I'm back with bad news for baby

Okay I guess it's been a couple days ..... ultrasound was inconclusive. That was thursday, Saturday I went to family doctor feeling like something has changed.

Sat went by with no call from dr, about blood results.

Sun, I started bleeding, not heavy, but then the clots came, as did the cramping and my back started to hurt more. Sunday night I decided to get a sitter (cousin) come stay with the kids, hubby and I sat at emergency for 5 hours...to have doctor tell me I had a threatened misscarriage...meaning I hadn't yet but could, and nothing I can do will prevent it.

Mon morning I went for the second blood test 7am...today:

Pain has subsided but still having clots.

result in: gch levels dropped dramactically on Sat, and even more today...down to where a pregnancy wouldn't register on a home test. Very first one was 500+ consistent with a 5 week pregnancy...down to 23 today. I also passed a clot that looked different and I'm about to take it to the lab...I've been peeing in a container now just to catch anything. :oops:

Doctor called to confirm what happened, and said this may not happen again, but I will go and get my tubes checked in 6 weeks, and see if they are in good enough shape to try. Now that it happened, I'm willing to give this another shot. If it does or doesn't happen, I am still amazed by the human body, and because we always knew things could end badly it isn't alot to grieve over. We didn't plan for it, I was so early, and I have two great kids already...so I'll be okay.

Maybe it will happen again... :wink:
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I'm sorry for your loss! You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Oh, Daisie, I'm so sorry for your loss! Yes, it was early enough in the pregnancy, but you were getting used to the idea of having another child, and that will take a while to subside. Maternal feeling are the strongest in the world, IMHO.

Are you saying you may try to reverse the tubal ligation? Whatever you decide to do, I wish you the best and will keep you in my prayers.

So sorry about what you have gone through. You are not alone...
Being that you got pregnant....you might be able to again. :)
Feel better and get some rest!
So sorry Daisie.....
Have you looked into getting your tubes reanastimosed? I was going to get it done, but didn't. I went through something similar a few years ago, and wanted to have tubal reanastimosis, and really desperately wanted another one for years.... it just never worked out though.
Hi Daisie,

I'm sorry to have to hear you went through all of this but most importantly, glad that you are okay. If I lived closer I'd bring you some nice chicken noodle soup, a fuzzy blanket and a listening ear. Hugs to you and even though none of these was what you expected, you sound as if you've handled it well. Hugs to you and your family.

Marianne and the boys
Words fail me... sigh.

Sometimes a sad cussword would express it best:

"ahhhhh crud." (Family friendly site -- substitute better cuss here)

Unfortunately, my wife and I know EXACTLY...well, close to exactly how you feel. My wife had a miscarriage in November at 10 weeks. It was our first try and ended with surgery (D&C). It's been a tough few months, but we're trying again. While people will tell you that it's for the better and was meant to be, the scientificish explanation gave us some solstice: Something didn't properly mesh. Probably in the fertilization stage. Better your body knew what to do.

I know how hard it is, but you have much support. Looking back, we are glad we told as many people early on as we did, because when she miscarried, there was that much more support to help us through it. Support is here and will remain here for as long as Ron can keep this site going!

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I know that to some, it may seem as if there wasn't anything to lose yet, but once you've experienced the excitement and anticipation, it's all very real. When we were trying for Noah, I experienced a "blighted ovum", which is where there is an actual conception, but the pregnancy doesn't take. In my case, the lining of the uterus wasn't suficient to support a pregnancy because of the years of birth control. We were in euphoria for two days after the test showed postivie, then my levels started to drop, too. And it was a very real sense of loss. My prayers are with you.
Big hugs to you and my deepest condolences. My family has also been through this- I lost 3 brothers to miscarriages. All of my love to you right now!

Karen :)
Thanks everyone,

It is a loss, I was getting very attached to the idea of another one. I just thought that I had a great chance of this working out after she said it made it to the uterus. That was my biggest obstacle.

As soon as she said it, it became real, then we shared the news with family, then to lose it all in a few days is so hard. Everyone in our family was so thrilled for us, suprised and we all had a good laugh...I am happy that they knew, at least we all celebrated life for such a brief moment.

I don't think I'll have a reversal just yet, that's so expensive, I'll see how I feel after awhile. Once I get some results on the tubes maybe we will just try again and see what happens naturally.

Like i said to pepsi, this has been my best week and worst week of my entire life, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to go there again. So much adjusting in my head/heart, first that we concieved, then to know it wasn't in a tube, then to go through all those tests, become attached to it, tell family and to lose it all in one week. I appreciate all your wonderful words of encouragement, and experiences, this truly is a great site.

Now enough about me, I must get back to Remy, we've been to busy to give her the usual amount of attention and I desperately have to get back to her routine. Starting with a good grooming. I also have to get back to laundry...life goes on :)
I'm so sorry.
I am so sorry. I also just suffered from a miscarriage on January 11th. It was a missed miscarriage, so I had no idea until we went in for an ultrasound. The doctor confirmed it the next day, and a D&C was scheduled for the following day. It's been a few weeks now, and although things are better, it's still difficult. Big ((((HUGS)))) to you. This was actually my second loss. My husband and I lost our firstborn daughter, Kayla, to Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) at a tender age of one week. I think my husband and I have decided not to have any more babies, but I wish you the best of luck TTC another little one (if that's what you decide to do). I have two beautiful little boys, and I feel blessed and complete with them...plus my furry babies. Jasper was kind of my healing baby - and he has done wonders to cheer us up. :)
So sorry to hear about your loss.
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