The Hook & Hump

My sweet Rufus turned 9 months this week- AND turned EVIL.

He's chewed up the floor. He's destroyed the remotes. He sits & barks in my face..... and he HUMPS.

I have to crate him when I'm not at home now or even when I go for a nap. He is still getting his half hour walk before breakfast, half hour before lunch & 1 hour run in the evening, but I think his energy level has gone up :?

I can't get from one side of the room to the other without being molested. He hooks his big paw around my ankle & PULLS really hard- it's like he's doing a take down. Before I've even gone another step it's hump hump hump. He's not even being sly anymore. Every time I say "NO!" as soon as he does the hook thing & push him firmly away but he's not listening. He does it again within 20 seconds. I'm bruised & he's driving me crazy!

Does anyone have a dog 'in tact' who has grown out of this? And how long does it take?
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I didn't neuter my male until he was over a year old and we never had this kind of behavior. sorry, it sounds more like a dominance issue than anything.
Hi there!
Tucker has been neutered but still does this from time to time, most often when we are playing (he just turned 13 months old).
This is a dominant behaviour and is to be strictly not tolerated, which I can see you're doing. I have a few suggestions to add to what you're already doing...

1. The "no" is great, but may not be enough. What he's saying with this behaviour is, "Well maybe I'm the boss! What do you think about that? Huh? Huh?". So your "no!" needs to be accompanied by something that demonstrates that YOU are the boss. Simply telling him to "sit" and praising him when he does so should be enough to turn the tables and remind him that you are the one in charge.

2. Try not to use your hands to get him off of you (I realize this is very difficult and still struggle with it myself). There are two reasons for this: 1. Hands should always be associated with positive touch, and 2. Any hand contact could be perceived by him as attention, and just like with kids, any attention can be good attention according to him. BUT since he is HOOKING you (strong arms, eh?!), you may have to use your hands. I don't know what other people do in this case, but I gently hook Tucker by the collar to get him off, then command him to sit before we do anything else.

3. If it occurs when you're doing something he enjoys - playing, walking, etc., stop the fun right away. Tucker usually gets 2 chances - the first time I tell him sit, the second time I tell him sit then "no more" and walk away. If he's going to play dirty, I'm not going to play at all.

Dealing with it is one thing, but avoiding it is obviously the best. I think until they reach full maturity, they're always going to be challenging your dominance to make sure that you are as deserving a leader as you claim to be. By constantly doing training, and by doing little things like making him sit and wait before you put his food down, walking out the door before him, being in charge of the toys and putting them away when you're done playing with them, you are doing little tiny daily things that remind him that YOU are in charge and that all good things come from you. The hope is that eventually he will see you as the undeniable leader who is trustworthy, and that he no longer needs to challenge your authority. If he were human, this wouldn't happen until he's about 25, but fortunately he's a dog, so you only need to wait another year or so :)
Archie is 9 months on Tuesday next week he has tried it on me twice whilst playing - a very loud NO was enough to stop him in his tracks and send him scuttling for the door.

He has tried it on a few times with a very flirtatious black Lab, who uses the same field Archie does.

I guess it's all part of growing up, this thread will be of interest to me also seeing how others cope with this.
Stories such as these makes me so nervous. My pup is 6 months, and right now has the sweetest, most playful personality. I hope he doesn't turn into a problem as he gets older.

He's actually stopped trying to hump other dogs or people, something he did when he was much younger. He is being neutered in 10 days.
George has never done this, although he turned evil on his 9th month birthday and spent much of it not coming back to us at the end of his walk!

But I think if Rufus continues you should consider having him neutered.

He is trying to be dominant with you, does he do this with Greg too?

As suggested already you need to show him you are boss and try to ignore him when he does this.

Good luck!!!
It's hard at that age, he is coming into the rotten teenage stage, no longer the baby. It is a dominance issue with you at the moment, pop him on a lead in the house and if he tries it, correct him with a stern no and tug on the lead with a down command. A lot of males go through this stage, another thing to try is put your knee up when he tries it and if he is not on a lead at that time and use your hands and push him down with the command word in a deep stern voice "DOWN" then turn your back on him and ignore him till he settles down. If he does not then Time out for a few minutes and when settled a bit on the lead to bring him out with you again. Be very strict with him and show lack of attention to him when he behaves like this, if being well behaved shower him with attention, they soon learn that if naughty then no one takes no notice of them and when good everyone is attentive.

think about waiting to neuter your dogs until they are at least one year old. Our new pup has it in his contract that he isn't to be neutered until 15 months. these larger dogs need the time to grow and mature before they are neutered. not all puppy behavior is solved by neutering.

Personally if the pup wasn't being shown I wouldn't wait until a year. I made the heart wrenching decision to have Merlin neutered at 10 months even tho he was purchased as a show dog and had an impressive lineage.

Some behaviours that have been instilled before neutering will remain with them afterwards. Not to say one can't desensitize them afterwards, but I myself find that neutering early avoids some of the unwanted behaviors before they start.

Nine months (give or take in various breeds) seems to be very much like the terrible two's in humans and teens in dogs - they test, test , test! They are coming of age and like previous posters mentioned..the teen years egads! Be patient they do return to the sweet lovable dogs they were previously providing you don't let them think they are the boss of the house.

Ironically, researchers have done studies on 9 month old pups at offleash dog parks and found they are thought to be "fair game" amongst other dogs. The study indicated that other dogs viewed them as emerging teens and no longer viewed as young puppies. They would sorta pick on the 9 month old dogs as their emerging adulthood was evident and they would try to keep those dogs under themselves in the dog park heirachy. Anyhow, I don't remember the name of the study but it was interesting and depending how much you believe in studies it shed some insight into how other dogs viewed these upcoming teens.

I have had the opportunity myself as I'm a frequent offleash visitor and sometimes when I see one particular dog seemingly picked on by the others I've asked his age. Aprox 95 % of the time - it was a dog aged 8 to 10 months old. Of course, this is just my own personal opinion and viewpoint and others made valid points as well. Smart bunch of members we have on this forum!!

I'm also coming from a rescue standpoint so my opinion is biased in some ways as I neuter/spay dogs/cats/bunnies at around 6 months old. With the exception of Merlin, who I was going to show originally but based on his obvious dominance decided that this was not a trait that would be desirable to pass on.

oliver is 3yr old and all intact..
He is a gentle,sweet,loving, boy..
We have had maybe a couple of humping moments, :oops:
what we did was to remove him from the situation, this seemed to work with him as he is most happy when with his family..
We have done this training with him since a babie and he knows now that when its naughty he is sent to his room.
Just wish my 5yr old child would get it..Life would then be a breeze :D
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