The Leave It command

I can't believe this, after having a dog that was so food oriented, but I've actually managed to train Mulligan to "Leave It" on command.

I can actually take a tasty bit of kibble, or even a nice aromatic piece of ham, give the "Leave It" command, and (if all goes well) he will wait motionlessly until I release him with "OK".

He is able to resist everytime, right now he slowly tries to get away with not obeying the first time in a training session. If he moves towards the treat I say a quick "no" and pull it away behind my back. I wait a few seconds then try again, and now he's able to wait, even if I put the food nearly touching his nose.

I suppose the next step would be to put a hunk of roast beef on the end of his nose and make him wait with it there like an idiot until I release him. I can't decide if I want to teach that parlor trick or not, but I'm sure I could in a couple of days tops.

My previous guy, after 10 years of constant commands to take food from the hand easily never mastered it, and you could lose a finger if you weren't quick.

I can say "Leave It" and drop a piece of kibble on the floor and he lets it roll most of the time. This is harder than food in hand, I think the food flying through the air engages the prey drive a little bit. Still, this is only after about a week of 2 minutes a day training.
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My golden retriever Sam was like that, he learned everything and anything I could possibly want to teach him. He would sit with food on his nose forever until I said ok, then he would flip it in the air and catch it. LOL
By the way, I love hearing Mulligan stuff! I also love the new category, great idea! :)
What a great addition to the forum. I'm sure there will be lots of good suggestions.(Is that Mulligan as in "can I take a mulligan?)
Congratulations, "leave it" is such an important lesson to master.
Way to go Mulligan!!!

Love the additions to the forum, its great to have the
highlights-dog training, crate training and housetraining separate.
Thank you, its an Old English Sheepdog owners guide !!
Love the new topics so far!

Pooh gets the Leave It command. Out walking he loves to pick up sticks and carry them around. We use Leave it for drop it...because he knows once dropped to just leave it and move on!
Lennon gets the "Leave It" command too, but sof is stubborn as a mule.... :? Any suggestions on how to make her more obedient?
Just have to say that I LOVE the new Tricks for Beginners section!! Much easier to find specific topics. Even experienced owners will find helpful advice. Way to go, Ron! :clappurple:
Stubborness in an OES? No! Never! :lol:

Love the new discussion topic. Look forward to checking back as often as I can. :)
Yeah, Ron - thanks for the stories... we've been waiting so anxiously!!
Try carrying treats with you. Say Leave It, then offer a treat. Treats are the cure for the common stubborn.
My three dogs all know the leave it command. It's very useful.
I constantly hear people at my dog park screeching "leave it" at their dogs with no apparent success. The people all seem to know the commands but that has no bearing on how the dogs behave. :roll:
Lol. I know! I'm way better at the commands than Clyde is!
If WE remember to use the "Leave It!" command, it actually works. :oops:

Strangely coincidental that there is a post in this section, as we had a major success with the "LEAVE IT" command last night.

Joan, Mulligan and I have been camping for most of the last 2 weeks, coming home tomorrow. As we were walking Mulligan last night, he went after something and got it in his mouth. A loud and quick "LEAVE IT!!!" from both Joan and me, and Mulligan dropped the CHICKEN BONE to the ground!

We are so proud of him, and I'm very proud of Joan and me for giving the right command! :lol:
WOW! I'm impressed! Way to go Mulligan!
Wow! Im impressed!!! Panda is one of those dogs at the park that looks back at you and still goes at it......Good for Mulligan!!!
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