It's going to be a mess

Our house is getting some major work done at the moment. While this is going on Edgar and Aggie are having to spend every day outside in a fenced pen. Edgar spends his whole day in the corner of the pen looking anxious while Aggie spends her whole day in a different corner of the pen. You can tell they are inside dogs and don't want to be outside. They get to come in at night when the workers are gone at least. Poor things.

Anyways...Edgar is filthy. He has pitch spots in his fur all over from the trees I guess. I can't do anything to clean him up until the work on the house is done. Hopefully that will be soon but at least a week to two weeks left. I'm wondering if I am going to have to shave him down due to the pitch.

To make matter worse I miss him. Right now I am staying at my sister's house while Lee sleeps at our house (on the couch) at night to keep an eye on the dogs and the property. I usually see Edgar a few minutes after Lee and I go back to the house after Lee gets off work. Edgar is beside himself with wiggles, probably at the thought of getting out of the pen and getting dinner and being in the house, and makes me feel so guilty.

I am so ready to move back into our house and sleep on my own bed instead of the floor. Oh wait, I have to clean up the house destruction mess first before we can move most of our stuff back in :twitch: When I walked into the house this evening I had the lovely smell of mouse turds. The workers had taken out some stuff and uncovered more old mouse nests. Which had rained down onto the below floor. So I have a big house sanitation project coming up, again. I sure wish that the house would clean itself up, Edgar would magically be clean, and all our stuff would be moved back in. Hehe, a girl can dream can't she.... :)
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Ugh that sounds awful 8O

I'm sure Edgar would be happy to help clean up after the mice :lol:
House reno's - what a pain and truly a mess.
We gutted our whole kitchen. I remember the b-day party pictures from when the girls were little and there are bare wall studs where the old walls used to be! Everything got ripped out. It is nice having electrical outlets in there now though (really old house, was 1 outlet in the kitchen!)

I could go onto the rest of the house, but we dread the kudos to you for tackling it all!

One of our labs had pitch on him from a tree. I never got it off. I got some off, the rest had to just wear off. I would hink the best would be to trim/shave and cut it off Edgar. :(
Be very careful with the pitch. I can lead to hotspots under the mess. Ever see a shaved Newfoundland? 8O Poor pups! Poor you but you know there will be good things at the end.
Ugh! We ripped he whole kitchen/living space off the back of he house and lived here. It was truly horrible. I couldnt believe how dirty it was despite double plastic sheeting taped over all the doorways, and drop sheets everywhere.
I couldnt even sit down when I got home from work. I had to change into old clothes first. :evil:
Its all worth it in the end though. :D
Ugh, that totally sucks. I can see the look in Edgar's eyes in my mind, too. the terror of "What the hell am I doing out here?" I hope it's over soon and all of you can go back to you respective beds.

I think you should take some pictures, though. It sounds major!
That sounds awful... I've heard palmolive dish soap gets almost anything out of a dogs coat so maybe try a bath with that?
Sounds like you need a cat or two also!
Willowsprite-They aren't our mouse nests as I'm not so partial to sharing my house with vermin :) . We bought the house about a year ago and it is over 70 years old. The people who lived there before us were not the cleanest... I had never heard that about Palmolive dish soap. I may have to try that.

Mim-Yeah, it is awful. The whole house is covered in a layer of dirt at the moment. We can't contain it as most of the walls are torn out anyways. Just studs and all that. I keep telling myself it will be worth it. Someday. I hope.

got sheep- We need to gut the kitchen bad. But I am not letting Lee touch it until most of the other house is somewhat put back together. The only things that have walls right now in our house is the bathroom and kitchen. Our power for the last year has been electrical cords so I am going to be thrilled when we get power outlets. Rewiring and insulating are the next two major things on our list to do. Guess it can't get any worse eh?

**Bally**- YUCK. Yeah, I'm sure he would love to do that.

- Yup, I have been taking pictures like crazy. It's going to take some years before we are all done. I decided that I should take a picture of mournful Edgar. Poor guy is not very happy. He holds it all day and wont go to the bathroom until I let him out. All that space to roam around in but no. :roll: Edgar is going to be overjoyed when he gets to go back to his bed snoozing every morning routine.

I sympathize with you. Yesterday DH announced that the ceiling cable heat needed to be replaced which may require the ceiling in the living room, kitchen and hallway to be re-done. In the same breath he said he wanted to replace all the windows in the house. 8O

I told him I was taking the dogs and moving to our beach place until everything was finished. Don't know why he got angry but he did. :?

Living through the kitchen reno a few years ago was nothing compared to what he's proposing. :roll:
Good luck with that one, Nita. 8O
I feel your pain.....we spent 2 months last summer without a bathroom :twisted: Chauncey didn't mind so much, but Bob & I thought we might be arrested if we decided to use Chaunce's method 8O
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