Our newest fur family member

Sorry if this post is long, we wanted to share the story of our new fur family member.

It all started because our neighbor wants to get a Basset Hound for himself, so I went to petfinder to show him the adoptable ones in the region, after I printed the fact sheets, I took them to their family to help them decide and they were very happy about a local one we found, but they said that they could only pick him up until next month because their son is sick. Since we were going to El Paso, he asked us if we were going to drive by the shelter to check him out, but since the shelter is far away, we said we could check the humane society shelter to see what they got, so off we went. When we arrived, I parked on the wrong place and ended up on Animal Control, and since we were there, Danita and I decided to check it out to see what they had.

It was the saddest thing I've ever seen. The facility is clean, but you feel the tension the dogs feel by being there. We were taken to the cages and we found a little black furball that was depressed in the back of a cage. We asked if we could see her and the guy showed her to us. Then he told us that she was scheduled for termination on monday morning :cry:. Danita felt very sad about that and we went home, but we could not take her out of our minds. On sunday morning we woke up early and went back to the shelter because we decided to adopt her. The bridge for crossing the border was empty! (It usually takes us about 1 hour to cross the border) We arrived to the shelter and we filled out the paperwork and paid the fees to bring her home, they said she could be picked up on tuesday afternoon.

We went back to the shelter today and we drove her back with us... Her name is going to be Pituka, after an 80's TV character. Here's a couple of shots from her (Once Ron is done with his magic):



We'll be fostering her for a couple of months while we train her, then she will go to live with Aide, one of Danita's sisters (The one who makes the dolls) to her forever home.

We're very happy we could do something for her, she looked so sad in her cage, like she knew she was going to die. The next day we saw her, she was wagging her tail and was happy to see us... It's really odd, like a higer power wanted us to adopt her. We rarely go to the shelters with no particular reason, I never park in the space I did on saturday, the bridge is never empty on sundays... It makes me wonder.

Anyway, she's at home with us now. She played for a while with Lennon and Sofa and barked at them when she was on the leash, but once she was free, she tried to keep up with them... She's funny. Let's hope she gets along with Lennon and Sofa and that she can be trained easily so she can be a good canine citizen for her forver home.

Thanks for Letting us share this rescue story!

Danita & Saul.
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Danita & Saulmr,

How wonderful of you to do this for this little one - and for your sister-in-law! I send Rescue Dust to you - in hopes for a successful journey together!

Congrats & Thank you for caring!

And - is your neighbor going to get a basset???

Kristen, Presley & Sydney
she is so adorable! and she was definitely meant to be with you. The world needs more people like you!
Oh wow!!! Do you remember when I told the story about returning home to find Panda curled up behind my son to prevent him from rolling onto his back? My son had never had a seizure before and had vomited and was unconcious. Panda saved his life. I clearly remember you telling me..it was meant to be. A life for a life. At the time of Panda's rescue I had no idea of what was to happen in the future.

It appears you've both just recieved your angel wings as like your beautiful girl perhaps she too will repay you or Danitas family for saving her life.

You guys are wonderful and she look how she is smiling!!! I can't wait to hear more stories about her!!! This is such a heartwarming story and made me teery reading about it.

Marianne and the boys
Aww you guys....we have a rescue dog and if it was up to me, we would have lots of rescue animals! Pat on the back for you!
ps-son loves the "got food" shirt!
What a beautiful story! It sounds meant to be... and she is adorable... :)
She is adorable! Looks like a cocker spaniel mix ??? Very cute and she looks thrilled to have a new home! You both are wonderful!!!

Thank you so much for sharing your story, it is such a wonderful thing you've done to rescue this poor beautiful innocent animal. I wish there were a million more people like you both in this world. I hope she has a fantastic time with you and your family. Keep posting pictures of her, she's adorable. Do you have any idea what kind of dog she might be?
Aweee... what an adorable face. You are such a friend to help out like this, but you're always trying to get folks to rescue (offered it up to me too). hehe

I'll be in El Paso probably in the end of Feb. maybe i should convince my other sister-in-law to adopt a dog! ;)

the dog has such a happy face.
Oh, Dani and Saul - you are simply wonderful!! :lol: :lol: Pituka is a beautiful little girl, and the smile on her face speaks volumes!!! Thank you so much for rescuing her and for sharing your story! There is a special place in heaven for people like you.
Danita and Saul, how did it go this week with Pituka? Is she getting along with Lennon and Sofa? She looks so sweet and happy and thank you for rescuing her.
That's an awesome story Saul, how old do you think she is?
Saul and Dani,

How wonderful! Congratulations to you and Pituka! She is adorable! I can't wait to hear more about her becoming a new sister to Lennon and Sofa!
Big hugs to you all,
Stormi and co.
I've been trying to figure out what kind of breed she is and I've come to the following conclusions: She's too big to be a French poodle, she's too small to be an OES, her ears are too short to be a cocker, her legs too long to be a basset, she's not hyper like a Labrador and she's waaay too fat and spoiled to be a dog, so maybe she's a cat. :lol: :lol: :lol:

It's been a hectic week; she seems to be about 2-4 years old. She looks like was owned by someone who spoiled her a lot and fed her scraps, because she refuses to eat dry kibble no matter what, but if you offer her a piece of chicken, she stands in both legs to get it. It turned out that she's not so great around the guys, their size kind of intimidates her and she's trying her best to dominate them, so we have to keep an eye on them so they play nice. They interact OK outside and she tries to keep up with them, but it's hard for her. Besides the occasional growl and barking, she's ok around them. She is house trained, you open the door and out she goes to do her thing, then she stands outside so you let her in again. When we leave for work she's in Lennon's cage (Something that does not thrill him at all) and the 3 sleep all day.

