Off leash dog parks??

I have never heard of this, but have seen several mentions in posts. Is it just what it sounds like, a place to take your dog so they can play with and meet other dogs while off the leash? That sounds like a great idea! Duncan is very friendly to all people and other dogs and I think he would really enjoy this. How can I find out where these places are? (We are in the Tulsa, Oklahoma area).
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Check with your local pet stores and kennel clubs ....
We don't have an off leash dog park where I live either. But I mentioned to a lady in our obedience training class last week that we should set up a play date for our dogs since they get along well. She has a year old white German Shepherd. She told me that several people get together at a local park (just a regular park) after hours - it is closed to people - and let their dogs run around together off leash. I'm thinking of taking Beaureguard there and letting him play sometime.

Zahra's right though - check with you local pet stores and kennel clubs - also you may ask your Vet.
Greetings again !

Our trainer suggests using a well fenced tennis court area
if you are seeking an enclosed area just to exercise him.
Of course, the off leash park is great for socialization...

Good luck !
We don't have any dog parks at all, on or off leash. There is a park nearby that I let the girls run in, but I don't think I'm suppsed to.... LOL
A tennis court sounds like a great idea, I wouldn't have thought of that.
I wish our city had an off leash park. We are allowed to take our doggies to the central park facilities, but they are not allowed on weekends :( That's when most people go and they love to pet Lennon and Sofa.

We're lucky to have a gated park in front of our hose where our guys can romp. You're welcome to drop by!!
We have a dog park in Reston ( and we love it! I say we becuase it's just as much fun for me as it is for Farley and Abby to go to. Not a place to get any training done but a great place to get a good run in. Although ... Farley is such a mammas boy that he spends half his time between my legs. Even at 60 pounds - he's still a baby (6 months). :lol: I think they should have dog parks everywhere but I know that we've been trying to put another one in in Reston and the community is fighting it because of the barking noise. Razzin frazzin ... what's wrong with a little music?
We have a fenced back yard, so he has room to run there. I just thought he would enjoy the socialization of other dogs. He is the only pet we have and although we play with him (how can you resist them lol ), I thought he would enjoy the company of other dogs.
Hi Duncan's mom! Many humane societies have socialization days/times scheduled- where you can bring your dog to the human socieity to meet, greet, and play with other dogs. this would be a great way to let Duncan have an opportunity to play with other puppers, espc. if there aren't that many parks in your area!

Karen :)
We have an offleash dogpark that our puppy (well, she's 14 months old) Francesa just loves. She absolutely tears around with other dogs. I am always a little nervous because she is deaf and thus, can't tell if a dog growls at her - but I've had no incidents with her.

When we go away, I also board her at a "Doggy Daycare" The dogs are pre-screened for non-aggression and shots and are kept together in a large play area and sleep together on a pile of mats at night. There's always an attendant who watches them. I feel much better leaving Francesca there than in a kennel where she'd be in a concrete cell all day long.

One thing I am wondering, however, is how my sheepy would get along with other sheepdogs. The breed is so rare in my area - which is dominated by labs and varous lab mixes - so I almost never see one.
We actually have quite a few here in charleston, SC. I think at last count we had 3 or 4. One that I take Max to is huge. It has picnic tables, and a lake for the dogs to swin in! Max is always unsure of the other dogs at first and sits on top of the picnic tables.
They have one in my neighboring town, Livingston, NJ. They have 2 areas, one for large dogs and another for under 25 pounds. $20 a year for non townies. There is also an excercise trail that you can use with your dog, but they must be on a leash for that. Pretty nice place.
Didnt realise how lucky dougal and I are all the parks and places we go Dougal does not have to be on a lead the only time he is held is car parks and round streets.
luv pepe
We have a park that we can play in on the leash but it's hard to control them both on leash when playing is involved. But, we also have a roller hockey rink at the park that no uses during this season so we've gone in there before. They love it, just piles and piles of untouched snow!
We have many "bark parks" in my area. They have 2 fenced in areas, 1 for little dogs and 1 larger area for the big dogs. My own area has a city park with signs saying dogs can't read, but you dogs allowed. So people let their dogs run on the enclosed basketball court. There is are a few beaches that allow dogs. Most of them require leashes (have you ever seen a dog try to swim with a leash? :roll: ). There is one bark park that has access to the beach and the dogs do not need to be on a leash. Haven't been brave enough to let Sam run wild on the beach, yet!
Nab loves the puppy park...She even knows that as soon as we pass the grocery store she is on her way to puppy heaven! she starts to whine and run back and forth and as soon as she sees the park her whole body starts to wag! She always comes home tired and this time of year (everything is melting here) very dirty but very happy!

The only place we have to leash Nab in St. Albert is on the walking trails. The rest of the city is off leash. This is really good in the winter when it is so icy that you can't walk around the block without falling and that's without 75 lbs of fur attatched to you by a leash! I always take the leash with me so I have it if I need it but she is very good about staying close and being nice and polite to everyone she meets. We do walk on leash in the summer so she is use to walking on leash!

Della & Nab
I just found out there's a dog park just a few miles from my house. It opened in October.

