How do I get my new puppy to get along with my older dog?

I just adopted a 9mo old puppy and I have a 5 year old Weimaramer. The 5 year old is not adjusting well to the puppy. He is not agessive but does not want to play. He growls at her if she tries to play. I know that I brought the new puppy into his house. I want them to get along so baddly. Any suggestions. We've had the female puppy about 4 days.
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Give it some time and let them work things out on their own - without interfering too much (with supervision of course!). Your Weimaramer is probably just asserting his position in the pack and once the puppy understands that - things will get better! They may never LOVE each other and romp and play like you may want - but they can certainly live peacefully and happily ever after!

I recommend two books "The Dog Listener" and "The Dog's Mind" - they give you great insight into understanding dogs and their behaviors and will help you in this area as well!

Good Luck!

EDIT: Here are links to those books from
The Dog's Mind: Understanding Your Dog's Behavior
The Dog Listener: Learn How to Communicate with Your Dog for Willing Cooperation
I know how frustrating this situation can be. We brought Pirate in, when mean ol' Molly was 7, and convinced she was the queen of the universe!

I know its really hard advice, but you have to let them snarl and growl at each other. They will even nip at each other. But, they really will work it out.

When we first got Pirate, Molly bit his ear so badly there was blood everywhere. I thought I had really made a mistake. I remember breaking down and crying, because I wanted Pirate so much, but didn't want to make Molly feel "put aside".

But with time, they found their place with each other, and now Molly is convinced she is Pirate's mother. Oh yes, he believes it too!

Good luck, be patient, stay calm, and don't hesitate to involve whiskey!

Try having them interact in a neutral ground, like a park or something like that where the puppy can play with your dog. That way the older dog is not so stressed and can establish his position in the pack while he plays with the pup... There will be some growling and maybe some rough play as they assert themselves. It's OK as long as it does not get violent or the growling too common.
Everyone has given good advice so I just wanted to add my two cents. Norman was 10 when we brought Carl home as a 7 week old puppy. For a while it was really tough, I felt bad that we were putting Norman through the torment of a puppy and feeling like we were neglecting him with all the work we were doing with Carl.
Carl is now 22 months and they get along great! Give it some time and try to keep the pup busy so that she's not always "annoying" the older dog and don't forget that your "first born" will need one-on-one time too.
It should definitely work out!
Oh gosh, four days is nothing! Everyone gave great advice!!! When I brought the new kitten home, it took about 2 weeks for them to accept her and not try and kill her! LOL So please be patient, and they will figure it out! Keep us posted!
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