1st haircut in 11 years!

So I finally decided it's time to get a haircut. It's a big thing for me because I've been growing my hair for 11 years. It was just below shoulder length back then, and I wanted it down my back so I've been trimming at home twice a year to grow it out. It's taken ALL that time to finally get to the length I wanted, but guess what? I don't like it all that much :roll: My hair is dead straight but fine (I think) and it's just too flat to wear this long. I toyed with the idea of having a loose wave to try & give more width but I want to have a style that suits my hair type, without tonnes of chemicals. Besides, I know the top would go flat really quickly.

I'm terrified of the hairdresser's because my hair grows so slowly! It's kind of like going to the dentist for me :lol:

I have a few pics of hair styles I've got from the net and took them to several places. The first one I went to, the woman was really horrible & said I couldn't have layers cut in because it would make it too thin "You don't even have ONE layer DO YOU?" she made me feel horrible, but she really didn't understand the style I'm hoping for. I know it's going to be thinner, and that's OK with me.
I finally found a place where a stylist took a little time to look at my hair right there & then and talked about it with me for no charge. I'm going back there today, he said the senior stylist will talk with me again & I'm taking lots more pics so she understands the style, then if she says it's not possible, I'll have a re-think.

I want it to look more - fun!

Here is my 'before' pic
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Good luck, Cassie! I still always slightly dread when I go to the hairdresser's because she cuts it a little different EVERY time! :roll: I don't think she does it on purpose, but still . . .

Be sure to post an "after" picture!
Can't wait to see yr new hair do!!!! oh i bet it looks lovely.... :)
Cassie, my daughter Lisa can totally relate to you. Her hair barely grows at all either!

She has been growing it out for YEARS and it is just to a longish ponytail now. Her's isn't thin, but she just dreads getting it cut, in case it turns out bad and she will be stuck with it bad forever!

Luckily, one of her best friends from high school is a stylist and Bridget is the ONLY one who is allowed to trim. 8)

Good luck with the appointment and new style!
You have such pretty/healthy hair, I think with the right style you could add a ton of volume. Let's see the pictures of the styles you are hoping for!
You have a beautiful face and hair. I'm sure you will pick the best hairstyle for you. I'll look forward to seeing your new cut.
Come on Cassie - show us how you look now! The suspense is killing me! :lol: :lol:
I like your look :lol: My hair grows so slow I only have to go to the hairdresser's once a year. Yours looks very healthy. Please post your new style :lol:
Oh Cassie cant wait to see your hair.
I have been with the same hairdresser for 10 years, only go about every 2 months or so but now he has left! He is supposed to be opening a new shop and I am scouring the town for new hairdresser shops looking for him!
rstevovich wrote:
I like your look :lol: My hair grows so slow I only have to go to the hairdresser's once a year. Yours looks very healthy. Please post your new style :lol:

Golly................what a difference! Mine grows so fast I need to have an appt. every 3 weeks!
You look great... where's the "before" pic? ;)
Here is my 'after' pic...


The hairdresser was really nice, she kept asking if what she was doing was OK and talked about everything. She showed me how to tease it and which products to use too. I like it!! The coloured extensions are clip in ones :wink:

I think she only took about an inch off the bottom :D it was a real shock to see all that hair on the floor! Greg likes it too :D
WOW, what a difference. 8O 8)
You look great.I was going to post that you have the shape face that would look good with a soft fringe. That fringe is just perfect. It makes you look so much younger too.
That's a big difference....you look great!
Wonderful change!

I too have long, fine, straight hair, but I won't be going to your style. That one suits you very well. I'm sure you'll have fun with this!
very punk rock, I like it!

Yeah, it seems very you. Glad you had a good hair stylist!!
I've got to say that I loved your before pic too. :)
Thanks for all the encouraging comments. I've brushed it out this morning and it looks completely different again, I like it like this too! It's really puffy without looking 'stuck' I had no idea my hair could ever have so much body. It's a big relief! :D
I love your new hairstyle. It looks great on you. I'm happy to hear you really like it.
It looks great - I love those extensions :lol:
Cassie that looks great really good! :lol:
Haha I sure wasn't expecting your after picture. As I was scrolling down I was picturing something shorter with layers.... I have to say that the new cut looks very nice on you. The layers make your face look really good. New haircuts are always such fun.
Very nice change!
I love it! You look hardcore!
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