A million Questions...

We live in Texas and have contacted our local OES rescue and submitted an application two days ago. I wrote them yesterday to confirm that the application was received and no response. I realize I am VERY impatient and am trying to BE patient. I grew up with an OES and we are looking to either adopt a rescue, or - we are trying to find a reputable breeder in our area. OESCA gave us the email address of two breeders in our "area" - one in Montana. We really do not want to ship a puppy. We are looking for a GOOD family dog that we can spoil rotten !

My question is this - any suggestions for us? Any good books to read? What are your favorite sites for doggie supplies? Foster and Smith are what we usually use - any better? While we are searching for a dog/pup (and we really are not in a rush - what will be will be....) I would like to gather as much information as possible. Grooming - I would like to learn how to do this. Any sites or suggestions on where to start? *whew* So many questions !

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There are great grooming instructions by Carl Lindon in the grooming section of this site.

as far as other dog supply places http://www.cherrybrook.com has a lot of great grooming tools. Expensive but the tools will probably last a lifetime. (of you, not the dog's)

good luck with your doggie hunt. And yes, please be patient for the right dog to come along. It will be worth the wait instead of rushing into a dog that might not fit your family needs.
Best wishes in finding the Old English Sheepdog of your dreams !
The forum here will help with your questions, as you can see
many topics covered and many ideas exchanged.

For an interesting site on sheepdogs, visit Sealords OES (from Portugal).
Has an interesting article on getting a puppy, breed standard (europe),
and a great photo history of the breed !

Good luck and keep us updated on your search....

You can find Sealords Old English Sheepdogs at
a google search. (Sorry, I couldn't get the link to attach here)
The OESCA also has a bunch of good articles...if the site is finished. They were in process of re-vamping. I, too, like Cherrybrook for supplies : )
There are several OES rescues all over the country and a couple of different ones in Texas. There's a listing on this page on the OESRNSE:
as well as a list on the NEOESR and several other websites.
Most rescues will help in arranging transportation both ground or air. It will take a few days for them to get back to you...but it's WELL worth the wait!
Happy Sheepdog Hunting!
Don't forget our own list, which is a fed directly from NEOESR:

OOOPS! :oops:
Thank you SO much for the replies and suggestions. It means a lot. I realize you may have gotten "this" post so many times over the years and this really shows me something - that you continue to reply and help. I am sure the same ol' questions get stale....

I found a breeder in LA (five hours away) who just had a litter days ago. We are actually thinking of sending her a deposit for her NEXT litter by her other female, due sometime at the the end of May. We are going to give this some time before making that decision though. Like I said we are not in a rush - even though *I* am....lol. An older rescue appeals to me, since all of our animals needed help before coming here. Not one was purchased from a breeder.

I do have a question about the face stains seen on so many OES. We are owned by a Maltese, and we had a gal that custom made water bowls for the littles. It is a round ceramic bowl, with an "O" hole in the top ~ so that just the tounge goes in for lapping. This helps with the face staining from hard water and such. What is the suggestions for this and the OES? Bottled water??

Very curious.....

Thanks again !

Have you tried Heart to Heart Rescue? They take in sheepies other groups may pass on. Don't know the web url, but suspect it is something easy like: heart2heart or hearttoheart.
Heart-2-Heart Old English Sheepdog Rescue
4757 CR120
Clyde, Texas 79510
Phone/Fax: 325-893-5139

:D :D :D
~ Helping Old English Sheepdogs find their new families. ~
In regards to staining on the beard, I haven't been able to prevent it myself, but some members say that making sure the water gets changed frequently helps. I find in between baths a little paste of baking soda and water smooshed in and then combed out helps.
Okay - I shall email Heart to Heart now. Thank you !!! Willowsprite - thanks for that suggestion. We actually are also owned by a Maltese and I have heard of that recipe for facial staining. I wasnt sure if coat texture would warrent different methods of "treatment."

I dont know why I bother....lol. Duchess (Maltese - and actually a VERY sweet little girl) has slight staining. I dont even see it anymore. It isnt worth fighting. I think I kept her WHITE for the first two years. Now she is 6. :oops:

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