Hi everyone!

I feel like I have been missing forever! LOL We all got sick last weekend with stomach viruses and now are stuck with fever, runny nose, and coughing. I am a walking cold medicine commercial. :oops:
As most of you know, we have been planning on breeding Jack and Annabelle for some time now. I have done a lot of research into their pedigree and in one kennel name kept coming up empty, no postive or negative about them, just nothing. From AKC, comes a 3 generation pedigree, and this certain kennel prefix was only one dog in Annie's 3rd generation. I have had time to go back further into both Jack and Annies peds and also found this kennel prefix in Jack's pedigree. This kennel prefix was in Jack's 4th and 5th generations. (Not the same dogs, but from the same kennel.) Well, I have kept digging and earlier this week finally found news concerning this kennel. From what little info I found, they were a puppy mill, and have had controversy concerning health problems. If the information was correct it also appears that they were shut down a few years ago. There was no specifics on anything, and I have no clue what the health problems may be or if they could be genetic. We feel very blessed that we have healthy babies, but are not going to risk breeding them. We don't know what could be hiding back there and are going to be scheduling speuters very soon.
We feel there is some good news to this though....we did find out before we could have made a terrible mistake. Oh, and of course there is no more heat cycles to go through! :D
We want to thank all of you for your support of us breeding them, you have no idea how much it meant to us. I haven't given up my dream to breed sheepies, but at this moment it isn't the time. Thanks for listening.

Stormi and co.
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Oh, how sad you must be! :cry: I commend you so much, though, for not breeding them because of not knowing exactly everything in their pedigree background. You are indeed a conscientious breeder.

Glad to hear you and your family are feeling a bit better. Nothing is worse than when the whole family is down, cause then even the sick Mom can't get any rest! :roll: Keep your chin up! This, too, shall pass.

Hi Stormi!

I'm, sos orry to hear about your family's illness (sounds like my mom's got the same thing- icky!), and the pedigree issue... bummer! Kudos to you for doing your research! I'm sure the right foundation dogs are out there somewhere though!

Karen :)

I'm sorry you found this out - but you have my utmost admiration for digging this deep and deciding against breeding because of your findings! You are the absolute definition of a responsible breeder!!!!!! You impress the heck out of me!!!! I'm so glad to know there are people like you still out there! You have restored my faith!!!! Thank you! Jack & Annabelle are lucky to have such a caring family! You will realize your dream one day - I'm sure of it!!!!

Great big hugs! (thankfully only virtual - I don't want to get sick! :wink:

Stormi, Thank you for being such a conscientious OES keeper. Take heart in knowing that you are saving so many families from having to make difficult vetinary decisions. They will never know it but you've saved them from so much heartache.

I too hope to breed Farley one day but time will tell. If he shows well and if his temperment and health remain good. Then again ... there are times when I'm grooming him and he starts getting antsie that I think "oh to heck with it ... I'll just shave him!" My partner will just stand there and roll her eyes to the back of her head. Knowing full well, that I don't really mean it.
Stormi's back!!! *doin a little happy dance*
I missed ya Storm! LOL
Anyway, I agree with what everyone has said.... and I've said it before, you are truly one of those people who will someday have something great to offer the world of Old English Sheepdogs. You already do, with your advice, friendship, and Jack and Annie are beautiful dogs who show your love for them in every way, teaching you as you go.
I believe your dream will come true, and I'm so sorry it didn't turn out this time, but it will someday! *hugs*
Hi Stormi,

You impressed the heck outta me. You always did before, but now even more so, if that's possible. You will make an excellent breeder whom is very concientious. One of the good ones!!!

I'm sorry things didn't turn out this time for you. Although I can't quite relate to this particular experience I sorta know how you feel. For years I had dreamed of a puppy after years of adopting fully grown rescue OES. Waiting patiently for 14 years and then went through a reputable breeder to get Merlin. Always wanting 2, a boy and a girl, I thought when Blue passes away , Merlin will probably be the age when he's ready to breed and I will ask for one of his daughters. All planned out right?

It was not meant to be as Panda the rescue, came into my life and I knew it will now be another 10-12 years until I think about having any more. I have no doubt you will not love your babies any less just like I feel the same about my crew. Ironically, I even wanted a girl pup when I got Merlin...then thought next time...now I've got the three boys! Doesn't matter anymore..love them all!

You are so wonderful to have put aside your own desires for consideration of the breed. Kudo's to you and I mean that so much! You are wonderful!!

Marianne and the boys
Hey Stormi, just catching this post. Sorry to hear about your little breeding hurdle... that just means you need to add more sheepies to your flock!!
Bummer... I wanted a puppy from Jack and Annabelle :cry:

But then, I have to take my hat off to Stormi for doing such a great research on her babies family line and for being such a responsible owner/breeder. You did a wonderful job!!

Glad to have you back!
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