Talk the Talk and Walk the Walk

The times when I've really shone is when people have said "you can't do that". I love it!!! Gets me motivated to prove them wrong. I'm not so good when people have said"way to can do it..."

Wonder why that is?

Anyhow I wanted the other house I recently posted about, so I having been going to bed at 2 am and set my alarm for 4:30 am and between working two jobs and looking after 27 critters - I have been preparing my house for sale. Painting, finishing floors, hauling out 15 years worth of accumulated stuff..the list is so daunting.

My house is going up for sale on Monday and I want to buy that other place. Don't wish me luck...tell me I can't do it...I want to prove you wrong. K everyone? It will motivate me. :wink:

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Marianne, are you crazy? You have no idea what you are trying to do. What makes you think you can sell your home, let alone buy a new one? You have near constant car concerns. Closing costs, moving costs, are you sure you can swing this?

Think of all the work you'll have to do just selling this one and then, if the heavens permit and you buy the other one, how will you move your stuff over? Moving company? I think not. How's your back? How's your son's back? How are you going to get the animals moved and housed?

Hey, what happens if you sell this house but can't get into the other one? Where will you be?

You should be grateful you have a house now, in these times, not be looking for another!

how was that?
It'll never happen in a million years. Too much work for a woman. Impossible! :D
cyakins wrote:
It'll never happen in a million years. Too much work for a woman. Impossible! :D
Especially a blond
No way you can swing this!!
You're too old for satisfied with your lot in life. Too much work in this sell, buy, move stuff. Look at all the work you've already done on your place and to just walk away from it?

Good luck in the new house...crossing fingers.
Two and a half hours of sleep a night? Are you crazy?

Come on, Marianne--be realistic!
You're like a horse standin' in a pasture with its head stuck through a fence.

You've ALWAYS got you're head stretched out as far as you can get it through the fence lookin' for greener pastures!!!!!!!

Now, with your body on one side and head on the other, how ya gonna get out of this mess????

IF you weren't ALWAYS looking for BIGGER and BETTER, you wouldn't be in this spot!!!

I know we've given you a lot of well deserved praise in the past, BUT:



I for one, hate to see you go through so much work only to fail!!!!!!!

It's the wee hours of the morning and I was slowing down...plopped right down on the floor with less than 14 hours until the realtors arrive. One last room to go. I ripped up the old carpet in the downstairs bedroom that hasn't been used in over 5 years. It was the room which I planned on doing over the next several weeks and had even purchased new laminate for it, but yet uninstalled. I got sidetracked with other things and now a mad rush to get it done. The junk man is arriving at 11 am to haul my stuff to the dump, woulda been great to take this stuff at the same time. I'm so sleepy however.

The floor has old plywood on top of concrete that smelled musty. I was pooped energy. I decided to take a break and make some this post...AND......!!!!!!!!!!

Urg! I'll show yah! I stormed down those stairs and with super woman powers using no tools I lifted the plywood and heaved! It came out!!! I hauled it outside along with the rest of the junk! HMPH!!!

(Keep up the comments!!!!!!!)
Marianne wrote:
.........Urg! I'll show yah! I stormed down those stairs and with super woman powers using no tools I lifted the plywood and heaved! It came out!!! I hauled it outside along with the rest of the junk! HMPH!!!

(Keep up the comments!!!!!!!)

Comparing you to a horse give you extra "horsepower" did it???

Well, it WON'T last you stubborn ole jackass!!!

Quit hoppin' 'round there like all those bunnies and GO TO BED!!!


:wink: :!:
Marianne for Gods sake Woman you will never ever do it, just give up....
Marianne, I mean this in the nicest way.....are you insane?. You're no spring chicken after all, so admit defeat and go to bed :evil: . The critters probably don't want to move anyway.

Did enjoy the horse reference however :D
Oh crap! Now that I have my house all spiffy ..I'm second guessing myself and said "I'd have to think about this for a week". Sell or keep?

The junk man filled his one ton truck to the brim..(not that I'm a slob) but both sons left me all their stuff when they moved which filled half of my garage...That plus all the stuff from renos I've done..old toilets, sinks, ect... Lil ole me...hauled the one ton of stuff to the front walkway so that he gave me a 30 dollar discount. You mean I didn't have to do that? Urg! Wow I can now see the garage floor!!!

The realtor wants me to price my house low in order for a quick sale (which would save my sanity with all the pets) but then the home owners of the other place aren't doing that I'd lose money. I'm driving myself crazy as I'm convinced I'm selling, then change my mind, then say nope want that other place...haven't signed anything with realtors however. Said I've been up for 48 hours and I need to be clearer headed. LOL!

However the house was 85% ready. I'm being picky perhaps, as I want it to look fantastic so it will sell quick and may not need to set the price low? Oh what to do???? Need to sleep on this..but any advice is welcome!

