leaving Beckett alone

ok so this have been going quite well so far...approching the one week mark with beckett and he's doing well! we've got sit mastered (already!) he seems so smart!! working on down-sometimes yes sometimes no, depends on distractions and bathroom is ok too. BUT i left him alone 2 days ago for a few hours and other than some crying when i left it seemed ok. when i got home he was not crying and seemed all good. however yesterday i left for...5 hours maybe, same crying when i left but when i came home the whole house stunk and he messed up his kennel pretty badly i was stuck cleaning and washing it out at 11pm. i've been putting a "kong" with him in the kennel with treats to keep him occupied for a bit, but yesterday this did not seem to help. he obviously doens't like to be alone as he follows me EVERYWHERE, but i know i need to get him used to this as i can't have a dog that cries when i'm not around. he has been doing ok out of the kennel when i fall asleep in the morn after he's gone out to pee and what not, besides finding a shoes to chew on here or there, so its obvious to me he doesn't like being in the kennel ESPECIALLY when i'm gone. wondering if maybe i left him alone for too long and that was the problem? or perhaps when i'm gone should i leave him in a room (as opposed to kennel) so he has more space to move around or do we think this will just cause more messing? he hasn't messed in his kennel since i had him so i'm wondering if yesterday's troubles were due to me moving to fast with him? help me oh wise sheepie lovers!!!
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how old is Beckett? When we have to leave Mr. Newfie puppy home in the crate for more than a couple of hours he messes too (14 weeks old). They can only hold it for about 3 hours at Mr. Newfies age.

Day care is our solution for the time being when possible.
You may want to do a forum search...I just entered crate messing and I came up with a few threads.

Sorry I don't have any advice..but Beckett is very cute and I love his name...
5 hours may be to long for his age. I work at home and they do get use to me coming and going. When I first got ours I came upstairs every 2 hours for bathroom breaks. Then I jumped it to 3 hours etc.... But I start at nine now and done by 12 then kids home at 4 so it works great. They hear me down staris and I have a glass door they lay there till I come up. I do have a doogy door which is great when the weather good. I have learnt not to leave it open on snow ball weather days and MUDDY days. But there is now crying or anything they get to know your routine better then you. Know if my husband leaves the house the dogs think they should go with him. :roll:
thanks "sheepieshake" i didn't know i could google the forum...thought it was just a google link....reading better however showed me otherwise. Beckett is 12 weeks old so i suppose we're doing really well for the bathroom considering i usually get 6 hours a night out of him with no messes. i guess i just thought i could equate 6 hours overnight to 6 hours in the evening, but i guess "sleep time" might be different in a dogs mind. i'm going to try "special away bone" once i pick one up as the one i have now he can use whenever. from what i can tell i seem to be very lucky with him. to be honest i didn't think we'd have to be potty training 5-6 months in tho.... oh i hope not!! hopefully he'll be as smart as i think he is and catch on quick!
FYI - i think we might have "down" by the end of the week!!!!
I think I had mine at 16 weeks, with a few oppys here and there. Do to us not paying attention. But they seem to click in at this age and their holding gets better.
one of our trainers told us that if you take thier age in months, and add 1, thats the number of hours they can "hold it".
In "potty time" :) nighttime is different than daytime. At night, they are not active, not eating, not drinking, basically sleeping, so they can hold it for longer periods of time. During the day, pups are actively drinking, eating, playing, etc., so they need to potty much more often. It's really the same for humans too, if you think about it. We use the bathroom way more often during the day than overnight.

At 12 weeks, I think 3- 4 hours is the max you're going to get out of Beckett right now, and if he's anxious, probably less.

Laurie and Oscar
My sheepie is 9 months old and is left for up to 7 hours. My saving grace has been a dog walker who comes in at about noon. I've been doing this since he was 3 months old and he never had an accident while I was at work. It can be pretty pricey but to me it's worth it. It's also a safety issue. I feel good knowing that someone is checking on him during the day.
As far as the crate goes he quickly outgrew his 1st one 24X30. I cordon him off in the kitchen a space about 7'x6' with lots of toys and the radio or TV on. Again, knock wood, I haven't come home to any accidents.
ahrrumph!!! I'm the one with a boy with nothing but beauty between his ears............. 10 months old and we are STILL working on the housebreaking issue........

If it wasn't so bad it would be funny....... he has at least moved fromdown the hall to the back door in the kitchen..... maybe a foot and a half from the door itself and looks at the door and raises his back foot maybe 2 inches off of the floor and looks outside and pees!! or.... 1 foot to the left and he decided that hole in the floor was pretty neat to pee down..... NOT!!!! it is the air conditioning/heating vent!!! I had to have the vent cleaners come out and clean........ I'm ready to strangle him.

Caly has been housebroke for months now. Checker's is just a gorgeous little boy.......with nothing between the ears........

<sigh> :?
my boy is 12 weeks and he is great at nite 2 nites went for 7 hrs. but during the day he sees to go potty 100 times at least he gets it outside but still some opps i think having other dogs it helps
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