
i have been ridiculously busy and unfortunately have only occassionally and briefly been able to check the board and see how everyone's fur monsters have been.
ive been busy with the ridiculously stressful task of applying to law school, but hopefully once march 1st comes along and all my applications are in i will have a little more time. but im trying to balance school, jobs, walter, boyfriend, and friends so it looks like my beloved 8 hours of sleep will be getting the shaft until graduation!

walter is doing well. hes still on clomipramine for his anxiety and were still keeping in contact with the behaviorist. he has not bitten anyone since the incident last month that had my mom suggesting we give him up. i have been supervising him around my sister so there have been no problems there. unfortunately he still bothers my brother in the morning, so walter has been confined to my room while my brother gets ready and leaves.
he has been coming to the daycare with me for work, and he is getting along better with the dogs. his separation anxiety is still high and hes still a bully (some of the dogs run and hide when walter walks by... haha!) but he has made some friends and today he spent the day chasing an energetic black lab that just loves him.
i have a new boyfriend that walter just loves. the biggest problem i have had with the situation is trying to get walter to stop licking his face!!'
we still have issues, including the newly devloped problem of walter being so exicted in the snow that he runs full speed at me and knocks me right over or nips at my boots and gloves.
2004 was an erratic series of good and bad months, but so far january has been a really great month for walters behavior. were thinking positive and hoping that the little monster stays on the right track.
and as always, thanks to everyone for your concerns and support

now we must get some sleep!
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Wow, He looks sooo much like Samantha, except she has 1 grey ear and 1 white (with 2 grey spots) I let her get that long until last week, it was too warm for her and she got another puppy cut. Of course, now we are having a cold snap, but it doesn't seen to bother her too much.
Hang in there, hopefully, he will calm down as he ages...
Do you live in Chicago or the subs?
I was just going to say he looks so much like Dancer! His expression.... everything! LOL
He looks wonderful, and I'm glad to hear things are going better, and yes you sound extremely busy!!! Thanks for posting, keep us updated when you can! :)

Sounds like you have alot going on. Hang in there! This too shall pass...

Glad Walter is doing better - keep it up! Good Luck with your law school applications!

Good to hear things are going well. You're lucky Walter likes your boyfriend. Albert barks like mad at all of my guy friends for the first few times they visit. I wonder if my Dad taught him that. :? Anyway, good luck at keeping the stress level low. I know how school can get to you. It is me, and it's only the beginning of the semester. Seems like all the big assignments come at one time. It's good to hear Walter's behavior is so well, and that he is making friends! And he looks like such a sweetie in the picture! :D
So very happy to hear how well Walter is doing!! Keep up the good work, it will pay off.

Speaking as a mom, try to pace yourself with everything you have going on. Easier said than done, I know, but I've seen the stress first-hand from my own kids, which is why I'm saying it. Having Walter eases the stress, and having him like your boyfriend so much is one less worry!

Keep us posted on everything!

It's great to hear Walter is doing much better now. Send him a belly rub from us.

Here I was thinking how much Lil Walty looked so much like Merlin..ha ha.

I miss Lil Walty stories and glad you decided to let us know how he's doing and also what you've been up to. Good luck with Law School or any of the pursuits you are working on. It's good to hear he's doing well.

Give him a belly rub from me

He certainly doesn't look like a bully in that picture. Glad things have been getting better and the fact that he loves your new boyfriend is very cool.

Walty is adorable. I am glad to hear that things are going well. You are doing an amazing job with him. Good luck with your law school applications. :wink:
Stormi and co.
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