Everybody Loves Curtis...

Okay kids,
Curtis and I have been together for a little over 2 months now, and I think he's becoming a little vain. We have yet to go for a walk anywhere without someone running up to us to ask what kind of puppy Curtis is or to tell us about a stuffed animal they own that looks just like him. Seriously... was there a sale on these stuffed animals somewhere?? Apparently everyone in Arkansas has one! Anyway, last time Curtis and I went to our local petstore, it took us nearly an hour to make one purchase because EVERYONE had to pet him. And, of course, Curtis decides that he needs his belly scratched, so there we are with Curtis shamelessly sprawling out on the floor, eating up all this attention as well as several treats from the store employees who raided the "doggie-bar".
So I guess the question I'm really posing here is this: Do sheepies always get this kind of attention or is this just because I'm in a small town where there just aren't many of his kind? It's not that I mind the attention - and I know Curtis certainly doesn't - but I'm curious to know if a full grown sheepie continues to draw such a crowd.
I'd love to hear all your thoughts on this and your similar stories as well!
Thanks folks!
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Missy and Curtis,

Get used to it! It doesn't stop when they grow up. Phoebe has what I like to refer to as "her fan club" wherever we go. I've learned to add extra time into my schedule when taking a walk or going to the store because we will be stopped! The positive side is that Phoebe adores all of the attention and so far hasn't let it go to her head! Another positive is that all of the attention really helps in with training. We always have plenty of opportunities to pracitce our "no jumping on people". It was hard because she loves people, but with all of the practice and with instructions from me to please do not pay any attention to her until she is sitting (usually with her butt wiggling at hyperspeed) she has learned that jumping up to say hello is not acceptable. Enjoy Curtis, and enjoy the attention because it is not going away!

Ann & Phoebe
Ohhh yeah! If I were a single guy I would say that a sheepdog is a babe/hunk magnet! :D

But since I'm married, I'll just say that having a sheepdog affords one the opportunity for an increased level of social interaction with one's fellow man. :roll:
You are so right about the attention. My husband, who has always had border collies, has never been a "let's take the dog to the park" kind of guy. But since we got Max, our sheepdog, he volunteers to take the dogs to the park. Sometimes he even says "honey, thats ok, I'll take the boys to the park today, so you can have some time to yourself. So you know he must be getting something out of it :lol:
Your're nor wrong - I wish I had woof when I was 16!!!!

People just can't seem to help themselves - even the ones that don't ask to actually pet him seem to be unable not to smile as they go by!

As for the cuddly toy thing - yup, happens all the time. Woof was just 10 weeks old at Christmas, and one of our visitors really did think my girlfriend was answering the front door with a stuffed toy in her arms - it was a bit of a shock when it started to wriggle! :D
Hey gang,
Thanks for your responses. When Curtis and I first started out together, I was thinking about how much everyone loved my sheepie, but I was going crazy always being left with his messes and his accidents. It's hard to remember how adorable your baby is while you're on your knees scrubbing the carpet. Fortunately, Curtis and I have come a long way in just a short while. I think we're starting to understand each other, which is really something new for me, as I've haven't had a pet since my family's sheepie back when I was 11. On the days when I come home from work totally exhausted, Curtis has become more understanding if I'm just not up to taking our regular walk. He seems to understand my emotions so much more now that he's getting older... and he's still only 6 months old! Training is going well. I've tried some of the ideas that I've read about on this forum. He now sits while he waits for his food and waits until I tell him "Okay, Curtis." He always sits outside the door and waits until I tell him it's okay to come in, which makes his behavior 10 times better than most dogs I've seen. Last night, for the first time, Curtis curled up on my lap while we watched 102 Dalmations and he fell asleep in my arms. In short, I have everything I was hoping for and more in my sheepie companion. I'm sure there are more rough days ahead for us, but knowing that we can have days like yesterday will make it all worthwhile.
As for everyone loving Curtis, this weekend we were stopped at the park because a guy and his girlfriend wanted to take a picture of Curtis because he was the most adorable thing they'd ever seen. And yes, they thought he looked like a stuffed animal too. :wink:
Haha Nelson and I curled up and watched 101 Dalmations a few weeks ago! Aren't sheepies great???!!!!! I adore Nelson he truly is our baby now.
Jedd, Paul and I watched Cats and Dogs last week - don;t yo just love the Sheepie agent - his tippy toe across the garden path is sooooooooooo Sheepdog!!

Curtis - Paul calls Jedd his Chick Magnet!!! Enjoy!
I used to have a neighbour with a Sheepie whose name was Buttons. My neighbour, Buttons and I used to go for walks to the sea shore. There was this car with a whole family in it that drove by and they actually stopped their car and came back in reverse to ask if the dog was for sale. 8O Of course my neighbour said 'no he wasn't for sale'. :lol: We had a laugh after that talking about how much attention Buttons was getting. Another day when my neighbour, Buttons and I were sitting on the steps of our building, a kid walked past us and asked if thats a stuffed toy. He was quite startled when Buttons moved. Someday I want to have my own sheepie because me and Buttons were the best of friends and we spent so much time together. Some of the best days of my childhood were the days I spent with him. He is no more now. When I get a sheepie, I'm gonna name him Buttons as well coz its such a cute name.
I was going to say one of the same things that's been said..get used to it!!!!

Although admitedly when they are small they do recieve far more attention (just a tad more) than when they grow. It's amazing as think "they look just like a stuffed animal" is the comments most of us have got when our furkids where little. Who could resist those cute faces!!

I have always felt a bit sorry for Blue my BlueHeeler/Lab as he's lived with sheepies all his life, previously with Shaggy, now with Merlin and Panda. No one ever gushes over Blue and stops to ask to pat him but they always do with Merlin and Panda. I should get Blue a sheepie coat I'm thinking.

Tell Blue he is beautiful too! I would gush over him if I weren't far away in NJ!
It's true you do attract attention with a sheepie.
I was sitting in my car w/ my trio waiting for my husband to pick up pizza.
We drew such a crowd I was getting claustrophobia 8O. To add to our "fans"
A schoolbus pulls up & all the kids get of & surround my car in addition to the crowd we already had. My husband comes out of the restaurant & just stood there dumbfounded w/ 2 pizzas!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
Thanks Sue ! Very nice of you to say that!

I loved your story and it's at those times you wish someone had a camera in hand.

My husband said he wishes hed had a sheepie years ago when he was single :lol: :lol:

Every where we go people say awww look at that dog isn't it cute!

A walk can take us ages cause everyone stops to talk and stroke George!

We know loads more people now we have a sheepie!
When I am out walking Violet/China people are always stopping their cars and yelling how beautiful my dogs are. They always ask what kind they are and always think Violet and China are the same breed. This is a daily occurance. I have had people drive past and then back their cars back up to us. I have had them yell from their front door and garage doors. When I take them out in the convertible they get even more attention....so that is something we sheepie/aussie owners just have to get use too...the love everyone has for our dogs. :lol:
Yep - most everyone loves sheepies. I actually had one woman tell me her daughter was terrified of dogs...only to turn around and find the child "velcroed" onto Baxter. It took her almost half an hour to get her daughter to let go of Baxter. And of course Baxter was sucking up every drop of the attention!

Jennifer, Baxter, Cassiopia & Sharkey
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