Agatha is home!!!!

Well, I am happy to say that she is home!!!!

My husband and I adopted Dixie on Saturday in Alabama. The drive down was beautiful, and Saturday we met with Betsy and picked her up (thank you Betsy!).

We have named her Agatha, and even though she has only been here a few days, she has been such a great addition to our family. She is the sweetest dog, and a little on the sleepy side. Although, whenever I get up to do a chore, or something, she follows me!

She ate like a horse, the first two days, I was amazed how much she could put down! Although today she hasnt eaten her food yet, and as I sit here, I can hear her belly growling, and I keep showing her the food and water bowls but she doesnt seem interested. Does this happen sometimes, maybe she just isnt hungry today, or is she just sad?

Like I said, she was eating alot the first two days, so I know that she can. Any suggestions???? I dont want her to be hungry.

Tomorrow we are going to the vet for a checkup, and to start her on heartworms. Yesterday I gave her some frontline for fleas, and she did great.

I cant believe how much we love her already, and now I cant even imagine my life without her. The cats dont feel the same yet, and she keep trying to play with them (of course they are not interested yet) but I know that it will just take some time.

I have to say that I am extremely impressed with all of those that rescue, foster, and adopt these wonderful Sheepies! Thank you to everyone!

As soon as I upload some of the million pictures I have been taking, I will post them!

Take care!
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Congratulations! I love the name.

Betsy was the foster mom of our Sadie, she does a great job! Now if we could only find a home for Max... :D
Colin-great things come to those who wait. :wink: Ingrid will find Max the perfect person soon.

I am glad that Ms Agatha is adjusting to her new home. Thank you so much for adopting a Rescue. She will truly be the most wonderful pet you have ever had.
congratulations... i know the feeling... i still cant take my eyes off tulo.

my gut tells me that she is not unhappy but just a bit off her schedule... i bet it will just take a few days...

i know that it took tulo a couple of weeks to learn the routine and rules but being consistent (with feeding times and discipline) paid off nicely and now he has it down.

you and she are very lucky.
Congratulations on your adoption! Thanks for giving her a good home. :D

Don't worry -she'll eat when she's hungry. They go through an adjustment period sometimes not eating and not wanting to go potty for a few days. She'll get through it and be fine. Just be consistent with her and she'll adjust to the new schedule/routine in your home.
Don't let those little squirts eat until they stop. Most have common sense, but it's those who don't who can get into trouble. More frequent smaller meals are better for their tummies........and when their tummies are happy, what comes out in the end makes us happy. Over fed dogs tend to get the runs.....sometimes explosive......and can actually burst their gut.

That's OK, you are a lovin' mommy, but I urge control at the food dish.

Also they can have a down day after receiving their flea/tick control or heart worm meds. Be careful, some dogs are very sensitive to these drugs. You might want to write down what you observe for 24-36 hours after application and never apply flea/tick and heartworm on the same day, especially for pups. That way, with the written notes, you will remind yourself if your dog is sensitive so you don't go thru the worries every month.........or to prove to your vet there is a problem and that you aren't paranoid. Of course all new mommies are paranoid.......goes with the territory.

Enjoy your little squirt......lovely name by the way.
Agatha sounds super. I am sure the vet will put you right about any queries. You do need to post all those photos please I love photos! :lol: :lol:
Thanks you all for the kind words, and support!!! :D

I do know that it may sound silly to say that we love her so much already, but we do!!!! Just to look at her walking around the house, or flying down the stairs brings an instant smile to our faces!

Thanks too for the advice about her eating! The first night she was here, I felt silly doing so, but I had to call my Uncle who is a vet to ask him how much to feed her and when! He told me to feed her twice a day, and stick to that schedule. Good thing he told me that, because I am used to having cats, where we fill them up, and leave it there all day for them to munch on!!!!

I will get those pictures up this weekend!!!!

Have a great night!!!!
ANichols wrote:
I do know that it may sound silly to say that we love her so much already, but we do!!!! Just to look at her walking around the house, or flying down the stairs brings an instant smile to our faces!

Sounds about right to me!
Hi from downunder and welcome to the world of sheepie hugs and kisses - you never love another dog like you love your sheepies!!!!! :D
you did a great thing angel wings coming your way.. love the name
Happy days to you and Agatha :D
I just love the name Agatha 8) Congrats on your new girl!!
Congrats!! :D
ANichols wrote:

I do know that it may sound silly to say that we love her so much already, but we do!!!! Just to look at her walking around the house, or flying down the stairs brings an instant smile to our faces!

I adopted my Patch in November 2002, and I still love to just watch her walk out in the yard and smell the flowers or bark at the neighbor dog over the fence or roll around on her back in the morning when she first wakes up, etc etc. She is my heart. Congrats and I hope Agatha brings as much joy to your family as Patch has to mine.
CONGRATULATIONS!! She sounds wonderful - you sound wonderful too. I live in Tennessee also and as far as I know only one other person in Clarksville (population 130,000) has an OES - so not a lot around here. How about your part of the state???
Hi there MonaLisa! And hello to all of you!

I think that besides myself, and Ingrid, and you, that I am the only one in this area of TN (Knoxville) that has an Sheepdog!!!! I honestly have not seen one yet since I have been here! Well, I take that back, the wonderful woman that did my home inspection lives nearby and she is a proud owner of a few of them! So besides that, no one else!

She is doing great! I was having a problem with her eating that one day, but in the evening she wolfed down her food, so I guess she just wasnt hungry. I wish I had that sort of self control!

We went to the vet yesterday to get her established with her. She did great! She got right in the car, and rode very well. The only thing was that when we got there, she wouldnt get out of the car! So, one of the vets was walking by, and there I am with my cane, and purse, and a rather stubborn sheepie!!! Luckily, she picked Agatha up for me and once her feet hit the ground she was fine for the rest of the visit! She was the star of the office, and everyone said how beautiful she was. I think that she was given about ten treats while we were there!!!

She weighs 47.9 lbs, and is very healthy. The vet tech helped me clean her ears, and clipped her toenails. She does have hookworms, but we got some medicine for her, and she took it last night. The vet gave me some wet food to give her the medicine in (its a powder) and I was certain that she wouldnt like it. Wouldnt you know that after I put the wet food and medicine in the bowl last night, she ate it in 3 seconds flat! Then licked the empty bowl for a few mins! I also wrapped her heartworm pill in the wet food, and she ate that as well!

She is getting better with my husband Greg, and last night when I went to bed, she stayed downstairs with him!

Tonight my parents are comming up from Florida to spend a few days with us, and to meet her! My mom bought out the rest of Petsmart that I didnt buy! So she will be even more spoiled. She also seems a little calmer around the cats, and we will keep working on that.

Well, I have rambled on long enough, but I just wanted to say hello to everyone, and give you an update!

I think on Saturday, I may bring her with us to the MS walk, but I havent decided yet if that will be too much for her. I will see how tonight goes. She helps me walk straight (when we arent tripping over eachother!!!)

Hope everyone is doing well!
Amber and Agatha ( and Greg the hubby, the two cats Emma and Madeline!)
Sheepie2 wrote:
She is my heart.

I know exactly what you mean! 8)

I love the name Agatha! good luck with her.
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