Fake Virus Scanner Antivirus 2009

I got a call from my dad 2 days ago telling me he had a virus. After 2 hours on the phone I made an appointment to go fix his computer. Later that day Joan's computer showed the EXACT same thing after a Google search for a particular product. When clicking on the google result the virus attempt appeared. Confirmed using wife's laptop and my desktop. When going direct to the site no virus. Repeating the steps in FireFox causes no problems.

Symptoms: Search on G, click on result. The Browser window disappears and dialog box appears.

Closing this box via the Big Red X produces:

Closing the fake virus scan window via the Big Red X produces:

and finally, closing that dialog via the Big Red X produces
Which ends the attempt.

If you see this happen to you, just be sure to click on the Big Red X in the upper right-hand corner to close the windows and prevent being infected.
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Thanks for the info. I deleted an email (it was in spam folder) I received yesterday that could have been that.
Ron, thanks for the heads up :bow:
thanks so much Ron.... I sent it to Richard.
What a way to start 2009!!!!!!!!
"Destructive and damaging software "founded"?

Not saying it couldn't easily be overlooked but, as a rule, most legit error messages aren't in broken English. It pays to proofread!

I just noticed also, Microsoft errors come up in American English so the word behaviour with a "u" in it is a red flag, too.
i had that virus a couple of months ago, i borrowed a memory pen from a friend with a patch on it ha to save downloading it incase i got a virus, how ironic! it go so bad that i couldnt hardly turn the computer on then after 2 days i had a new desk top with a big red x on it. i had my computer reinstalled and its ok now but i lost alot of pictures and documents. always back your things up. i learnt a hard lesson as i had just done all the advertising artwork for my partners, my father in laws and my business, all the business cards, menus ets all gone...gutted
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