Frisky My Friendly Ferret

on sunday febuary 20 my dearly loved ferret died all thow i maybe a train reck right now i still have LOTS of feelings for him and i dont get why he had to die he was just a little one he was only 2 why did you have to take him he didnt desurve to go allthow my dreams will go on with us together when i awake i no he had left and my life will never be the same he held my heart like a treasher yet when he died he stole my sole from me his little beaty eyes his pink nose his big ears and you cant forget his carin long and nerro body im so sorry i let you down i promised that nothing wound happen to you but i could not save you i tryed and i tryed but i could not suceed i had payed $200 to save you but it didnt help i feel like my life will not go on every day i hope to see your cute soft face but i dont why is the question i dont understand why does there have to be death i miss you SO much frisky and i hope you no that i will see u again i promis i dont no when but i will i love yas more than lfe its self i promis to see you again but untill then i will be with you in your dream and youll be in mine allways xxxx chantel
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I am so sorry for your loss. Frisky was clearly very loved and will continue to watch over you.
I'm so sorry to hear about your friend Frisky Chantel.... It sounds like he was a wonderful pet, and I know it is hard to lose someone you love.
I am sorry to hear about your Frisky. Nothing will ever change how much you loved your pet. He knew how special he was to you!

Maybe you can make a special scrapbook of pictures of Frisky and write little stories about funny things he did. If you are feeling sad reading it will always put a smile on your face!

I think that's how pets (and people, too) want us to remember them, with smiles on their faces!
Hello Chantel.

I'm so sorry to hear about your dear Ferret friend, Frisky. I know that it is very hard to understand sometimes why our pets have to die. It is important to remember that you did nothing wrong, it is not your fault that Frisky died. It is ok to feel sad and to cry. The best thing to do is to remember all the good things about Fisky- why you loved him. How soft and fuzzy he was, how much you enjoyed being with Frisky, petting, feeding and playing with him. Frisky would want you to remember all the good things that you did with him. Frisky will always be with you in your heart, and he is in heaven now, across the rainbow bridge, where all of our pets get to go to wait for us. He is happy and doing all his favorite things. I know that you are very sad right now, but I hope that you will feel better soon. Your friend,

I'm so sorry for your loss. Frisky will always be with you in your heart. Sending you lots of (((HUGS))) and thoughts.
Hi Chantel,

I am so sorry for your loss. I know I felt very bad for a long time when I lost my sheepdog Jake. (He's the one just under my name). When I feel sad about losing him, it's OK, but after a little while I think about my favorite memories of him, and I feel a little bit better.

Everybody told me that in time, I wouldn't be so very sad, but I didn't believe them. I missed Jake so much! But they were right. I'm still sad, but I'm a lot less sad now than I was right after he died.

Can you tell us what is your favorite memory you have of Frisky? When you think of the happy times with Frisky, what do you think of?

Thanks for sharing with us.

I know how you feel. It is very sad when someone/thing you love is taken from you before you are ready. You did EVERY thing right. You loved Frisky, you cherished Frisky, you cared for Frisky. Frisky will always remember that, as will you. It sounds like you have a lot of love to give, and when you are ready will be able to do so for another pet. I lost my last dog when she was only 6--which was way too young for her to be taken away from me. But it was her time, and although I didn't want that to be true, I eventually accepted it.

Chantel, don't let anyone tell you you shouldn't be sad. And you should take as long as you need to mourn Frisky.
Hi Chantel,

I'm so sorry you're hurting about losing your friend Frisky.

I know it is very hard to say goodbye to such a special friend, but when you're feeling really sad and just when you think you're going to cry all over again, just remember all you have to do is close your eyes and think about how much fun you 2 had together.

Think about all the times you helped clean his stinky cage, and how silly frisky would get when it was time for you to play with him. When you do this, ALL the pain will go away and you'll find yourself laughing. Trust me this works :D and you're NEVER without Frisky. He will ALWAYS be with you as long as you can remember him, and that's forever right? Of course :D
Hi Chanel. I am very sorry to hear about the loss of your pet Frisky. It is hard to loose something that you love. Please remember that sometimes things happen that you have no control over but one thing you did have control over was the time that you spent with your special friend and it sounds like you gave Frisky alot of love.

