Greenie's Revenge :(

I am an idiot and a bad dog parent and someone should take my dog away from me.

Pooh Bear is at the animal hospital now having surgery to remove an obstruction that we are 95% sure is a greenie. Up until today, he has never had a problem with them. Gave him one last night, he chewed and chewed like normal, although he did finish it faster than usual.

6:30 this morning he wakes me up with a vomit from his crate followed by another one. This happens on occasion since there is nothing left in his stomach--however, on our morning walk, it happens again twice. Once back in the house, he refuses water and I try a few bits of kibble: nothing. Vomits again. At this point it's about 8am, vet opens at 830. So at 10am I bring him to the vet, who feels around and find a blockage. Instead of waiting to see if it passes, he suggests removing it.

So, I am sitting here typing so very worried for my baby boy. This has not been a good day--also find that someone tried to break into my car today. Came out to take Pooh to the Dr. and someone had removed the driver's side lock on my door. Nothing taken from the car, and the car was blocked in by my wife's car. Oye. What a day!
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Hope Pooh recovers quickly. What a nightmare! Don't blame yourself.
I feed Greenies to my dogs too. Who would have thought this would happen... Maybe with rawhide, but a greenie?
You will all be in my thoughts today.
My vet says he had another dog about 6 months ago that he had the same thing. He made me promise to never feed another one. Not that he had to ask....
Oh Josh!!! I'm so sorry that you and Pooh are going through this! Concentrate on him getting better- he's still young, and as we all know, the young of any type heal fast! You and all your family (furry and otherwise!) are in my thoughts. I'm sure Pooh will be ok! And no, you are NOT a bad puppy parent- you didn't know that this would happen! The sheepie brigade is not going to come and take Pooh away, he's where he belongs! Hang in and let us know how you are all doing, when you get a chance! Hugs and prayers from MN,

Karen :)

I am so sorry, and no it isn't your fault. We all live and learn, I am sorry you and Pooh had to go through this though. It seems when it rains it pours, it sounds like a very rough week with your car and Pooh. I hope the weekend proves to be better. :wink:
Pooh is in our thoughts and Jack and Annabelle send sheepie hugs! Keep us updated. :wink:

Stormi and co.

White light to Pooh as he goes through surgery! I'm glad you brought him right in before and they are going to remove it before it causes damage to the intestines! You are a GOOD Dad for realizing that something was seriously wrong and taking care of it right away.

No more greenies! A lesson we should all learn from this!!!

Please keep us updated on his progress! Get well soon Pooh!

If the Doggie Department of Children and Services removes him from your home - I'll be happy to foster him! :wink:

You are NOT a bad dog parent! Just keep the faith - Pooh will be fine in a few days! Before you know it, he'll be tearing around in the presents under the Christmas tree!
Just talked to the Vet. Pooh did great--there were 3 peices of greenie. 1 small, 1 large and 1 extra large. I even got pictures of the surgery, which I will not post unless there is demand for them as they are not for those with a weak stomach.

So, he'll stay there 2 nights. For those of you that don't have it, get the pet insurance.

And a HUGE THANK YOU for all of your support. I miss himlike crazy already as the house is much quieter.
I'm so sorry! That must have been terrifying! I'm so glad he's ok....
Please keep us updated.... and I for one would like to see pics, but if they are too graphic for the forum, you can send them privately to me? I will pm you my email address.
Josh, whenever you get a chance, can you pm me with info on the pet insurance you carry please? I'd like to check it out... No rush though. I'm so releived Pooh did well through his surgery! Keep us updated when you get a chance, and here's hoping for a speedy recovery!

Karen :)
New info: Pooh is positive for hip dysplasia. Since it is not a problem as of yet we have no plans to do anything. The vet seems to think that since he is showing no signs of lameness that we should be fine for some time to come. Man oh man.
Oh I'm so sorry Josh, it's good you know early though, you can give glucosamine and chondroiton supplements now to prevent any problems as he grows, and definitely use a large breed dog food, I would suggest adult food not puppy food.... but of course your vet knows best, I would just discuss these options.
Oh geez! It's just not your day, man! I'm sure Pooh will be fine, and Stacey's right, it's best to know early, to help keep the dysplasia problem minor by using preventitive measures. My folk's male spaniel Liam has hip dysplasia too, but you'd never know, he runs around and jumps and plays like a complete idiot! Best wishes to your and yours. Let us know how he's feeling!

