OES, Yorkies, Deer, Turkeys, &...Female or Male

Hello & Help Pleez :?:

We are parents of 4 wee Yorkies; they are our children in every
Given we are moving to 118 acres of God's country, quite isolated, me
hubby wants a LARGE fur baby, for his size & bark. Several people recommended the OES (rather than the Airedale) for his/her gentleness with other pets, lovable ways, & obedience in training. We also have horses.

We want this new "baby" to live inside with us, but romp with us on the land. We have permits for a large herd of deer, babies too. We also have
wild turkey who live on our land. Kinda like a wildlife sanctuary.

Question: How is the OES with wildlife?

Any suggestions about introducing the puppy and Yorkies, especially in handling as he/she gets HUGE next to a 5 lb wee one? 8O

Most of all....is there a gender preference quality?
We have two males & two females. The males, being leg lifters are
territorial. The females graciously do all their business on wee wee pads.
(we are putting Foster & Smith's kids through college) :lol:

Thank you for caring & sharing. This
means so very much to us.

smidgie & clan
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We have a one year old OES, and the neighboors recently got a chiwawa. At first they didn't seem to get along. But after a few days of slow introduction they are allmost inseperable. The chiwawa even tunneled under the fence to play with our fur baby while we were at work. Talk about the funniest thing you could ever imagine, a 95 pound dog and a 4.5 pound dog wrestling around. It stops traffic!!!! :lol:
Our OES have lived in the house with a cocker spaniel & ferrets & have gotten along fine. As far as wild life - The OES is a hearding breed and most I have know will tend to heard ANYTHING that moves, including people. The dog would have a great time, but I'm not sure what the other animals might think of it! They love to romp outdoors, but unless you are ready for some intense grooming sessions, I would advise keeping the dog clipped down in a "puppy coat" clip.
Regarding your question if OES's are good with wildlife: I can't speak for all but my OES female "Shaggy" has always been exceptional with wildlife and injured small creatures. She recently kept guard over some motherless kittens that were given to me to foster by the Humane Society. Even allowing them to eat off her plate! Although she did has never allowed my other dog to even come close when she is eating.She was also best friends with my rabbit of 10 years...sitting under the tree together in the shade and in the evenings she would herd it back to it's pen. Many times on our walks she would lead me to injured birds or other animals expressing concern in almost human like ways. Lastly, with all children she would bring a ball for them to play with...and drop it at their feet. With children that were in wheelchairs..she would gently nudge the ball into their hands. I did not teach her any of this as she figured it out on her own. I am not sure if Shaggy is an exceptional dog or that is the breed. I just know that I would never consider another breed after owning an OES. (Should mention I originally adopted Shaggy from an SPCA) she was matted, malnurished,abused, barked incessively and was not housebroken. It took a year of hard work but the reward...well can't even begin to tell you how much I have loved her. She is now 15 and nearing the end of her life...my heart is breaking. But yes! They are wonderful amazing dogs that are really good with other animals and livestock.
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