Where can I get the "Fairy dust for Babies"

Hi everyone,
Please send some "Fairy Dust" to my best friend, Mylette. Eight weeks ago she lost her children in a car accident. Brittney 17 yrs old and Bridgett 9 yrs old. She's thinking about having a baby. She was born to be a mom. Send lots of "Fairy Dust" and white light!

You can check out the girl's websites at www.memory-of.com. Search by name Brittney Slaney and Bridgett Slaney. I'm not sure if the below links will work or not.

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That is so tragic! My heart goes out to your friend. I'm sure there is nothing in the world to make her pain go away but I hope she finds something to ease the pain some. I can't imagine how she is coping!

Thoughts and prayers are with her and her entire family! :cry:

We don't realize how lucky we are until we hear of something like this happening!

I started off this morning crying and now i'm crying again. I almost didn't respond but I feel the need. This morning I read in our local paper a 21 year old Sgt. Brett Swank from our town was killed in Iraq by an explosive device. And now coming across this I'm crying again. I can't even come up with words to say because nothing can take away the families pain and loss. The only thing I can think of is this bible verse from Phillipians 4:6-7 Some one very special gave this to me when I was very ill. They gave it to me on a refrigerater magnet and I keep it on my refridgerater It say's Have no anxiety about anything but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be known to God.And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in CHrist Jesus. :cry:
Thanks for the Bible verse. I'll print it out and pass it on. Right now Mylette's faith is her strength. She is using her loss to witness to others. She is experiencing the worst kind of loss right now and still has a way of helping me and others understand why something like this could happen. To quote her "God doesn't make mistakes."
Hi Caullet,

I wish I knew the right words to say as your friend's grief must be beyond belief. I was at school today with my students when I viewed the site. The school councellor walked by and I had to ask him to watch the computer class while I raced to the washroom and dabbed my eyes.

Her girls were absolutely beautiful and their accoplishments were something to make a parent proud. It's tragic.

I hope your friend gets her wish. As her friend, you must also be grieving for the loss of Brittney and Bridget. I'm so sorry to you all.

Hugs from me
Beauty. Hope. Love. Future. Gone. x2.

I am sorry for Mylette's family's loss. I'm sorry for your loss.

How can I begin to comprehend the anguish of a parent who has lost their 2 beautiful daughters? How can I understand a friend's grief at the loss of their best friend's children? I can't.

How can you comfort your friend? What can a friend say to comfort a parent who has lost their children? Nothing. You can be there. You can be there to hold and support, relieving a portion of their suffering by taking it upon yourself. Cry with them. Be with them.

How can you deal with your own grief? Let them be with you, too.

Being near someone who has suffered such a great loss is not comfortable. It's awkward. You can't find the right comforting words because there aren't any. I couldn't even begin my reply for fear of not saying the right thing.

There is nothing that can be offered but yourself, but years from now your presence will be remembered. When my mother died, I remember all of the friends and family who were present at the funeral. I only recall specifically what a few people said, and they were all minor variations of "I'm sorry". What I remember distinctly is who was there. I also remember a few whose genuine outpouring of emotion surprised me and endeared them to me as well.

In faith, most of what I've read concerning comfort refer to God standing with you, grieving with you. Never consoling you with words, but consoling you with His presence alone.

Know that I am with you in spirit and that I am thinking of you today. I hope that you and Mylette find peace.
When tragedy strikes it is a loss to the world, especially when it is children. I never know what to say in this situation, my heart goes out to their family and friends, who all must be devastated and hurting so much.
Best Wishes for them all, that they may find peace and happiness again.
I appreciate everyone's thoughts and prayers. Other than the experiencing the loss of my two children, I can't see where I could ever begin to fully understand her loss either. I try to imagine what she's feeling but the pain hurts to bad and I shut down my imagination. Mylette doesnt' have that option. At times I feel guilty that I still have my two children. Our children were really close as Mylette and I have been friends since childhood. When Brittney and my son Lee were babies we joked about them getting married. But a few years ago they tried dating and decided they couldn't kiss because it was like kissing their sibling. They instead remained very close and protective of each other. Bridgett and my daughter Molly were best friends. I feel that my kids are are reminder to Mylette that she doesn't have hers anymore. Just two weeks before the accident Molly had a sleepover for her birthday and Abby of course had to stay in the middle of them but Bridgett was her favorite. She slept with Bridgett and woke her up with those wet sloppy kisses!!!!!!
Bridgett wanted a puppy so bad. Mylette had a deposit on a "yorkie" and planned to give it to her for Christmas. She now has the puppy at home. It is giving her something to take care of, but she is desperately wanting another baby. So everyone send up those prayers that she'll hear the pitterpatter of tiny feet this year!

Thanks again,[/img][/list]

Bridgett and Brittney will always be with Lee and Molly - they will be their Guardian Angels. My neice's boyfriend, Mike, died in an accident in October. I told her he would always watch over her (little comfort at the time I know). Last weekend, my neice fell off of a ski lift - falling 35 feet to the ground - although she fractured her pelvis - it could have been so much worse and she is so lucky that she didn't break her back or was killed. I feel that Mike was watching over her! May Lee & Molly feel Bridgett and Brittney's presence in their lives forever!

Your cousin was very lucky indeed. I agree that her guardian angel was watching over her. Thirty-five feet is very high. I hope she recovers soon. I've heard that pelvic injuries are very painful. We'll be praying for her also.

Thanks for your kind response.
Caullet, Mylette, and Family

I have started a post here more than once. I started it hoping that somehow I could find the right thing to say, it has never come. The pain that your friend is facing right now is something I could never begin to imagine. I pray for her, her family, everyone affected by the loss of these beautiful girls will find peace in their hearts. I pray that when they think of Bridgett and Brittney, in time thier hearts won't fill with sadness, but that the memories will only make them feel closer to them.

I, too, have started to post here more than once, but like everyone has said, there are no words that can adequately convey the sadness. It truly is so much harder to understand it when something so tragic happens to innocent children. My heart goes out to Mylette, and I pray that she eventually finds comfort in her memories of her two beautiful daughters. From her memorial web pages, it seems she is doing just that.

Mylette is very lucky to have such a dear friend in you. And to think I was feeling so sad because my son grew up and moved away from home to start his own life. Thank you for putting it in perspective for me.

So sorry for your friends loss, I hope with each passing day the memories of the accident fade and is replaced with all the good and happy memories.

I hope she has all the best in having another pregnancy, I just had a miscarriage and I know it's a different kind of loss. So I just wanted to say, good luck to her, I would like to see everyone happy again. Nothing like another baby to do that. I wish her all the best.

I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's loss. Very sad.
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