Sick Pup

I read your topics quite often and thought someone might be able to give me some advice. I have an OES who's 2 1/2, his name is Sam. Sam isn't feeling so well today. Yesterday he went to doggy daycare and came home wiped out as usual but seemed fine. Today we woke up to his vomiting. He threw up a few times this morning and wouldn't eat his dog food. By this afternoon, I made him some ground turkey and rice to get some food in him. He ate it all but threw it up about 3 hours later. He has vomited once more since. Each time it's yellowish in color w/ flecks of red. He is also lathargic, not himself. He often has a sensitve stomach so we weren't concerned right away but now it's 12 + hours later and still feels bad. Should I be rushing to the emergency vet or is there some other remedy to help his upset stomach? He hasn't eaten anything out of the ordinary to my knowledge but he was at daycare. Any advice?
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I would have him seen immediately by your vet to
determine the cause of these symptoms.
After all these episodes of vomiting, Sam is probably also dehydated.
Is he able to take water ???
Yes, he has drank some water and eaten his usual amount of snow today. Thanks for the advice.
I also agree that I would get him to the vet asap as well. He may of eaten something at the daycare but the "red flecks" are a concern to me. He may have gotten injured internally maybe instead of just eating something which maybe would explain his willingness to eat & drink. Please keep us posted on how Sam is doing.
Ditto on takign him to the vet. The yellow sounds like bile probably from dehydration, and the red flecks are likely blood which could be many things. It could be worms irritating his digestive tract, or he may have an intestinal blockage which requires immediate medical attention. Good luck and please let us know!
Welcome to the forum :)

I also agree a trip to the vets if nothing to ease your mind. Years ago my dog Snoopy was given a bone by a neighbor and it's sharp edges cut his insides. Not likely they would have such a thing at doggie daycare, but perhaps he was chewing on a stick or some other foreign object that is causing some obstruction.

Please let us know how Sam is doing and give the boy a belly rub for me.

Marianne and the boys
Just checking in, how is Sam doing ????
Sam is doing much better, thank you. We ended up going to the vet yesterday and it turns out he has a parasite. I forget the name but it's contracted from drinking standing water (which is hard to find in Michigan this time of year) or passed from dog to dog. He was prescribed some meds and is doing much better today. Thanks again for your advice and concern. Like I said, I always like reading your topics.
Thank you for the update.
Glad Sam is better and on the mend !!
Glad Sam is doing a whole lot better. I am just wondering if the doggie day care place knows about this parasite Sam got because it might have been passed on right therre.
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