It's in Westland, on Hines Drive, for you Michiganders.

I'm so excited - guess where we'll be on Saturday?
We are very fortunate here in Edmonton, this city is so proud of it's parks and recreation areas. My off leash park is being taken to city hall for replanning. I wish they'd leave it alone, if they start fancing it up for multi use then the dogs will lose out.

Imagine, the biggest park ever, with natural wooded trails, and wide open spaces. A shallow river edge, where the dogs can go for a quick swim or a drink...and be safe. Picnic benches, and very well supported by local dog owners. It's also great for off road mountain biking, cross country skiing and hiking.

They want to add a boat launch, pave some of the trails(city law states that if you a paved trail trail the dog must be leashed). Anyways, we will see what happens, all park users have sign a petition for them to just leave the place alone. This city has alot of other beautiful parks for wheel chairs, strollers, roller blading etc.

I am so excited to get back to the park, esp having longer days again. Remy knows exactly where we are when we hit the dirt road, talk about commotion...whines, barks, paces...inside the blazer...very funny.
I think some irresponsible dog owners wrecked it on our town. All of the parks, and there are many and they are lovely, are "no dogs" allowed, save one. They did create a 'pooch park' that is shared by our community and the next neighbor over. It is a Godsend!

Last night I took Chelsea and even though the other two dogs there were more interested in playing 'fetch' with their owners, she just ran around like a wild woman! I love the off-leash parks because you can really 'open 'er up'.

It's like taking your sportscar out on the Autobahn.

Chelsea runs around in circles, poops, and then runs around some more, and she's great, after about 10 to 15 minutes I say 'let's go home' and she beats a path back to the front gate and waits for me to catch up. She's awesome. Afterwards we get our only 'freebie' on loose leash walking, on the way back to the car. She's so pooped out she forgets to struggle.

I think every community should have areas where dogs can be off their leash. :D Of course it takes responsible owners to keep it nice and to keep the dogs safe.

Nothing beats a happy dog...that all I see at the park. I do wish more people would clean up after their dogs tho.

Our park even provides bags incase you forgot one. Remy is so hilarious when get there, she too races like a mad woman, and extremely social.
I know of four, two that are far away :( (and what stinks is that those are the two best ones). The other two your dogs have to be on a leash. So I can have one on the flexi and the other two on the four foot nylons....not a ton of fun.
I recommend going to and typing in "dog parks in (your state/country here)".
Tulsa does have at least one "Off Leash Dog Park" or Bark Park. It is located behind the Tulsa Historical Society Building off Peoria. It is next to Woodward. It is a wonderful place to take your dog and let them run and play. There are generally lots of people there between 4.30 and dark. Please bring your dog and come play
I like dog parks... usually. The main problem with them is stupid owners.

Yesterday I took my two sheepdogs to the park I usually frequent, and everything was fine until an idiot showed up with two large dogs unrestrained in the back of a pickup. He let them through the gate and immediately began screaming at the two dogs when they ran off to join the other dogs. It was apparent that screaming was something he must do on a regular basis. HIs dogs certainly seemed immune to it.

Then the jackass started screaming at the top of his voice at other people's dogs--including mine-- when they milled around his dogs naturally sniffing his.

"GET AWAY!" "BEAT IT!!" he yelled at the dogs.

Finally, in a threatening fashion, he turned to a woman nearest him whose dog was one of the group and warned her to "Keep your damn dog away from mine."

Everyone quickly packed up and left, as did I. On the way out one of the other people said that individual came there all the time and always acted the same way.

It only takes one to spoil the whole experience. Plus, I felt sorry for those poor dogs of his.
How terrible,glad I wasn't there I'ld probably would of told him to shut the f%*# up.and told him to keep his away instead.I got someone similar in my neigborhood to deal with.
Well I'm really lucky where I live in Minnesota, these type of parks are everywhere, two in fact in my city alone. I've taken all my dogs to the local Off leash park, but my OES because of his severe arthritis doesn't fair well as the younger dogs knock him over when they are playing, he tries to run :lol: bless his soul, to keep up with the young uns, but to no avail. Now my Bouvier is a star in the park as he loves to play fetch all day, and everyone throws the ball for him he will go around all the humans and they respond in kind by tossing the ball for him.
So for the most part I like the Off Leash parks.
I take my crew to the tennis courts all the time. It's perfect. Unless the run so hard that they file down their toenails until they bleed. Of course you must clean up after them.
we have one inond--reat for Chopin, but as we will be moving soon to Caroline county he will have to make due with land--if anyone out my way wants to turn my few acres into a dog park every now and again I'm open to the idea:)
I live in Gainesville, FL (alachua county) and we have several dog parks. Mostly they are city or county owned 1-5 acre fenced fields with a water fountain. Our parks are not regulated so you have to keep a good eye on your dog... one time someone brought their anti-social Pitbull and it mawled my hound dog for no reason. Luckily he wasn't seriously hurt.
redmam7 wrote:
Our parks are not regulated so you have to keep a good eye on your dog

Good advice no matter what
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