Pituka does not think I'm a great guy; she seems to like biting my hands (Real hard!) and growl at me. She's much easier on Danita and she pets her and plays with her. Maybe the fact that I have to put ointment on her eyes 3 times a day for an infection, I'm always saying NO! to her and I pop a pill down her throat twice a day does not help a lot.

Now for the good news. My neighbor came yesterday to ask me if they could borrow her to play for a while... What a different animal. She played with them, chased a ball and turned on her back to get a tummy rub; she really enjoyed their kids and started sniffing their kitchen. They liked her so much that now I have to look for a new dog for my sister in law.... They didn't even let me taker her back home for the night!


These guys are a loving family and she will be doing real well in her new forever home. They know what it means to have a dog and were teaching his young kid how to behave around her. I'm really sure she found a great home with them. Before I left, she plopped down to sleep on the floor and started snoring... These kids got her tired!


I'll keep an eye on her for the next couple of weeks to help them train her and their kids on how to live with her, but the kids were very happy about her and her parents too, so I hope there are no incidents.

We're glad on how things turned out and how fast! We rescued a doggie from the pound, we have to look for a new one for my sister in law and made a family happy. If it wasn't for Danita's wish to help that poor doggie, I would not be writing this story... I think she's great and I lover her for her kind soul.

Thanks everybody!
Saul- that is so wonderful to hear! I'm so happy shefound a great home- and close enough to visit even! Congrats to the cutie and her new family!

Karen :)
What a great story! Danita certainly has the heart of an artist. You too!
saulmr wrote:
Maybe the fact that I have to put ointment on her eyes 3 times a day for an infection, I'm always saying NO! to her and I pop a pill down her throat twice a day does not help a lot.
Maybe if you (or your neighbor) give the pills wrapped in a little bit of bread or bread with peanut butter, used them like a treat and gave them after the eye treatment...? Just a thought.

Thank you very much for sharing this story with us.
Danita & Saul,

You did such a wonderful thing! Pituka is adorable - she looks like she has a lot of personality!

Congrats to your neighbors - I hope she is part of their family for several years to come. I'm sure you'll find another great dog for your sister-in-law! I look forward to hearing all about that little one too.

Saul and Dani,
What a great ending to this rescue story! :lol: And it's so nice to hear your love for your wife in your post. I'm so impressed with both of you!

Will be interesting to see how Pituka reacts to your neighbor when HE has to be the one to put the ointment in her eyes and give her the pills. I agree with Ron about putting the pills in bread or peanut butter bread. Plain peanut butter used to work for Drezzie, but one day she decided she didn't want any more. But just put that peanut butter on a piece of bread, put the pills on the spread before folding the bread, and she's a happy camper again!

Hats off to you for your caring souls!

saulmr wrote:
I've been trying to figure out what kind of breed she is and I've come to the following conclusions: She's too big to be a French poodle, she's too small to be an OES, her ears are too short to be a cocker, her legs too long to be a basset, she's not hyper like a Labrador and she's waaay too fat and spoiled to be a dog, so maybe she's a cat. :lol: :lol: :lol:

The cutest cat I've ever seen! :wink:

She looks like my friends cockerpoo - but a little smaller. Same cute face and beautiful fur!

I was thinking maybe a Havanese too.... (but clipped)

Here's some pictures for comparison..



It doesn't matter what she is - it only matters that she is in a loving home. I just thought it would be interesting to see if you could figure it out. You may also get an insight into some of her personality traits...

She really is adorable, and looks so happy! :)

At the vets office the other day I found myself looking into the eyes of a Lapsa Apso and thought it resembled your little dog. Perhaps she's a Lapsa Apso/Cocker mix? As you said no matter what she is..she's so adorable.

What a wonderful ending to such a nice story. I love you guys!!!!

It's great that your neighbors have decided to give her a forever home and yet one more can be rescued for your sister in law!! A good thing for all!

Thanks so much for posting this story. Angel wings to the both of you!

Marianne and the boys
hehehehe... seems that she could be a lot of things. She's cute and swwet anyway.

Thanks for the tips on feeding her the pills. She's very smart, she eats the bread or licks the peanut butter and spits the pill. :? We found that a piece of ham does the trick, but she's still suspicious about it. To make things better for her, I will be dropping by to put her ointment and give her the pills, that way her welcoming experience will be more positive.

She's really cute, isn't she? :wink:
awesome story!! :D that is a very cute girl you guys have there.id like to add that Danita and Sal you two make one heck of a couple!!Ying and Yang if I ever saw it.Thanks for saving an adoreable little girl like you did.
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