Karen :)
jsmarcus wrote:
New info: Pooh is positive for hip dysplasia. Since it is not a problem as of yet we have no plans to do anything. The vet seems to think that since he is showing no signs of lameness that we should be fine for some time to come. Man oh man.

That's a shame! Many dogs live long happy lives with hip dysplasia (not requiring any surgical intervention). Alot of people probably don't realize their dogs are dysplastic - unless they've had the opportunity to have them xrayed. Hopefully, Pooh will be one of these dogs that you will never notice a problem!

What a GREAT dad you are for realizing that Pooh needed immediate medical attention! So glad to hear that he made it thru the surgery with flying colors. As far as the hip displasia, just take it day to day and as Stacey said you can give glucosamine and chondroiton supplements. I have heard that those help.
Hip dysplasia - hmmm! Let me think - do I know anything about this? :?

By all means, start Pooh on some sort of chondroitin/glucosamine supplement. My vet suggested Cosequin, but I've also heard good things about Glyco Flex and Wellflex.

Make sure he always gets enough exercise. Don't let him get overweight. Monitor the dysplasia over the years to see how it's progressing. I pray you won't have to go the surgery route.

Drez is doing pretty good since her surgery, but she'll never be exactly the same. :roll: Her surgery was on Nov 4, and she still won't lay on her right side. If she lays on a cold surface long enough, it's harder for her to get up. But her smile is there, her personality shines through, so it makes it worthwhile!

Good luck! Just think of all the stories you're storing for the future!

A good dad is one that gets their babies to the doctor when they need it, so don't worry Josh. These guys are always looking for ways to get in trouble... Besides, who would expect that to happen with a greenie?

I'm glad to hear that the surgery was perfect and that now Pooh is getting better. I wish I had some advise on hip displasia, but I know nothing about it. Keep him well excercised and keep his weight in check so his bones do not sress too much, that's the advise we got from the vet when lennon broke his shoulder 6 months ago.

Good luck!
Thanks to all of you for your well wishes and advice. Excercise will be at the top of the list along with the supplements.

On a side note, I called the vet this morning to check on how Pooh did overnight and was told by the receptionist that he's been barking all morning and the only time he stops is when they go and visit him. So I guess he's feeling fine 'cause that's quite normal! I wish I could have him here with me already to recoop. I hope they let me get him early tomorrow.

So at this point, "cone dog" should be coming home tomorrow with no problems but some serious recovery to do. I am sad, but happy he's going to be ok.
OMG!i never knew greenies could do that to our poor buddies!!Im so glad you posted your experience,im going to make sure NOT to give them greenies any more.did they vet say why there are such problems w/ the greenies?is it all chew things made from that material?

anyways im so glad your pooh is doing awesome now!! :D
I might be interested .... no wait... I am interested in looking at thoses photos, Josh. I might be interested in putting up a page about your experience.

It might gross people out, but if it helps...?

Do you have them electronically?
Our vet has been doing preventative work on our older dog so that his hips stay in shape. The biggest thing that she recommended was low impact excercise and we have been having him swimming. It works great, it builds up the muscles so that they can better support the joints and it gets him moving.
Since we have been doing the preventative work for so long he hasn't had any problems. He is 11 years old and runs, skips jumps like our 21 month old. He is a little slow to get up if he's been sitting for a while but that's the only real problem we've noted.
He is also on glucosamine supplements. They are an effective aid in dealing with hip dysplasia.
So the big question is, then, where can we do swimming? And how to introduce a dog to that.....time for a new post!
He's home and doing fine. He's cried 2X--when I've left the room, but he's resting. Looks great (they bathed and brushed him) has a pain patch on and a load of staples but we'll get through it. He's going to be one spoiled puppy for the next few days!
Poor baby...
I feel so bad for him.....
I hope he's feeling back to his old self again soon.
Please give him a gentle ear rub from me :)
jsmarcus wrote:
He's home and doing fine. He's cried 2X--when I've left the room, but he's resting. Looks great (they bathed and brushed him) has a pain patch on and a load of staples but we'll get through it. He's going to be one spoiled puppy for the next few days!

Glad he's home! Spoil him for the rest of his life - not just a few days! :wink:

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