Lowest Ambient Temp That OES are Comfortable?

What's the lowest temp sheepies are confy? Lennon and Sofa stay outside if the weather is sunny, but it's getting cold out there. What's the lowest temp they can be outside safely if they have a house and a place to cover from snow and rain? They sleep inside at home, an usually they are not left outside if it's too cloudy or too windy, but they have more fun outside,
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I've heard several times that it is too cold when the temp. goes anything below freezing. Above that, they can do fine if they have an insulated shelter to block the wind and provide some warmth ...they really "can handle" a lot if they have a thick coat.
My boy has perked up since the temps have dropped below 40 F and was REALLY excited and bouncy this morning on our walk when it was 20 F. Would think any extended time outside at the cold temps is up to the toleration of the specific dog.
They would probably stay out as long as you let them - without having the sense that it was too cold.

Here's some "Cold Weather Tips" from the ASPCA...

http://www.aspca.org/site/PageServer?pa ... oldweather

Other sites recommend not leaving dogs outside in below freezing temps.

Frostbite is also a problem - particularly with toes, ears, etc. and metal collars can cause burning around the neck when they become cold.

I remember someone saying if it's too cold for you to stay outside - it's too cold for your dog! If the dogs are used to the cold - they probably can tolerate it more.

How cold does it get where you are Saul?

I hope they love the cold...We get really cold up here! Last winter we had a stretch of -40. So far the cold hasn't bothered Nab. She seems happier the colder it gets. We have a dog door so she can come and go during the day and she sleep in our room at night. What she does do is goes out during the evening and sleeps on the driveway, I think to cool off. I've walked across it some night to take out recycling and come in with frozen toes (I hate wearing shoes!)

Our first snow was impossible to keep her in! I finally had to close her door and keep her inside so she could thaw out and melt all the snow balls clinging to her. I had to blow dry her 4 times that day. :lol:

Della & Nab
Norman loves the cold and snow. He will lay down while we are outside and get covered in snow. You have to call to him to find him. :roll: He acts really disgusted to have to come into the warmth. He's done it for years and even in his old age he loves laying outside in the snow and cold!
well Jagger LOVES the snow he lays in it,he will lay there chewing on his toys,and mickey seems the same way,but i often worry about their little feet.when they start picking up their feet and have the look of OW!thats cold,i pretty much let them in.Usually they are in by then,but when we are playing and forget time the lifting of the feet reminds me lets go in boys!!
Kristen, it gets about 25F in the early mornings, but it's usually in the upper 30's by the time they are let out, so they never stay outside in freezing temps. We come home for lunch and we check on them, so they are never left out unnatended for a long period. At night it goes in the low 20's sometimes, but they sleep inside so that's no problem

They are very used to extreme temperatures (20-30 in Winter, 90's in the summer) and Lennon seems to get extremely active when it's cold. Sofa enjoys winter more now that the sports a pink sweater to compensate for her thin coat. They love playing in the cold grass and don't like to come in when you call them!

It's not so cold that you could get frostbite, and we ralely get snow :( but I'll look for a blankie to put on the floor for them to keep them isolated just in case.
As it started getting colder here Zoe did not want to go out for any length of time-now that it is below freezing in the morning she will not come in!
14 degrees Monday morning and she was bouncing like tigger all over the yard!
Same with Frank. Soon as it dropped below 20 degrees outside he went nutso outside like he was saying "finally someone turned the air conditioner on!" It was about 35 degrees today and he stayed outside for about 3 hours. I kept checking on him and everytime he would see me come to the door he would lay down and just give me this "please let me stay out here" look.
My pups are the same, they absolutely love to play outside as long as possible, although on Monday it was down to -45 with the windchill, and they didn't even want to stay out long enough to pee!
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