itchy ears

stella is always scratching her ears- it drives her crazy- she comes to me and wants me to scratch them as well- I have had the vet check her ears twice and she said she didn't see anything wrong with them.
I am convinced something is up because the scratching seems desperate.
No real bad smell coming from them, so I am not thinking an ear infection and her hearing is fine.
Maybe just hair tickling or something? Any thoughts?
I have the groomers clean her ears regularly, but I am going to go through Carls step by step process- so I may have just answered my own post.
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Summer gets little bits of hard wax in her ears. so every other day I clean them with a wipe and get some dirt out. She seems to like me doing it!
Ben does that when his allergies are bothering him. It takes a few days before his ears turn a bright pink to red.

It's not fair to have problems with allergies.
I have to clean Quinnie and Devyn's ears all the time!!!!!
I have found that sometimes you have to go in deep in the
They can have plugs of hair with "goop"
that you cant see.
I am an ear freak!
You have to really get down in to get it out!
Good Luck
Summer gets lumps, I have a tiny torch and I peer down her ears with it.... :roll: :roll:
Beauford has itchy problems too. The vet gave me some ear wash that has aloe in it and showed me how to clean them properly. You really have to go deep into the ear canal. The vet said dont be afraid to go up to your knuckle. Beau hates it tho and everytime he sees me coming with the blue bottle and wipes he hides behind my husbands recliner. :roll: But he doesnt dig at his ears anymore. Before I was shown, I wasnt going deep enough. He also told me that if I clean the ears properly, I would nt have to pull the hair out. I havent pulled any ear hair for a year now and he is fine. I just have to clean his ears with the solution every other day.
You might also ask your doctor for an ear loop, when you go for your next appointment. It is a handle with a simple loop at the end. It is made to go in and scoop out the excess wax, most are made in plastic now and are disposible.
Next time at the vets, get them to take a sample from her ear, a cotton wad is just gently past into the canal and a swab taken and looked under a microscope for assessing. I think you will find it is a yeast infection on stella, nothing that can't be cleared up after assessing with appropriate drops. Yeast infections of the ears are usually allergy related, that is sometimes ears flare due to air born pollens, something they eat or just at a certain time of year something in the enviroment setting them off.

Get an ear wash, syringe into the ear and flush out that is a start to help her. :wink:
I would be careful about getting too deep into the ear canal with anything. Only a Vet should be getting that deep in to the canal. Is there any black stuff coming out? That could mean ear mites...even without a bad smell, ear mites can cause itching. Usually a yeast infection will cause a foul odor but mites may haveno odor at all.
My vet said that ear mites are rare in sheepies, I thought that was what was wrong with Beau. He said that allergies and yeast are more likely the problem when dealing with the ears.
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