Sleep deprived Marianne

PS thanks to all of you - I did complete what I set out to do this weekend!!!! Thank you!!!!
Get a good nights rest then sit down with a coffee and think it through :D
After all this you are having second thoughts?? Do you know what we are going through??

We told you you would fail. We told you you couldn't do it. I guess you had better give up, the odds are all against you. There is no point in losing money over this, it WAS only your dream house with a perfect place for the critters..

Ugh I feel so mean
You need to sleep, eat a healthy meal, have a cup of coffee and then draw up a list of pros and cons of the move. Then take Merlin and take a walk through the new neighborhood again. You will start thinking clear again. Marianne take aday off you are killing me. lol
Hint of Mischief wrote:
.....Ugh I feel so mean

Know what ya mean!


STOP!!! Enough is enough. You HAVE to rest. Put it on hold for a couple days!

If you're having second thoughts take time to re-evaluate. This is NOT something you HAVE to do!!! Everyone knows you're capable, especially you.

I don't know what religion you are, BUT....... mine says to:

I would suggest you do that if you're having 2nd thoughts. Pray about it first, then sit back and 'be still' (your mind), and listen for His answer.

It was suggested that you take a walk. Great idea! Good time and way to "be still." Allow His words to enter your mind. Peaceful thoughts will enter your heart and you'll know what to do.

Please take a nap! An eight hour one! :wink:
Marianne, at this point it either happens or it doesn't. If it works out, great! If not there is a reason, maybe something even better is just waiting for you to show up and claim it :)
Marianne, you're a fool. (That's what they told Columbus!).
OK, where is the beginning of this discussion????

I am soooo confused!!
Gotsheep, I was too tired to log in one night and wrote a quick update which is what the lastest responses are about. I didn't sign the papers as I had been awake for 48 hrs. Not wanting to sign anything until I was clearer headed.

Thanks for the great advice everyone!

I did get some sleep and mulled it over, then had no qualms about telling the realtor and her partner why I WOULDN"T BE HIRING THEM. I realized that neither of the woman even went out in the yard as the dogs were out there. They were wearing good clothes and so merely glanced out the window. The trees are so lush right now it's vitually impossible to see the entire yard without going outside. When I was better rested I realized that spoke volumes about them.

I want a realtor that knows how important my animals are to me and would have no second thoughts about racing outside should one ever accidently get out. Their safety above all is my upmost priority - the material stuff I don't care about. Love me , love my dogs.

Afterall, the whole reason I'm selling my place is for the animals in order to get them a better place. I need a realtor that understands that.
I'm taking a chance as the other place might sell in the meantime but will spend this week interviewing realtors.. The furkids safety are my priority. Chances are I'd be taking the dogs out during showings but that may not always be feasible given my schedule.

I'm determined to get that other house but not at the price that I'd compromise my animals safety. I'm still confident I can find a way. I guys are thinking I can't do it...I'm still going to prove you all wrong! :wink: :wink: :wink: :wink:

Maybe you should move to Riviera...?

Are you crazy?

LOL, is that what you had in mind? :wink:

Seriously, if you make any offers on the new place make sure it's CONTINGENT upon the successful close of escrow of the current place.

Another serious issue is the showings, you need to be very clear about the availability and safety of the animals which you already know. But it could also hinder a quick sale if it's difficult to show or has animal "odors". Bear in mind smells you may be used to.

If anyone knows it is you, that what's meant to be has a way of working itself out. But seriously Marianne, PLEASE DON'T run yourself into the ground.

Personally, Marianne, I don't think you have anything to prove, I believe you can accomplish whatever you decide to accomplish. goodluck
In my humble opinion I don't think you will ever accomplish this - from your posts it is obvious that you don't have enough enthusiasm or commitment for anything like this.

(Who am I trying to kid here!!!)

Some advice that I do have, if property sales work the same in the USA as they do here, If we find a house that we want to put an offer on then contact the Estate Agent (Realtor) and just express an interest - then ask them to act on your behalf to sell your property too. That way they will maybe try a little harder to sell yours as it will mean two lots of commission for them! :lol:

Good Luck!
You are crazy!!!!!!!!!!!!
you will never sell your you can see the realtors do not like animals..........better just forget it!!!!!!!!!

seriously....I would take the advise and express an interest in the other would be surprised how the realtor work for you if they think they can get more money
Marianne wrote:
I guys are thinking I can't do it...

We don't "think" you can't do it......we "know" you can't do it!!!!

Here's when you'll ever be able to accomplish this task~~~~~~~~~~~

WHEN PIGS FLY!!!! :twisted:

Seriously tho...good luck!!
Geez Marianne, give it up already!
I can't believe you're still actually considering this move. Any sane person would know better. Give it up already, Marianne!!
Give up and move to a psych ward that allows animals....besides the other patients that is!
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