Crate Type/Size for Male OES Pup?

Puppy arrived yesterday yeah. He is 8 weeks old Male, seems to have made himself at home already :) He was up every two hours last night :( hopefully that gets better. The toe monster thing is cute but not as cute at 3:00am in the morning ;) The crate he came in already seems to small. He can barely stand up and or turn around. Couple of questions.

What size crate should you get for Male OES? Parents were 75 to 90lbs. I will try to get one that has moveable wall so you can close in while he is small. I believe for crate training he should have a enough room to stand-up turnaround comfortably but not enough where he can pee/poop on one side and lay on the other.

Type: Wire mess and or one that provides more privacy. At this point he appears to like being in open space.

His name is Harry, Wife is an Aussie likes the English names

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this size (48lx30wx33h) and crate is my favorite. would be perfect for a dog that size. best part is, it collapses so it travels well.

the one i have has 2 doors instead of one, but i was too lazy to find that one for ya ;)
I use the 48" crate for my male, BUT it doesn't fit in my car so it isn't too easy for me to travel with. I have a small SUV. The 42" crate that my smaller (65 pound ) female uses does fit however. I think you have to realize each dog ends up with more than one crate and plan that way. we have both soft sided and wire crates, as well as one of those spring ones that folds into a circle. we used that at the beach the other day. I am looking to add some of those tent like ones as well.

For your other question, if he likes open spaces try the wire, you can buy/make canvas covers for them.

Congrats on the pupper.
Perfect that helps. I was amazed how quickly he adjusted to new surroundings, following me around laying on my feet where ever I go. He is outgoing comes up to everyone for a pet as well as my 4 and 2 year old. He was so cute following them around as well.
Oh forgot to ask, for 8 week old puppy to you put a blanket and or sheepskin or will he just most likely chew it up. I recall my last dog when I put a nice pad in crate he just chewed up.

Whada think?
For puppies I usually use an old towel. I have plenty and I also pick them up at thrift stores. (We use them in the barn for lambing time too)
They are easy to wash, or if too soiled - easy to throw out!

Avoid rugs that can unravel if/when chewed on - this is a choking and bowel obstruction hazard.

I personally would never give a puppy, or young dog that still is in the chewing stage, any more than that for a bed - unless you have lots of money and enjoy throwing out and replacing dog beds as they get chewed on. :wink:

Also, my OES have never wanted anything in their crates. Even as puppies they prefered to sleep on the bare floor of the crate. Cooler that way. :D
Congratulations! Can't wait to see some pictures. I don't put anything in the crate with my puppy. I too have multiple crates. I prefer the plastic ones but I also have the narrow SUV style one for the car/travel. The plastic one I have is maybe only 40 inches long and I am already wondering whether my 5 month old puppy will grow out of it. It is fine for my adult female at 75 pounds but she is really narrow and skinny where the pup has more of a boxy shape.
My dogs hate having anything in their crate as well. The crate I posted also has a version (not sure if it was the one I posted but i know my 2-door one did) that comes with a divider you can put in. We used it for our pup until we trusted he wouldn't pee in his crate. We only have 1 crate, but wish we had a soft sided one as well.
gdub16 wrote:
Oh forgot to ask, for 8 week old puppy to you put a blanket and or sheepskin or will he just most likely chew it up. I recall my last dog when I put a nice pad in crate he just chewed up.

Whada think?

When we got Asterisk as a puppy, the only item we would put in with her was a plushie. She hated, and still hates, pads or blankets in her crate. I think that it kept her too warm, so she prefered just the plastic pullout tray at the bottom of the crate on her skin.

I think it will depend on your puppy though
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