Duncan is home -- his forever home

We are pleased to announce that we have officially adopted Duncan. He is in our home, and we are delighted with him. There are so many things that I didn't think about until we got him home. For example, Duncan walked into a sliding glass door. Presumably, he has never seen one before and didn't realize that it was there. Fortunately, Duncan and the door are fine. He didn't know how to do steps. And, he is very nervous and worried because he is the only dog. Currently, he is looking for his pack. Again, it didn't occur to me that this is probably one of the few times in his life that there wasn't another dog around.
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If someone could point me where I can post photos, I will start putting a few up. :D
Congratulations! I know we would all love to see photos. Here is the post with info on that:

Woo hoo! We wanna see Duncan! We wanna see Duncan!
Welcome Home Duncan!
As far as the door(to keep Ron busy where is the "ouchie" emoticon??)
I keep "decor" on the doors so, they stop to wait
Can't wait to see pics and hear the stories! 8)
Yeah Duncan is home!! :cheer: :hearts: :cheer: :hearts: :hearts:
He will learn and adjust to his new surroundings. Can't wait to see pics and hear more 'homecoming stories'! :aww: :clappurple:
So pleased. he will settle just lots of tlc and he will soon realise you are his pack now. Have I missed the story of Duncan, if so please re cap when you do the photos :wink: :wink: :wink:
Duncan has completely ignored the kitties with one exception. Harry wanted to come out in the backyard with us this morning. Duncan was, naturally, with us. Duncan went over to greet Harry, and Harry took off. Harry attempted to climb a tree! Considering that he has been declawed since he was a kitten and has never climbed a tree, I thought that it was pretty impressive that Harry made it half way up the trunk of the pecan tree before almost falling on top of Duncan. Duncan naturally had followed Harry out to the tree. Duncan wasn't chasing Harry, but he was very interested in what this small, furry creature was doing. Harry has retreated in a really good snit to the bedroom.

We're going to have to train Duncan to eat at his bowl. He is taking a few bites, chewing and walking off -- leaving bits of kibble as a trail. I don't think he knows the story of Hansel and Gretel, so I am assuming that this is simply something he doesn't know. We'll work with him.

He slept well last night, but not on his bed. He slept beside it. I don't think that he understands that the bed was his. He is such a timid dog that I think he doesn't want to do anything that will cause anyone to be angry with him.

We're going to have a good day today. Michael and I are going to take Duncan up to McAllister Park which has some wonderful trails and then over to Petsmart to pick out some treats and maybe a ball or some other toy.
oh bless. I bet he is really happy but just darent show it in case it is taken away from him. :P
Bless you for rescuing Duncan! It will take him at least a few days to feel secure and like your home is his home, but it will come. I'm so happy for both of you and Duncan!!
Shea130 wrote:
He slept well last night, but not on his bed. He slept beside it. I don't think that he understands that the bed was his. He is such a timid dog that I think he doesn't want to do anything that will cause anyone to be angry with him.

I have bought 3 different types of bed for Tiggy and she still sleeps on the floor beside them. 8O :cry:
I can only think that she prefers the cool tile to the nice bed. :?
Mim wrote:
I have bought 3 different types of bed for Tiggy and she still sleeps on the floor beside them. 8O :cry:
I can only think that she prefers the cool tile to the nice bed. :?

Congratulations on your Duncan! What a blessing to have a real home with lots of love. He must be overwhelmed with all the goodness he's never felt or known. :hearts: :hearts:
Chloe didn't sleep in her bed until she had her shorter clip done recently.
This sounds so much like Lucy! She did the exact same thing with her food bowl. It made me think all 9 were in a pen together and had to fight for the food:cry:. It only took a few day for her to learn the food was indeed hers, and she got to eat ALL of it, hopefully Duncan will look quickly as well.

Lucy also doesn't understand the the dog bed is hers...she'd prefer the bed or futon thank you very much :roll: .

Duncan will adapt quickly I'm sure. I'm so excited to hear your stories and see pictures! He is one lucky guy, I can tell already!
Congratulations on Duncan! The door story made me laugh, especially because the glass on our doors is so covered with fingerprints, our sheepie doesn't have to worry about running into it!!
singinmom wrote:
Congratulations on Duncan! The door story made me laugh, especially because the glass on our doors is so covered with fingerprints, our sheepie doesn't have to worry about running into it!!

I'm making suncatchers to put on the door, so maybe this won't happen anymore. They are cooling on my counter right now because he did it again this morning.
Poor fellow. :wink: He'll get used to it eventually. You'll have to learn him and his ways as he learns about you and yours. All in all, it's a great adventure for everyone involved. You're so fortunate to have found each other! Give him time, it takes a few months for a rescue to settle into their new home.
duncan is a lucky boy yes they are so much fun !! and when he does crazy things just take a real big deep breath , i love the pics and thanks for rescuing him..
There is no dog more fun or funnier than the OES!
I love your story on Duncan picking his favorite! It frustrates my husband but our rescue Sashie seems to favor and obey me very much over the other family members. But I have had to live with this favorite thing from the other dog with hubby for awhile so i think its only fair! lol
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