
It's that time of year. Rain, snow, melting snow, rain, wind, rain.....

Anyone have any experience with booties/galoshes on their dog? We have been pretty wet the last couple of weeks and I am thinking about trying some out on my guy. Though when he comes in he is wet from head to toe (me too. it's like following a 18 wheeler on the highway when I walk him. he kicks up enough water to surf on!).

I saw a Gordon Setter with a set on the other day. Had a nice little Clydsdale trot to his step, but didn't seem too happy to have them on.

Funny story, on similar topic. Woman at the dog park was telling me a story about her mother and their OES when she was growing up. Seems when it s\nowed her mother put tube socks held up with rubber bands on the dogs legs. None matching, so the neighbors would see this dog running through the neighborhood with multi-color socks on. Always came home with atl east one missing!
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Check out Shaggy Lamb Boots....

ShaggyLamb is an OES breeder that also makes and sells booties, etc.

I haven't tried them but I've heard people rave about them!

As we have have show dogs , wellies are a must, they are held on with velcro with hard pads for the feet. nearly all show dogs have them its the only way to keep there feet dry and clean after hours spent grooming them.
Bandage tubes make a good substitute but dont coer the pads but keeps the legs clean .
Digby & Bilbo dont mind them at all.
Hope you have ssome luck
I posted about this before but I have put Bernese Moutain Dogs in booties before!

I have 3 pairs of all sizes at my house because in the mornings the grass is always wet and I like their thick hair/fur to stay dry. :)

This is my dog trying to wake up my fiance because she's ready to go outside. As a matter of fact, I think this was taken last Christmas time at his sister's house.

b-eye wrote:
As we have have show dogs , wellies are a must, they are held on with velcro with hard pads for the feet. nearly all show dogs have them its the only way to keep there feet dry and clean after hours spent grooming them.
Bandage tubes make a good substitute but dont coer the pads but keeps the legs clean .
Digby & Bilbo dont mind them at all.
Hope you have ssome luck

Do you have a link to what your dog's have.

Thanks for the replies!
I guess I'll have to start doing something like that too since I'll be showing my girls, I hadn't thought about it... lol
Those things are expensive! I've only seen them in pet specialty stores, and most for bigger dogs are around 100 dollars a set.
B-eye.... what about when it is raining really hard, or in my case, when the snow is flying? How do you prevent them from getting all gross? My girl Dancer is a little princess anyway, she doesn't like it when the ground is wet and will avoid muck and mud at all costs, but Sky! Sky is a little tomboy! She DIVES into the mud and slides like she was the winning home runner!
These are the "kind" I have though mine were from Petco. However, they do not go as high up as someone who has show dogs may like. It would probably just be good for a quick run out for potty and back in. :)

For Great Dane size dogs: $23.99

These are $35 ... 2122923056

One more: $29.98
The only time we use the wellies is i.e before a show, the dogs dont' have them on any other time we just have to do a bit more cleaning when its raining etc, as Digby hasnt seen snow yet I just dont know how bad he will get LOL as I say normally we dont put them on, if it is raining etc the day before a show or on the actual day , yes then they get put on, dont want all the good work going to waste
I saw some waterproof doggie boots with fleece lining and velcro ties at Zellers for only 5.99 a set..... I couldn't find any in large though...
You can get booties on petedge also, for much cheaper, about $10 for 4. The catch is to order from them when you need lots of stuff, because if your order is under $50 you have a surcharge. But as we all know its easy to buy stuff for these guys!
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