Picking Dandelions in the pouring rain

If someone one told me I'd once be wearing bright red rubber boots with pyschedelic splotches of pink, green, purple and blue I would have laughed.

If someone once told me I'd be wearing those same boots and picking dandelions in the pouring rain in my neighborhood - I'd have laughed even harder.

The other day I happened to come across the niftiest rubber boots. Yes, I know rubber boots don't tend to be cool looking or "nifty". Using that word actually makes me uncool but back to my story.

I spy the rubber boots - bright red with swirls of purple, green, yellow and pink. I think, "Oh perfect dog walking boots!" The same boots were in a high fashion store for 65 dollars last year. I get mine for 7 dollars!

I wear my boots with pride to school and get rave reviews from the staff and kids with comments of "Cool boots!". Dunno if they were making fun or me or not but think it was sincere. 8)
At least I'm not wearing my red hat and purple dress yet but will in time.

I return home and listen to a message on my machine. Lisa my friend has scored a contact through her involvement with animal rescue. She's the founder of Small Animal rescue and has been offered a truck load of high end dog/cat food and she wants of list of things I need for my furkids. Lisa doesn't have any cats or dogs but those of us who volunteer for the organization do.

I know she's got numerous bunnies she's caring for as well as the 50 domestic spayed/neutered ones at our bunny shelter. I don't want her to walk away empty handed. One parent at my school gave me a box full of veggies for my bunnies so I decide to give her that but it won't be enough. It's late and most stores are closed. Oh I know the dandelions in my yard - bunny delicacy! It's pouring rain but I rush out to pick dandelions and get offers from my neighbors to pick theirs too.

So in my bright colored boots -(Perfect!) I pick dandelions in the neighborhood in the pouring rain. I pick even though it's now dark and still raining hard. The neighbors are probably shaking their heads.

I just finished when Lisa pulls up and unloads bags and bags of food and cases of cans for my furkids - and I hand over 4 bags of dandelions and a box of veggies in trade.

Okay I'm laughing now! :D

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only you marianne!!

i want to see these boots, they sound fabulous!!
That story is sure to bring some smiles to some faces today.
I know I certainly am!
:D Thanks for spreading smiles!
Actually they do sound like nice boots........and you out in the rain......why not. Keep the neighbors laughing and yourself happy.
:D Those boots are made for sloshing! :lol: :lol: :lol:
What a great story for the middle of the week, and a relief. I was afraid when I saw the subject that at the end would be a statement along the line of "They changed my medication and I am feeling better." :lol: I wish I could find niffty rubber boots that fit my square feet. I should say cube like feet. :lol:
Glad you guys enjoyed the story and thanks for the comments!

These boots are made for walking!


Cool Boots!
Well, you won't lose your feet in the red ones. 8O
i want the red ones i have ones like that
You're a regular riot, Marianne! :lol:

I like the boots! They're perfect for rainy day dandelion picking. :wink:
i love the red boots!
You know I was just out walking the dogs and spotted a Dandelion.
Guess who I thought of??? :D
I thought of you yesterday and picked the dandelions from around the doggie dooley and took them in to my Parrot - he wasn't too impressed :?
Thanks for the comments and glad we're amongst the "cool people" who like them boots! 8) They are perfect for dog walking and I'm also thrilled that you guys will think of me when you see dandelions! :D

Kerry - aww too bad your Parrot didn't enjoy the delicacy.


- who one day is going to be that crazy cat/dog/bunny lady your parents warned you about when you were kids. :excited:
Dandelions where one of my mother's favorite veggies. She would get so excited in the spring when they would pop their heads up. She would comb through the neighborhood's empty lots to dig them up and she would boil them. She and her sister would have a compatition as to who got out and got their dandelions first.....it was always a funny phone call. My Mom is gone now and her sister is in her mid 90's so no more dandelion games. lol I have tasted them and they aren't bad.

The last dog we had when I was in high school was named Dandelion/Dandy in honor of my mother's love of the veggie.

Everytime I see a Dandelion I think of my Mom and now I will also think of you Marianne. I haven't seen a dadnelion is so long, I don't know if we have them down here. :D
Violet that was such as sweet story! I love the idea of naming a dog Dandelion in honor of your mom. Your story left me smiling.

My mom too loved dandelions when I was a kid..The leaves are high in Vit C and in France people often have dandelion salad. However, the name isn't as quaint as ours..I love the sound of "dandelion" while in France they are called Pis un Lis (translated to Pee in the bed). :lol:

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