A Mad weekend

I'm not even sure what subject to use. Just got off the phone with Sunny. She has some interesting sort of dog related news of her own - I'll let her share if she wants to. It's an adorable story.

The other news I should probably wait to announce till Dawn's (Got Sheep) daughter, LeAnne, is told first, but since they're at a different show, I guess I'm safe that they'll get a phone call before they read this and realize you all knew first :oops: :lol: : Mad Dog has her second breed champion get which means I've bred my second champion:

CH Masquerade Martha Madness - Martha to her friends and that's everyone she meets. She'll now be getting ready to move north to MN to join LeAnne's family and I'm so happy for her and them :yay:

Now I guess Dawn and I will need get serious about the next two....blech, hair, double-blech, grooming. Maybe I can send Mace with someone to PA so Mandy can make her look like an OES again? (How many pitchers of margaritas would that cost me?) :wink:

No, I don't have pictures. I'm sure Dawn will in time though :lol: :lol:

Off to share some icecream with the proud momma dog. Eh, well, one assumes she would be proud if she cared about such things.

Icecream she cares about :wink:

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Congratulations, Martha, Mad, Kristine, Marnie, LeAnne & families!!!

Great job on a quick finish for Martha. :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

I heard, as we were on our way home from our own show this weekend!!

LeAnne ands I are so happy, she can't wait to get that cute Martha over here in MN!!!

After I unpack and download pics, Chewie has his own brag for later too..... :wink:
Congrats to you all! :banana:
I can't imagine all that you guys put into these beautiful babies!
Great work and I know it is!
Can't wait to hear the "Rest of the story"
(does that show my age a touch?)
Hugs all around!
:banana: :yay: :cheer: :go: :excited:
Congrats!!! That's so exciting! :) :cheer: :yay: :high5:
You Lil Rippa WOO HOO well done Martha and of course Mad needs a huge tub of icecream to celebrate her daughters achievement. :wink:

Kristine pop the champagne now well done too as breeder of her and your 2nd Bred champion, always so so so special when it is one that you bred yourself, JOY JOY JOY WOO HOO, well done girls. :banana: :cheer: :kiss:
good going :D
Congratulations everybody!!
Martha is super cute! I'm sure she'll make a great addition to Leanne's family. (And she already knows how to fetch!)

You can send Mace up. I'm sure UPS would love to ship her! Just don't let that Sybil girl get in the box! I know that she and Toby would probably run away from home together like a couple of rebellious teenagers!
Ooh, how exciting (for everyone!)--there was a lot of info in that post! :lol:

Hmm, I wonder if Barney likes ice cream... 8)
Maxmm wrote:
You can send Mace up. I'm sure UPS would love to ship her! Just don't let that Sybil girl get in the box! I know that she and Toby would probably run away from home together like a couple of rebellious teenagers!

Damn!! There goes that plan! :P

Shortly after I first met Marnie she bought a very cute little masked puppy bitch from another breeder. It was my job to raise her. She was naughty and I was clueless, so, of course, Marnie spent most of her time wanting to strangle both of us (Dana was so much like Sybil - scary 8O ) Roughly around that time I met a woman who owned one of Belle's cousins - Jean TeWinkle; one of a small handful of people to put an Obedience Trial Championship on an OES. When things got really bad I'd warn Jean that if she got a Fedex box delivered with holes in it, she'd know what to do.... :lol: :lol:

I'll get Mace boxed up as soon as I vacuum the cedar chips out of her coat. Her newest hobby is rolling around in them then coming in to shed them throughout the house. :evil: :evil: I talked to Dawn last night and she noted Chewie has a similar prediliction... :roll:


Kristine :D
WooHoo!! Good going!
Congratulations :D
Haha - I now have the perfect opening for Chewie and the wood chips. The picture is only his head, but I know you can all imagine what the REST of him looked like as well........


Yes he was being a little squirrely boy and I had to hold his chin still to get the picture....and stop him from shedding chips all over the house.
CONGRATULATIONS EVERYONE!!! :banana: :cheer: :yay:
Oh my, that's wonderful news!! Congrats to everyone!!

Dawn - that pic of Chewie is funny since I don't have to get the chips out or vacuum them up. :lol:
Oh, I thought the wood chips where the natural part of a sheepies coat. I am always picking them up off of Violet. :lol:
violet wrote:
Oh, I thought the wood chips where the natural part of a sheepies coat. I am always picking them up off of Violet. :lol:

Oh, they are!They're just frowned upon in the breed ring. Especially since the chips decompose over time and the resulting compost is fertile ground for pine tree seeds to take hold and it's hard for the judge to see the dog for all the trees... :wink:

Breed trivia: there is a reason the origin of our breed has remained so hazy. For many years many of us have suspected the breed of having super-natural powers. Thanks to my Scandinavian contacts and prompted by living with Sybil, I have finally been able to track down a picture of one the less wellknown forebears of our breed:

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Image:Theo ... oll%29.jpg

Kristine 8)
Bad one Kristine, very bad :lol:

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

although, there is a certain resemblence..........
got sheep wrote:
although, there is a certain resemblence..........

Ya think? :P

Come on - you know you're looking at family! :lol: :lol:

Congrats! :D
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