OES in a Canoe

Hoping to draw on the vast experiences of the group, has anyone ever taken their bobtail on a canoe trip? Is it possible for them to sit still without dumping? :lol: Float fishing is big on our Missouri streams and I'm hoping Barney will be a fishing buddy, plus ballast for the front end of the canoe.
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:lol: :lol: I can barely keep the canoe from tipping without the dogs! I have never canoed with Sydney - but she's been on a paddle boat before (not quite the same though).

I would think it will be tough to get them to sit still - but if you get it to work you better have someone taking pictures! :) Be sure to get a life jacket for Barney!

I thought I'd take the pictures....I'm an optimist....guess I better get a waterproof camera! :lol:
Yes!!! It can be done but not without some preperation or you'll end up in the water.

This summer I took two of my dogs in a row boat across a channel on open ocean. Ha! I know I was laughing at the face of danger. My girlfriend was steering the boat , although it was a rowboat she had a motor attached as she crosses this channel several times daily to get to her home on a tiny Island.

I have three dogs but thought that might be pushing my luck! Unfortunately Merlin had to stay at a kennel as he had previously come with me the time before.

Here's what I would do to prepare for a canoe trip as your hands will be busy unlike a boat with a motor. Place the canoe on the grass in your yard (I know you're going to look silly to your neighbors) sit in the boat and call your dog. See what he does. Does he jump in and out or sit still?

Try this a few times and he'll become used to the boat and where he should sit and make sure he remains seated when you are practising. You'll see the true test of course when you go out in the water for the first time. Maybe stick to shallow water until you feel comfortable.

The Islanders where my friend lives all have dogs and cross the channel daily to get to a bigger Island to do their grocery shopping. So it can be done.

Good luck to you!
Marianne and the boys

(Then all you'd have to worry about is your furball eating your fish :D _
I posted some pictures of Sydney's boating adventures (in the Picture Forum).

Marianne - that's a great idea to try getting them in the canoe on land first! My friend's lab rides in their row boat - maybe I'll try that this summer! I've been known to tip over the canoe on my own - so I don't want to traumatize Sydney having her with me. :wink:

Thanks Marianne, I glad I've heard it's been done. Yes I plan on getting him used to the canoe and his place there in front on dry land with the canoe on blocks to keep it from rocking. Then remove the blocks so he gets comfortable with it rocking from side to side over the keel. Then if he seems comfortable, try an outing with no gear, (I'll just plan on going swimming!).

The biggest hurdle I anticipate is getting him in and out of the canoe while its in the water. It will be resting on its keel, but it will rock as he is getting in. Our streams have many shallow riffles, where he'll have to get out and walk with me, then get back in. He will have to be well trained not to wonder off and respond instantly in the canoe to "down" as we approach overhanging limbs. In short there will have to be a high level of obedience training.

By the way I have fond but poignant memories of BC. I was up there many years ago to appraise a proposed Super 8 on Vancouver Island, Campbell River. then flew from there to Sitka AK for another appraisal. While there my father passed away.

I've done this before with a Weimaraner and all went well until he decided he wanted to grab a lure I was reeling in as it approached the boat. I wasn't fast enough and he got the thing caught in his nose. :cry: Amazingly I was able to get it out, holding him down without dumping.
Hi George,

Small world then, as I was in St.Louis 3 years ago..beautiful city! The island I'm speaking of, is by way of Naniamo on Vancouver Island not far from the place you mentioned, Campbell River.

To visit my girlfriend as I live in Vancouver, I take a 2hr Ferry ride to Naniamo, then another 20 min Ferry ride to Gabriola Island then finally get picked up in her tiny boat to be taken to Mudge Island where she lives. Mudge is pretty small - only 30 residents live there year round and it's not located on most maps.

My avatar pic shows Merlin and I on the Ferry ride via Naniamo to Gabriola.

The bigger Ferries did not concern me but I was a tad worried about crossing the channel with Blue, my blueheeler/lab and Panda my other OES whom is a rescue. Ironcially Blue was the one that was terrified of going down the ramp and stepping in the boat. While Panda with no previous preperation just hopped right in as if he had been doing it all his life.

I contacted the previous owners and asked if he had experience on the water or around boats and found out he hadn't. Guess it just goes to show you ...some just take to it!

I hope your boy will and you can have many adventures on your boat as it sounds like it will be such a good time!

Again the best of luck to you.
Marianne and the boys
LOL!! :lol: i thought i was going to find a joke on this thread :lol: LOL!!

Canoeing is so much fun me and my boyfriend go all the time in the summer.When we lived in Florida(thats home)we used to go canoeing in the rivers,nothing like canoeing w/ alligators!!!I call that extreme canoeing.Seeing the gators swimming in the same area we would be canoeing scared the you know what out of me!! 8O

Well Mar always gives awesome advice so stick w/ what shes says and Id bet ya anything it works.Im laughing because I can NOT imagine taking Mickey(hes 10months old and about 65-70lbs)on any kind of canoe!!LOL!!I think we would be the funniest thing since Laurel and Hardy :lol:
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