Collecting ideas for puppy training

I am in search for ideas on activities/games to play with pup. Know any fun games?
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Hide N Seek is a good one! You hide (obviously) and see if the dog can find you. It is great for working on recalls as well as having some fun and getting out some energy.
If you have a fenced in area, our trainer suggested

Have 2 people about 6 feet apart.
One person calls the puppy, when the puppy comes to
that person, he gets a treat. Make sure to touch the pups
The second person calls the puppy, and repeats the step above.

The puppy has fun running between the two people.
It teaches puppy to come when called (also you can take the collar
in an emergency to restrain them)
Dancer's favorite game as a puppy was, and still is, me taking the dogs laundry basket of toys and placing them around the house. There are about ten toys, and each one has a name that the dogs learned because of this game. Anyway, I tell the dogs to go get a toy by name and they go look for it and bring it to me and then we go on to the next.
It has no real practical value, but sheepdogs love to use their brains, and it is something mentally stimulating for them as well as fun.
:lol: One of our books suggested using an used cleaned liter bottle for a game of hockey, just for fun. It's a riot. We found that a used juice bottle works a little better because she cannot collapse it.
Dancer and Sky love empty 2 litre coca cola bottles.... lol... pounce, run, drop, pounce... then again, maybe they've been playing with the cat too much. LOL
Letting them play with a really large ball, larger than a basketball. We bought one for Jack and Annabelle when they are in the backyard. Instead of being able to get it in their mouth, they kick it and chase it everywhere. It is hilarious and they have so much fun. They love playing hide-n-seek, they know each of our names and will go find the person that we tell them. It shocks company when we tell one of the puppers to go get the kids, they run in to the kids and start barking...the kids are now trained that when a sheepie barks at them, it's time to find out what Mom or Dad wants. LOL
I am amazed at how smart the OES breed is, with time and consistancy I think they can learn just about anything. :wink:

Stormi and co.
mkgraze, your pic is darling.
Dear Joahaeyo - Thanks, how do you pronounce your name?
We've given up, and now just call her "Jo" Heeheehee!

You pup is very lovely, by the way!

Karen :)
Great ideas everybody. Thanks! I'll try a couple tonite!
This isn't exactly a game, but we have tennis balls everywhere! Samantha loves to play soccer with them. Infact, when I walk her by the neighborhood tennis courts, she tries to run towards them when she hears the bounce of the ball. I play tennis, so we have a fair share of balls. Since I can't throw very far, I use my raquet (the old one as the balls get a bit slobbery) in the back yard. I have trained Sam to "sit", "wait" and "OK go!" while doing that.
The interesting thing is that she will have one of her stuffed toys in her mouth while playing with the ball around the house. Someone told me that they read an article that says when dogs do that it shows intellegence due to the fact that they can use 2 different skills at the same time. Has anyone else heard of that?
I know of a sheepie who was never seen without one of his many babies. I guess he rather like the company and the open invite to play. But I don't know of dogs doing both at the same time. That is interesting!

I gave Farley an empty 2 liter bottle last night! Oooo - joy! :D He played with it until I had to take it away from him because he was tearing it apart. Fear not. I'm a Diet Coke adict so theres lots of bottle to come.
Our first sheepdog Prince invented a little game for himself.
He used to carry his water dish around. One day in the yard
he was playing with a ball, then his water dish.
You could see him thinking about this situation.

He picked up the ball and placed it in the dish, and ran.
Problem solved, almost.

When he ran around the corner the ball fell out.

It took him about 5 times then , an idea !!!

When he ran with the ball and dish, he would tilt the dish
so the ball would stay inside !!!!

He loved this game and would play for half an hour at a time.
Samantha also puts her tennis ball in her water dish....then finds an unsuspecting person and drops the soaking ball in their lap!
Be careful when you play soccer, Roger loves soccer, but when he was a puppy I kicked at the same time hit bit the ball and broke a baby tooth off at the tip. Don't allow them to bite your hands as this will be a problem later. Not that they will hurt you, but it will scare others, if your sheepie decides to 'play' with them when they meet. Balls, ropes, kongs, squeeky toys, stuffed animals every individual dog seems to like different things. Roger basically throws a ball then chases it and bats it around with his feet. Many time under the couch or furniture, on purpose , to get me up off my tushie and playing, it usually works for him. THe only thing you have to look out for is safety, something they could swallow and choke on, or something they cut tear up and get cut with or choke or swallow. I can imagine a 6 month old with a stomach full of teddy bear stuffing. Most of all though, you will be the toy just holding something to play with and that is what it is all about.

Barney's favorite trick is carry both a large rope bone and his black & white ball (picture) in his mouth at the same time. Or he will play soccer with the bone in his mouth and dribbling the ball with his front and hind legs.
Tigerlily likes to hockey puck her water dish around the kitchen before drinking; not sure why
alinamarie wrote:
Tigerlily likes to hockey puck her water dish around the kitchen before drinking; not sure why

She's a sheepie! LOL Sydney enjoys playing in the water bowl at my sister's house - like she is swimming in a lake! They lost their indoor water priveledges Sunday because of Syndey! :wink:
My brothers use to play that "game" with me. "Tag! <<splash>> You're it!" :? Razzin frazzin big brothers! :)
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