Saying goodbye is never easy Chantel but when your heart starts to hurt and you miss Frisky think about all of the wonderful things you did with him and all of the times he mad you laugh. Frisky will want you to remember all of the love that was shared.
Hello Chantal

It's never easy to lose something you love but think of how happy Frisky was because you were in his life and had all your love. Maybe he wouldn't have had a wonderful life without you to love him, and you will remember him always.

I'm sorry that you lost your little ferret, Frisky. Just remember him and all the good times and he will always live on in your heart.
Hi Chantel. I am very sorry to hear about Frisky. It sounds like he had a happy loving life.

I don't think anyone can really explain how to make the hurt go away when we lose a pet we love. I still miss my Sara who died in August. The best thing I can recommend is remembering the good and happy times you had. When I think of these times, it makes me realize that the pain, as much as it hurts, is worth all of the fun and love you received from your friend.

It will get better in time, but I don't think the pain ever goes completely away. Hang in there and talk to friends and family about your feelings. Realizing that others have made it through these awful things helped me realize that I will make it, no matter how bad I had felt.

Hi Chantel,

It's always hard to find the right words to say to someone that is grieving over the loss of a loved one. We spoke of the Rainbow Bridge and the loss that you feel. In time, your sadness will be replaced by memories of Frisky and you can share stories of his adventures with us. What you feel is very real and it does help for others whom have shared the same kind of pain you feel to offer support to you. You can see by the responses that the loss is never forgotten but it does get better over time.

You spoke of some other kids that didn't understand the grief and sadness that you feel. Those children have never experienced the love of a furried creature whom can touch our lives in such a profound way. It's their loss as they have never experienced what unconditional love an animal can bring to us. We know that those that have shared our homes with us are very much part of our families as an upright (human).

Your love for Frisky is so apparent and he was obviously much loved. You did everything you could, you did all the right things, the vet did all the right things too. Sadly he passed due to his blockage. You had no way of knowing and please don't dwell on the "what ifs". His time was short with you but he had a happy home and was loved by you.

You've seen by the responses which I will print out for you that many do understand how you feel. Frisky will live in your heart and perhaps some time you can share the happy times you've had with him.

Hugs from Me

Miss D
Hi there I,m Pepe. So sorry about Frisky. You haven,t really lost him you know he will always be in your heart. Do you have any photos of him you could do a little book about him. From the moment you had him, as a little remember me book. His life with you was so very important to you both.
You can share it with your friends it will help them understand how you feel. To share that kind of love is special.
luv pepe
Maybe you could post a picture of Frisky so everyone can see how cute he was. It might make you feel happier to share him with all of us because we do understand how you feel. Perhaps in a little while you could post a story about him, something silly or funny that he did.
Hi Chantel,
I was very saddened to hear of the loss of your ferret Frisky. I can tell by Miss D.'s posts and your posts how very special he was to you. Animals are very special friends entrusted for us to care for and you did a good job of that. Not everyone has the same love and understanding of animals as the people here on this website.

In my opinion the people here are very special and share the same love of animals and compassion that you have. Seek out people like that in your life and you will have good friends and something in common to share. I know how saddened you are by the loss of your pet but you will always remember him.
Love and hugs.
Hi Chantel,

So sorry to hear the news about your ferret, Frisky.
Thank you for sharing your story with us. You are a special
person, and Frisky knew that !! Bet there were lots of fun
times !!! Many people suggested that you share some of the
fun times, with pictures or your own drawings. You will
be able to share the memory book with your friends and
Miss D. You have so much to share, and talking with
others about a loss ofyour favorite pet helps to heal your
heart... And Frisky will always be a part of your heart.
Dear Chantel,

I lost my first dog Oliver almost 30 years ago and I still remember him with love. You loved Frisky and you made his life good, he knew you loved him and he loved you too. That is the best life anyone, person or animal can have, to know love and be able to return it.

I am sorry you are hurting-- thank you for sharing your story, the more you talk about it the better you will feel. Let your family and friends know how you feel, they will give you the love and support you need.
Hi Chantel,

I'm sad for you losing Frisky too. Just remember how lucky he was to have you as a mom.
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