Thanks, Saulmr!!!

I want to thank Saul for helping me update Pirate's avator!

As you can see, Pirate was in Don King mode when this picture was taken.


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Awww, there is Pirate! What a cutie! He does a good impression of Don King.
Give that cutie some belly rubs!

Stormi and co.
....but I hear kids these days like that "go anywhere" type of hairstyle. Your OES is just in the "hip" crowd. :D
Hee hee...he asked if he could dye his spikes shocking pink and neon green, but I said...not til your 18!!!

Mama...ah, Deborah :lol:
LOL, then can he pierce his nose? He looks good as a punk rocker! :wink:

Stormi and co.
you better watch it Stormi. :lol:

What you curse onto others with kids, usually guarantees your own will be a rebel. I wouldn't be surprised if Annie is in nail polish and skimpy shirts by her next b-day. 8)

BTW, I think it would be funny to see an OES with nail polish. I've only seen it done to toy dogs (I refused to let my groomer do my dog's in fear it would be a pain to take off).
LOL, although some will not agree, my 4 year old son has a diamond stud in his ear. At 3, he wanted an earring like his Papa and we kept saying, "it is going to hurt, lets wait until you are older."
Well, he was sick a lot and not gaining weight and we had to go in for 2 scary tests. One was for cystic fibrosis and the other was celiac sprue an intolerance or allergy to bread...I think. I have forgotten now, as I was more fixated at the time on the CF. Anyway, when we got the GOOD news that he was all clear, and just was going to be small built kid.
Anyway, we mistakenly said you can have anything you want and he wanted to go the mall and get his ear pierced. Him and his Daddy both sat up there and got their ear pierced. And I think CJ made more of a face than Joey did when they punched it through. :lol:
I have to say, if that was my pay for a clean bill of health, I am glad that was it. It has really grown on me, and I think it looks cute on him.
I let me rephrase that....I pray, that that is all either one of them want to do as far as that goes. :oops:
Stormi and co.
Your post about the hair dye reminded me of this summer. I'd clipped Dudley with a mohawk for the summer, and I did want to dye it green so he could be cooler than all the other dogs. The photo below was taken at the NEOESR picnic this summer and shows off his mohawk nicely.


Cherrybrook ( does sell hair dye for dogs. I bought a bottle, and tried very hard to dye Duds' mohawk. It didn't stick - not one bit!! In a fit of frustration, I went to the beauty supply store and bought hair bleach to lighten his mohawk hair so it would take the dye. We sat in the sun with hair bleach in our hair, and that DIDNT work, either!! LOL His mohawk hair was nice and soft from all the hair attention, though.

So the moral of the story - darkly coloured dog hair just doesn't dye all that well, nor does it bleach, either.

No puppies were harmed in the making of this story - my shirt, however, was not so lucky - it has green doggy hair dye on it now. :-P

The best way to color dog fur is with food coloring. It's nontoxic, doesn't stain (I've done it on buff colored dogs unsure about the white fur) and washes out without a problem. It actually will come out with water so it's probably not the best for beards and around mouths.
Simply apply color either straight from the little squirt bottles or with a sprayer. and comb through. Then dry with hair dryer, (if you don't it may run or if they shake you could get rainbow colored walls!)
I used to do this to my cocker spaniel all the time and it worked great.
You're welcome debcram. Pirate looks sooo cool in that picture, rock star style. He can be the next paw-merican idol!
:D There is a rumor going round, that Pirate's father is Rod Stewart!

hee hee hee hee :P

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