not quite sure - but he is a basket case - he is like... babling! He's normally not like this... I'm not sure if I can say what it is or not yet...

I don't even know what to say - I just have to get there and get all the details. I just hope he doesn't do anything to himself.

Oh my gosh, you think he might hurt himself?
Where is he right now? Is he at a hotel?
I'll be thinking about you. Be careful. Try to call him and get him on the phone - does he have a cellphone?

I don't know or not - but he keeps saying something like "this was my last chance" or something... He is at the hotel sleeping (I hope). I've been calling him and telling him that I am comming. He tells me one moment he wants to go home - the next he says he wants me to stay here. He has a cell and I am going to call him once I start heading twords my plane.

I decided to stop calling him for now - he hasn't slept the night before. Apparently he has been too upset to. Everytime I wake him up he starts babling and crying. I just can't let him make a twelve hour drive by himself. The worst part is he is going to have to drive to pick me up. I just hope he can do it.

We're going to get a hotel tonight (or this morning rather) and sleep in until we wake up - then I am driving us home.

I'm just really worried about him - he is just talking and acting so strangely.

Thank you for keeping me in your thoughts.
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Yikes..I hope everything turns out ok. :( I've met a few people from the 'net and nothing bad has happened but I wish you and your brother the best of luck.
Be safe. We're thinking of you.
Keep positive thoughts and look out for yourself also. Best of luck.
ugh... hope everything turns out for the best. Be careful out there!

I'll keep you and your brother in my thoughts. It sounds like he's going through a very difficult time and despite what he says - it's good that you are going to be there.

Perhaps he fell for her hard and she rejected him - only guessing at this point. Even with an relationship online it was 4 years, which is a fair amount of time. It may be the reason to have caused him to react so strongly. His expectations may have been too much for him to handle perhaps. Be there for him and keep him safe. I will think of you as well. Hope it turns out okay.

Your brother and you are both in my prayers. God Bless you both.
Will be thinking of you both! Hope everything is okay.
I will keep you and your brother in my prayers. Stay safe.
I will be keeping you in my prayers.

Good luck and please let us know when you're home safe.
Integra- Be careful out there sweetie!!!! Good lord, I'm terrified for you and your brother! Be sure- if you're going somewhere you've never been- take precautions. Give a friend or family member your contact info- flight #s, where you are staying, when you'll be there. If your brother is in physical danger- don't hesitate to contact the authorities! Make sure to let someone know when you are going somewhere strange and when to expect you back. Keep your cell phone on you. Use your common sense, and let us know when you get back that everything is ok!!!

Karen :( (A little scared for you, and praying everything is going to be OK!)
We just got back at 3:30 AM - He didn't do anything thank goodness. I've gotten to talk to him and he is doing much better. Although his relationship isn't that well off. :( I'm so tired - I've gotten about 6 hours of sleep in the past two days.
Glad to hear everything is ok, get some sleep! :)
Wow, What a nightmare!!
What happened with your brother and this woman?

Pretty much - he went to visit this girl that he knew online for 4 years! He has been talking to her almost constantly - with little hicups now and then (because school gets tough and they had to buckle down and do their work).

I - and everyone else was completely happy for him. She seemed really nice and didn't seem to mind that he was overweight just as long as he was a good guy. I thought she was a nice girl - a bit perverted (not like I'm not) - but pretty nice on the whole.

Apparently this girl I thought so highly of - was a complete witch... The two of them went to visit their friends (while he was visiting her) that they knew together on World of Warcraft. Since it was a three hour drive and they spent the day with them - they spent the night.

They were all snoozing in the same room together. There were I think five people total. Two slept in sleeping bags and three of them were on the bed - my brother - the girl and some other boy (all in different angles - their friend's mother made sure lol).

Well - I guess she thought my brother was sleeping - so she and the boy started making out with my brother on the bed with them! He got up and left imediatly and went down stairs and called her down to see what was going on.

This is the girl my brother has practically declaired his love to over and over again - the one he wanted to spend his life with. He's talked to her online for 4 years and over the phone as well.

He still wanted to be with her after that - because she said that they hadn't "Defined their relationship." (Also I say - after he adores her and doesn't hide it from anyone).

He told her he liked her a lot - and he wanted to get to know her better. He wanted to spend his life with her and raise a family and take care of her. (Pretty much everything she has ever wanted from what she has said in the past).

So - she ignores him for the rest of the day. He appologized if he said anything wrong and she said "It's not like you can take it back!"

>_< Then the next day (while I was flying up) she ignored him the rest of the time he was there (he spent three hours there!) Then when it was time for him to leave she didn't even say good bye.

He doesn't understand and neither do I! It's like she did this 180 all of the sudden.

When I got to him he was much more calm (thank goodness). It took us until 6 in the morning to get into our room and we slept almost until 12 pm.

It's been pretty hard on us both - he never wanted to get in a car again - and neither did I.
Wow..she sounds like a really bad person to do this to your brother after four years. I met my boyfriend and several friends on the Internet and I never ran into anything like this. I sincerely hope he finds the right girl for him. But I'm glad to hear you're both alright. Good luck!
What a horrible situation for your brother. He is very lucky to have a sister like you. I can only imagine how this affected him.
I can't believe she thought there was nothing wrong with what she did.
How old is she?
oh, how awful for him. I'm so sorry he had to go through that!
First off your brother is very lucky to have you as a sister.

Secondly I hope he never talks to this girl again and is very wary of people he talks to on the internet. There are too many horror stories!! Certainly there are a lot of good people out there too but I hope he's more cautious now. What a hard lesson to have to go through.

I'm sorry that your brother may be lonely because he's overweight. I am not sure how old he is or how overweight he is but there is someone for everyone. Tell him to be patient and not give up the search. I know some people can get bitter from heartbreak. He just has to realize that she wasn't the right one.
Pepsi's Mommy wrote:
What a horrible situation for your brother. He is very lucky to have a sister like you. I can only imagine how this affected him.
I can't believe she thought there was nothing wrong with what she did.
How old is she?

She is I think 22 years old - if not 23. He is almost 20 years old.
VerveUp wrote:
First off your brother is very lucky to have you as a sister.

Secondly I hope he never talks to this girl again and is very wary of people he talks to on the internet. There are too many horror stories!! Certainly there are a lot of good people out there too but I hope he's more cautious now. What a hard lesson to have to go through.

I'm sorry that your brother may be lonely because he's overweight. I am not sure how old he is or how overweight he is but there is someone for everyone. Tell him to be patient and not give up the search. I know some people can get bitter from heartbreak. He just has to realize that she wasn't the right one.

I told him that. "This is not the last girl in the world - and there are much better people." I think the hardest thing is that he has been playing this game and other online games with her so long that he has done nothing but waste his life away on it. He's just thought she was so perfect. *sigh* It's really horrible.

He is going to start working out though - and I am supposed to go walking with him today. :D
I swear - this whole situation is so stupid. :( It was so horrible to hear him crying on the phone. When he started telling me these things I almost thought it was a joke. I never knew anyone could be so cruel to someone else after knowing them for years.

The way she did it though... I just couldn't believe it. Almost still can't believe it.

Someone told me that she has seen people like this on online games though - telling all the guys what they want to hear - telling them that they love them so they can get what they want.

So far Paul has only reached out to her once since he's gotten back home. Why - I have no idea. The only reason I would get back on would be to yell at her... then again... that's me. :lol:

I hope he finds someone soon.
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