Sheepie Home Alone

Hey kids,
I need some encouragement today! :(
After searching for a while for a rescue sheepie with no luck, I finally decided to take a chance with a puppy. I adopted a 4 month old a few days ago and named him Curtis. He is the BEST puppy. He's been doing so well with his house training and he is so affectionate. I read so much of the great advice given on this site, so I've started off being pretty strict, and he has responded by being extremely obedient considering we were strangers just a few days ago.
Unfortuately, he only has me to depend on, and I have to work all day in order to bring home the kibble. I've heard rave reviews on crate training, so I started him out with one. I think I've done everything right so far. I introduced it to him as a positive place. I put it in my bedroom so he sleeps in it every night even when the door to his crate is open. Still, he follows me EVERYWHERE, so when I went to work this morning and left him shut in his crate, he was terribly sad. :cry: It almost broke my heart to hear his wimpers.
I'd love some advice and some encouragement if anyone has some to spare. I'm absolutely miserable with guilt! :cry:

~Missy and Curtis
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When I crate trained my dog (not an oes) I put a konga toy in with him with peanut butter inside. That kept him busy for awhile. I also put a shirt that I wore in the crate so he would have my smell. Sometimes I left the radio or tv on. I would try to come home at lunch to let him out for potty. Hope this helps!
when i got matie, i was very busy with work. luckily, i live a few minutes away and am self-employed so i would come home every few hours to let her out to potty, play for a bit and then back into the crate. she was only 10 weeks when i got her. the trainer that i took matie to for obedience said to put all of her toys in her crate...use it as a toy box. that way, she will love the crate and she had something to do when i was away. honestly, your puppy is probably sleeping a lot when you're away. i now leave matie in the kitchen/dining area with a baby gate and when i get home, she comes to the gate to greet me but nine times out of ten, her hair is all matted down and she is yawning all the while her nub of a tail is going a million miles an hour. he'll be fine and will get used to your being away, it's all just new for both of you. also, try not to make a big deal of your comings and goings. when you leave, don't make it a production and when you come home, do a few things first ie: check the answering machine or go to the bathroom, etc. then get him out. just make sure you give him quality time when you get home. you will both takes a while but it sounds like you both love eachother and that's all we all really need. good luck, bridy and matie
I have one that is 11 weeks old. I haven't crated her, I just have a baby gate up in the kitchen. At night, I put a cd on (disney's baby lullaby) and I have it on repeat. I leave the stove light on and shut off all other lights. She protested the first few nights, but as long as she can't hear us, she is ok, and as long as there is noise, she doesn't like the silence. I also do this when I leave the house during the day. I come home and she is usually sleeping. Maybe try some music for your pup. Hope this helps.
I'm about to bring my puppy - 8 weeks old, home. I too will have to go to work and leave him by himself. We'll put up a baby gate in the kitchen - I love the idea of the music or TV - I'll try that. My previous OESs were rescue dogs so we didn't have the puppy trying times to work through. thanks for all the great adice - I've bought my kong, got lots of toys, a comfie crate and now I'll ind music. Once he's a little older, we have made a safe 'playpen' for him by fencing off part of our very large yard. He'll be able to be outside as well as in and qite comfy.

Boy! Ths is like having babaies again!!! :?
Hi - this is my first post on the forum, but can I just say that it's so nice to see that I've not been doing everthying wrong! - We have a 6 month old OES who we've had since he was eight weeks and, (well, you asked for encouragement, but this will also give you a laugh) - I was so upset at leaving him the first night we had him that I took a spare duvet downstairs and slept next to the dog basket! :lol:

Woof (yes that's his name) is also left whilst we're at work (although I do get home most lunchtimes for a short while). He's quite happy to be left with the radio for company and a few toys. We also use just a baby-gate on the kitchen, and he's able to run about in the kitchen, utility and his bedroom. Like others have said, I think Woof also spends most of his tie asleep, although I vaguely suspect he also noses around the bin.....

All the best - if your puppy loves you half as much as ours does, you're very lucky person indeed :D
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