what do you expect from your breeder?

for those of you who have done the research, and gone the breeder route, what do you expect form you breeder in terms of support and or feedback? and what do you do to keep your breeder informed about your dog?

And for the breeders in the group - what are your expectations?

Just wanted to start a dialogue.
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I have been very happy with my relationship with Heart's breeder. From the moment we became 'married'....(she told me when 'we' decide on each other that this is like a marriage....We are in this for the life of this puppy....She is responsible for her beginning...I am responsible for the rest of life!!!!).

We have had great communication....

I love that I was told EVERYONE who met my Heart while the breeder had her. I love that I know...beyond a shadow of a doubt that Heart was cherished, loved, comforted, played with while in my breeders care. That she was never in a 'pen' out back.Never abused, yelled at ...hit...(I know my Cosmo WAS).....never without someone watching over her....all of her 'parts' her handled so she is not fearful of routine care of her ears, paws, tusch etc....

I love that I was told what type of personality she had ---her mom has---her dad has---her grandmother has----and that all down her line she has champions!!! (She sucks on her sheepie stuffie just like her mom and Uncle Dunkin)....

I love that I can call at any time with any problem and she will talk to me, calmly and sensibly and give be great advice since she has been dealing with this breed for over 30 years....

I also love that I have made a friend for life and that she is about the only person on earth that understands how much I love Heart...because she does too!!!!!!

Thanks for this thread!!!!
I love that my breeder isn't impossible to get in touch with. ...doesn't huff and puff when I ask 100 questions AND ENCOURAGES ME to call him whenever. Likewise, I don't always have to keep calling him back waiting to get an answer because I know for a fact that the first chance he gets ...he'll be calling me, emailing me, etc. In return, I realize they have lives, are busy, and I must wait an appropriate amount of time for them to answer.

While researching, I realized some breeders actually get mad at YOU when your dog from them does better than theirs while showing. Considering I thought you were trying to better the breed, I would think this is a GOOD thing not something to get all catty about. I want someone who wants to help me groom as well. My breeder wants to help me whether I have a show or pet quality dog, and if I don't understand, he'd practically make a video just to show me. I really do love the entire family. :lol:

I also disliked the many breeders I talked to who couldn't wait to tell me how their dogs are the best and EVERY OTHER BREEDER WITH NO EXCEPTIONS suck some dirty frito lays. It got annoying and often it was tmi shared.

While Barkshire was not my breeder/kennel, I loved that when I called ...she could go on for hours about the breed and again... was willing to help someone with OES' even if they didn't belong to her.

I want pictures of the mom dog, daddy, and the dog I'm buying, but not expecting them weekly or anything as I realize they're not going to change. ;)

In return, I will inform them when my/their dog has achieved something, has medical problems, and give pics as they become adults.
I had a good relationship with the first breeder we worked with, but only until there was a health problem (actually, several health issues that he was born with). That was the end of that.

Our current breeder won't answer my emails, and as yet has not sent a receipt or a copy of the health guarantee despite having been asked to multiple times in the last five months.

Sigh. So, to answer your question...

I'd like someone who answers my questions before, during, and after the purchase, and who is there for advice if I need it.

IF they are into it, I'd love to keep in touch and share a few photos over the years. I don't think I'm high maintenance, but haven't had much luck so far.

I also emailed our most recent breeder, to let him know of the results of the testing we had done (I cannot remember the letters now, but it's MDR something or other). Hudson came back normal/normal (I guess they missed the evil.) I thought it might be something he might appreciate being informed of, but I didn't get a thank you or a response of any kind.

I'm hoping that, down the road, we can find someone who is a little more open to communication. I don't think I ask for much, but I haven't been able to connect successfully yet. (P.S. Both were great before the puppy(ies) came home. I had no way to know.)

So, I would just like a little support and connection. I don't need much.
How about if the breeder does not turn into a kook? Is that too high of an expectation? :twisted:
VerveUp wrote:
How about if the breeder does not turn into a kook? Is that too high of an expectation? :twisted:

well it may not be something people think about before the fact :lol:
VerveUp wrote:
How about if the breeder does not turn into a kook? Is that too high of an expectation? :twisted:

LOL. From the couple of times I met her, VerveUp, I think she was walking a thin line. :twisted:

If I didn't plan to show, I think my expectations would be very different. I wanted someone very knowledgeable about the breed that would be willing to mentor me through the show process with the intent on learning to do it on my own as well as and be accessible when I had questions or concerns. Patience is always nice, too so if you have a lot of questions, or don't understand something, you don't have someone getting all upset with you for not getting it fast enough. I don't need a lot of handholding, but I appreciate guidance from experience and my breeder's really good at that. I value her advice. She's an honest, straightforward person who doesn't badmouth others. I like that.
I did have high expectations when it came to getting a dog from a big time breeder. I thought there would be long telephone conversations and descriptive/informative emails. I was sorely disappointed!
I saw her once at a National and was told to get my *ss out there and show my dog! I would either receive no answers to my emails or the responses I would receive would not answer the questions that I asked. When I would encounter her, I would get yelled at. I really thought that was how the relationship was supposed to work.
And then I met Toby's "grandma", the lady that bred most of Toby's past relatives. Between her and Suzi's "grandma" I discovered how amazing that relationship can be! Those two women are now my mentors. We celebrate holidays together and talk on the phone at least once a week. It's a nurturing and supportive relationship that has really helped me become what I am in this great big sheepdog world.
I do have a better relationship with the original breeder that I was talking about but there is still a lot of animosity there and she is far away so it's hard to connect face to face but I share the accomplishments and the good stuff with her and hope for the best. Sometimes personalities and pride get in the way of having a good relationship.
I think that people should expect a very open and giving relationship with their breeder and they should return that openness and giving attitude.

