Attack of the killer broom?

Why is it as soon as I take the broom out to sweep the floors both my sheepies go crazy and try to attack it???? They do the same thing with the vacum - growl, bark, chase and bounce - - - -so much for cleaning!
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Cute story, Sheepish :D
LOL, our sheepies just go into the other room and hope it isn't the room we choose to do next. However, the cats are crazy!!! They are the ones who attack the broom and vacuum. We have to put them in the other room or they will hide, stalk, run, and pounce to get the broom and vacuum. It is hilarious until you finally want to get some work done. Oh, and I forgot the mop, they love it too.

Stormi and co.
Sky doesn't seem bothered by anything, but Dancer doesn't like things out of order. Neither chases or barks at brooms or vacuums when I am using them, but if the broom is not put back where it belongs Dancer will bark at it, and knock it over, and bark at it some more until someone puts it away. LOL
You could vacuum right over Luke and Rosco, they won't even move. Beau won't even go into a room that has a vacuum in it. Same thing with the ever at the ready steam cleaner. :)
Dougal is like dancer according to dougals law everthing has its place. Which is impossible at the moment as we are putting in a new bathroom and kitchen. At present nothing has a place so Dougal is huffing and puffing every day, every time he lies down for a nap he grumbles grrrrrrrrrrr. lol.
luv pepe
Max is the same way with all those things.....barks and jumps at the broom, vacume, lawnmower, rake, and the list goes on. Also if something is moved or new in the house, he won't walk near it, even if his ball is next to it. Its so funny how set in there ways they get!
Yes, but do they jump on board for a ride? As a pup, Crumpet would attack, grabbing and pulling, one day she got tangled up with the shop broom and ended up putting her back feet on the horizonal bar. From then it it became a game, ride the broom, ride the vacuum. When she got older we had to convince her to go back to just grabbing the broom or vacuum.

Current little bitch is more a grabber of the product: shovel snow/bite the snow, dig dirt/bite the dirt being thrown off, etc. Yesterday I power washed the front porch and had a heck of a time keeping her away. Finally, when brooming off the puddles, I let her.....bite the water falling off the porch.

Silly sheepie. As for other dogs: bring out the vacuum and suddenly everyone wants outside!
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Lennon and Sofa hate everything new that comes to the backyard. They attacked the evil broom, the terrorific mop, the mighty toppling garbage can and their worst enemy, the retractable clothesline of doom. After a few days they realize they are harmelss and only bark at them... it's soo funny.

A little therapy always works with that. Frida was awfully afraid of brooms, she ran away and then came back and attacked you if you tried to broom the floor (I guess she got hit with a broom a lot of times :cry: ) But we worked with her and now she likes to chew on it. :lol:
Abby could care less about the broom or vacuum. I literally have to slide her around while she's sleeping so I can sweep and nudge her to make her move so I can vacuum. I've thought about attaching a broom handle to her and using her as a dust mop :lol:
I read with dreamy eyes, "Pet vacuums, suck the dirt and old hair from your dog as your groom." Yeah right. They have to be hog tied and drugged first.
Anonymous wrote:
I read with dreamy eyes, "Pet vacuums, suck the dirt and old hair from your dog as your groom." Yeah right. They have to be hog tied and drugged first.
Any volunteers?
Frank's the same way about the brooms, snow shovels, rakes, etc. He likes to bark non-stop. The vacuum he just runs away from though.

Hair dryers no problems.
I get so much enjoyment out of reading everyones posts and hearing all the stories. My parent's first sheepie used to chase the vacuum cleaner and lift up the power nozzle showing his dislike of the noise. And their current sheepie barks and hides from anything new in the house. I remember a few years back-my parents got a new Halloween candy dish. Well Paddington treated this dish like a ghost in the house- what an uproar!!!

We don't get our sheepie puppy until July/August- and I absolutely cannot wait :)
ok, so the mop attack is a common thin! lol Mopsey absolutely hates the mop! She will growl at it, try to pin it down with her giant paws, hop on it, sit on it, try to eat it.... and for her final act, she will try and grab on to it and pull with all her might!!!! Its really funny! However, as in all other cases, i get NOTHING done! So, husband has to take Mopo for a car ride, and i click on "super speed" on my broom and go to work! lol :lol:
Samantha loves the vacuum, in fact I think she has designated that to be her "chore". I will admit she starts bouncing when I take the brush attachment off the canister vac (for tile). One time she was investigating it and it kinda sucked up some of her fur :oops: . So now when she is really helping, ie, getting in the way (what is it about these dogs having to be right under foot?), I take the attachment off and she disappears....for about 30 seconds :D !
You all reminded me of my very first dog- a sheltie. She did not mind
the sound of the vacuum at all, in fact she absolutely LOVED to be
vacuumed with the attachment. She would lay there and close her eyes
and once in a while move so you could reach another spot. It was
really great while she was shedding!

in PA
Frazzle attacks the broom, and lately, he has been stealing it and putting it in his crate.... lol... he is so funny....
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