A day In the life of Marianne

Sigh, I bounce out of bed at 5 am - the three large canines are arising around that time. First thing I do is open my back door as they anxiously file out to the yard to do their business.

While they do that - I line up the tins of cat food, dog kibbles, meds for Blue and Panda and chop up veggies for the bunnies. I hear Ole Blue bark which means he's waiting for me to lift him up the stairs. I can now carry him with ease, although he's 3/4's of my own weight. The others enter the house and it's like Ready, Set , GO!!!!! All the cats and dogs race to their strategic places in the house where they are fed when I pick up the containers. Anyone watching this would be impressed as there are 3 dogs and 4 cats involved in the race..it's like watching syncronized swimming - they avoid colliding in the mad race to their places.

Next on the list are the five cats in the foster cat room. I enter the room and administer the meds as needed. Open the blinds and allow fresh air in the room. Dish out the food and change litter boxes and pick up water bowls.

I now head to the 11 bunnies and two guinea pigs. Each are kept in groups of 2's and 3's. I change all the water bowls, pour the pellets into dishes, add fresh veggies, and then top up the hay or straw depending on what is needed.

Lastly, to the little mice - I dish out their food, straighten out their bedding or add things like toilet paper rolls stuffed with straw, change water dish.

I then turn on the coffee pot while I jump into the shower to prepare for work. I've never counted how many water bowls/dishes I change in a day as it would be too mind boggling. I usually drink my coffee in my van on the way to work but not before I've allowed all the dogs time again in the yard after they've digested their morning breakfast. It's always tricky to make sure they've had time to do their business and I'm once again lifting Blue up the stairs in good clothes and boots. I change shoes and race out the door.

I spend my lunch hour racing to the various stores for supplies - fresh veggies or treats for some of the furkids and often manage to get back to school with 10 mins to spare to eat lunch.

After school, race home, once again let dogs out. In the past was now the start of walks but as of last week I took on a second job that is from 4- 6 pm. So I have aprox 45 mins to check on everyone, grab my supplies and out the door once again. I return and repeat the morning routine..but spend time in the bunny enclosure - petting and playing.

7 pm I start the walks - Ole Blue can now only manage a block or two but loves his one on one time with me.
Then Merlin and Panda - usually separately but if time is limited then together to the park or around the neighborhood. That takes another 2 hrs.

Apon returning, I usually plug a movie in the ancient tv/vcr..Yes VCR! in the foster cat room and am surrounded by the kitties. Each get petted, loved..ect.

10 pm..dogs need time outside again. I make sure everyone is tucked in for the night.

Sometimes the routine changes depending if I have to take one of the guys in for a vet appointment or it's my turn to volunteer at the bunny shelter, kitten adoption viewings at the SPCA or I'm offering to do behavioral consulting for the dogs - those days are a bit more hectic.

Midnight I close my eyes and can't imagine what my life was like before. 8O I can't imagine when my walk in closet wasn't filled with bags of dog food, my pantry filled with cat food, my fridge with greens of all kinds and rows of different meds for various animals. Humidifiers, vaporizers, syringes, ear drops, eye drops, heated beds, and shelves full of books. A huge house and yet it seems like every room has a purpose for something other than sleeping. Ha ha!

Weekends means vaccuuming, bleaching, wash day and home renos - mostly various enclosures and finally long 2-3 hour walks at parks or the woods. Life is good!!!

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Geez Marianne, you made me so tired I started yawning.
Don't know how you do it all.... but BRAVO!! :clappurple:
Bless you Marianne....there is NO way i could do all that....you deserve extra sassy shoes!!
Darcy wrote:
Bless you Marianne....there is NO way i could do all that....you deserve extra sassy shoes!!

Ditto that for me too. :D
And if it is those cute red boots doing it, I want some too!!
:clappurple: YOU ARE AMAZING :clappurple:
Nahhhh not amazing...perhaps a little zany but no complaints as I'm living the life I always dreamed of doing as a kid!

I had an amazing day and something completely unexpected! My two boy surprised me by calling me up and inviting me to dinner. Dinner in a fancy place...ohhhh a treat!!! They also showed up with gifts!! Gifts!!! They weren't animal related either, but just for me! A purse, wallet and 1/2 chocolate bar (my son had eaten the other half) and a awesome coffee grinder with some expensive coffee beans! For once, I didn't think about the price of something that would in turn pay for a spay/neuter/pet food or something else the critters needed or bills or morgage payments.

(It was an early Mothers Day celebration as one of my boys works tomorrow. )

I don't remember the last time I ate in that restaurant - probably five years ago or more, so while I love my daily life - I did appreciate this truly wonderful day. I fiqure if I ate in restaurants more often, I wouldn't have enjoyed this day as much.

Aw, what a nice surprise!! :hearts:
What a lucky Mom you are!
Bounce out of bed at 5 am----
You make me feel lazy! 8O
My dogs see me in a whirl in the morning!
Have the Best Mommies Day !
You deserve it!
Crikeys it's Mothers Day here today NO WAY was I bouncing out of bed at that ungodly hour :P :lol: :lol: :lol:

Geez I need a "VB" after reading about your day. 8O :lol: :lol:

Wonder woman 8)
Snort!!! I only bounce out of bed as it's the law of gravity....they bounce up ...I bounce out.... :D

Wow, not bad Marianne! So, when do you eat? :roll:
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