There are always circumstances where the relationship has to be severed but no matter what the human relationships, the dogs totally deserve the best that we can give them. (Although, the running threat in the house is to send the dogs back to their original breeders!! Works every time! :twisted: )
ButtersStotch wrote:
VerveUp wrote:
How about if the breeder does not turn into a kook? Is that too high of an expectation? :twisted:

LOL. From the couple of times I met her, VerveUp, I think she was walking a thin line. :twisted:

Remind me to tell you the cornstarch story sometime! 8O
Maxmm wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
VerveUp wrote:
How about if the breeder does not turn into a kook? Is that too high of an expectation? :twisted:

LOL. From the couple of times I met her, VerveUp, I think she was walking a thin line. :twisted:

Remind me to tell you the cornstarch story sometime! 8O

is it something you can share on the family rated forum :wink:
kerry wrote:
is it something you can share on the family rated forum :wink:

Absolutely not!!!
Maxmm wrote:
kerry wrote:
is it something you can share on the family rated forum :wink:

Absolutely not!!!

:cry: :( :wink:
VerveUp wrote:
How about if the breeder does not turn into a kook? Is that too high of an expectation? :twisted:

I'm not sure if we have good pre-screening tests to reduce the chance of producing breeders who are at high risk of going off the deep end...? Perhaps something we need to consider initiating some research into? :lmt: :wink:

I look at it from perhaps a slightly different perspective, as both a breeder (to a limited extent) and someone who has dogs from a breeder. I'm probably beyond the stage where I need my girls' breeder to hold my hand day to day. But we're in touch all the time - I update her on what's going on with my guys and vice versa. I still ask for her help in certain areas, and, oddly enough, she asks for mine in others.

What I've discovered that I value the most from a breeder - any breeder - is complete openess and honesty: the good, the bad, the ugly. They make the best teachers. And, besides, I know what dogs are about and I know it's not all fairytales and roses all the time and it never will be. I just need to know the facts, whatever they are, so I can try to make the best decisions possible for my dogs.

I like Sheepieshake's breeder's comparison to a marriage. In an ideal world, you have to like the person you're getting a dog from and they have to like you. Together you'll be looking out for the best interests of that dog for life. The better the personality mix, the better the odds that the relationship will be sustained throughout the life of the dog and often beyond.

In the event that you get into showing and some day even possibly breeding, I think it becomes less of a "marriage", but because of the mentorship aspect, more similar to that of a parent-child. If a breeder becomes your mentor (and you can and, if you're really blessed, you will have more than one mentor), you may eagerly learn in the beginning, then you start to question the parental figure (often), the parental figure starts to question how she got saddled with someone so inherently pigheaded and dense; you fight; you mature; they relax (or they give up and decide there's really no hope, to best to humor the nut case :wink: ) and eventually you realize that not everything they ever did or believed was wrong, and you figure out that they actually tried to teach you something and maybe you should have listened; and maybe they realize that you're not utterly incompetent and have actually learned a thing or two.

In other words you grow up and become a dog person in your own right. But you still value that relationship. Hopefully always.

Though the day you wake up and realize you now have TWO mothers, a biological one and a dog-related one - and neither one approves of your dogs sleeping on the dining room table...! 8O :oops: :lol:

It doesn't always work that way. But for the mentorships that become partnerships over the decades...they're pretty special and I think a tremendous benefit for the breed in terms of continuity.

Some times you have to kiss a few toads, eh, I mean breeders till you find the right one (or they find you). Some times there are breeders who are perfect for some, but not for you, and vice versa, and that's OK. Some times it's love, eh, I mean the right puppy at first sight. It's definitely worth it to find a good match. You can spends decades learning this stuff the hard way. Or you can find someone who will share what they've learned (often the hard way) and who has a vested interest in teaching you.

Maxmm wrote:
ButtersStotch wrote:
VerveUp wrote:
How about if the breeder does not turn into a kook? Is that too high of an expectation? :twisted:

LOL. From the couple of times I met her, VerveUp, I think she was walking a thin line. :twisted:

Remind me to tell you the cornstarch story sometime! 8O

I am so scared to hear what this involves. I have a feeling the use, in this case, will, uh, non-traditional.
Totally nontraditional on humans. The best part is, I was told the story and I told it to Deb and she totally didn't believe me! I got my revenge when it was acted out, live and in person, right in front of Deb and I at a Specialty Show!!! You could actually watch the realization and horror of wash across Deb's face as it was happening!
Maxmm wrote:
You could actually watch the realization and horror of wash across Deb's face as it was happening!

I was trying to block out that lovely use of corn starch. Thanks for bringing it up again!! :evil: Let's just say it was used as a drying agent in a place I'm trying not to envision?? :twitch: Blech!
Well I have to put my 2 cents in here. I think I have one of the BEST breeders around. One who cares and welcomes your phone calls and needed advice. She is also A OES rescue person for the East. You all know her, I have talked mant times about her. Even though it did not work out for us with Darcy, She tried to help me all the time. I don't regret haveing to give her back because she has gone on to be a champ. She will be in Wesminster in Feb. I got my other OES rescues from her too.
My only regret is that I did not know I was not a good person to raise a show dog, but I love haveing a home pet.
Most o you know the story of Fergie. THE LIGHT OF MY LIFE :D
You know I took her with a bad heart. Her breeder still was there everytime I needed her. She even came when I called that Fergie was dieing. She took her after and brought her ashes to me in a beautiful oak box.
Her name!!!!!
Madeline Erickson :D :D :D :D
I can't say enough about her.
So to you Madeline a BIG THANK YOU
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